
* Questions revised by JaeKnight


Designer Q&A - Layouts

1. How long have you been designing?

*Checks earliest layout on Marketplace*

Since December 2013, I believe.


2. What do you use to code?

AFF's editor. I just go back and forth with two tabs - one tab on the editor and another drafted page (that I constantly refresh to see my progress).


3. What's your first ever layout? What's your latest layout?

First ever was this (Milktea) which I re-coded to make it mobile-friendly (after making a gallery) so now it looks like this.

Latest layout is Twotuckgom > HERE.


4. Which themes are your strengths?

Shop themes or story chapters. The simple, minimalist kinds.

* Because I own a shop and people go on this site to write/read.


5. Which theme are your weaknesses?

Tiny themes especially with small font sizes. I can't. I don't want to strain my eyes to read and I don't want to squint while making sure I made everything just the way I imagine it to look like. 


6. What's your design style?

Big (or medium) but minimal... if that makes sense. Not too complicated yet not too simple. I usually design layouts that fit my needs (or what I see others might need). But those who use my layouts are always free to add more sections if they wish. 


7. Do you own a layout shop?

Nope. I used to take personalized requests but my layouts either got dumped or rarely get used so I don't think setting up a shop would even be worth it. I'll probably just have random times in the future where I may take suggestions or requests (if I feel like it). I try to code something from time to time though so that I don't forget what it feels like to code (and the codes themselves).


8. Do you work for a layout shop?

Nope. Refer to number 7.


9. Are there any coders you look up to?

Veelah, JaeKnight, d-tsuga, vigour, and unfinishe to name a few.


10. What's your favourite layout to date?

Hmm, I don't think I really have a favorite one. But I definitely like the more recent, more complex looking ones than the earlier creations.


11. What's your least favourite layout to date?

The earlier creations.


12. How long does it usually take for you to finish a layout?

Most of the time, it takes me two days. However, it depends on how complex I end up coding (or how lazy/distracted I am).


13. Do you have a portfolio/website?

❊ Visual Illusions ❊ ║ Layouts ║ 

^ I post most of my layouts there. 'Most' because others are just images found on the archive that don't have stand alone chapters.


14. Are your layouts priced?

Yep, mostly because I factor in time and effort. 


15. Do you do mobile friendly? How did you learn?

Since 2016, I try to code most of my layouts mobile-friendly. Of course, there will always be times when it gets challenging so I don't end up making them mobile-friendly. 

I learned from veelah. She pushed me to try coding mobile-friendly themes. Being the gullible goldfish, I took the bait.




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we both get inspired on this community and so happy for that :) continue making beautiful posters and graphics :)
pizap were the daaaaazee hahaha XD and so true about the pros and cons on pixlr lol
I thought you weren’t gonna post thiss
I died with the 20-people request—
I’m flattered, Ann T^T thank you <3

And I really like your layouts as well, bc they’re all well themed and mobile friendly ! And I still don’t understand how Rivendell’s foreword is still in full screen with AFF’s updated scripts @_@ I need to do some research lol. Good thing you took the bait :D

You know, it always slip my mind you’re a Triple S (bc I was too if you remember hehe)! And where’s the trailer Q&A? jkjk i read your statement
me see Jongdae, me likey <3
It's amazing how you're still designing and making layouts for years (and for free). And of course we'll always be proud of everything we make/create ourselves!