〔 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄 𝟏𝟎𝟏 〕주재웅 ✦ dancer

replace with fc
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

birthname. Joo Jaewoong

— Woongie | shorten of his name
— Fennec Fox Jr. | nickname given by fans as he and Yeonoh looks like fox, junior because he is the younger one

birthdate. March 27, 1997
birthplAce. Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean

— Korean | fluent | mother tongue
— Japanese | conversational | learned when he trained under his previous company
— English | basic | learned from school and previous company but he is really bad at it

replace with fc

faceclaim. a.c.e's kim junhee
backup fACECLAIMS.  
+ pentagon's hongseok
+ svt's wonwoo
+ onf's wyatt


— On foot Jaewoong is 180cm tall and weight 62 kg.
— Overall Jaewoong has a very sharp appearance. Sharp nose, sharp jawline, sharp eyeshape. Jaewoong appearance itself shows how intimidating he is without even speaking. Beside his naturally intimidating appearance, Jaewoong is pretty clean. He has no piercing or tattoo, just some buirse from dance routine he practice before.
— Jaewoong has black hair like Jun Take Me Higher era where he brushes back sloppily eveytime

fashIOn stYle.

— The clothes Jaewoong wears the most is actually his training clothes. He has never pay too much attention on what he wears to be honest. He likes to make it simple so he able to to move freely. It susually some plain shirt and jeans.

replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

+  ) strong-willed, hardworking, reliable, loyal
o  ) inflexible, perfectionist
-   ) insensitive, selfish, attention-seeker, insecure

strong-willed & hardworking
Once Jaewoong says he will, you have to use all your might to stop him. Jaewoong is someone who is true to his own word. He somehow always know that he must be capable to get or reach the goal he set in the begining. He isn't a reckless decision maker anyway. So even when he has to face many difficulties he will stand by hi belief until it is proven that he is wrong.

insensitive & selfish
Insensitive or more like forcing himself to not care about what people think or feel, he always feel like he spends so much energy to deal with his own problem that he has nothing left to deal with others. He usually stays silent whenever the mood goes sour as he want to block it out from his system. This part of him particularly appear whenever he feels upset. On the side note though, if Jaewoong care about what you feel and think, then you means more to him more than he willing to admit (like what happen to his trainee friends from his previous company, including Yeonoh).

attention seeker & insecure
Jaewoong is the type of person that makes you feel his mood instead of the other way around. He has this dark and intimidating aura around him whenever he is upset and one cannot not feeling that. This might be the attention Jaewoong accidently get from his usual behavious. But in general, he loves it when people feeds his ego with compliment and/or when people acknowledge his potential. It helps him to cope up with his insecurity. that keep on growing inside him. One of the insecurity that keep on bothering him is the one about his future, Eversince curse on him and his dream and also the fact that he failed on debut once, it just grows inside him. 

reliable & loyal
Jaewoong might look like someone who will cut you into half with all his bad habit but he is also someone you can rely to. He might spat at you when you made mistake but he will also stay until late with you to help you out. He won't leave you, it just that he uses a rough way to bring you there. To rely on someone you need to trust them, right? And being loyal is one of the most important thing Jaewoong does. Once you and Jaewoong click, he will stick to you forever. He literally will do everything for you eventhough he won't openly admit it. The only way to get rid of him is to betray him or get him really really upset, which is not recommended.

inflexible & perfectionist
Jaewoong is not the type of person that is open to way to much opition. Sure he is willing to try something new or challenging but he will only takes the one that he can takes care of. He holds a high standard about himself, he want everything to be neat and prefect. If he takes a challenge then it got to end nicely. This is also why he is so hard on himself (and sometimes people around him) he want everything to go up his standard. 

bAckground. Jaewoong had always like dancing, it started as a hobby at first but it turned into a real deal after Jaewoong joined a dance academy (which was just for fun at first). hearing about this newly found dream, Jaewoong's father wasn't really happy about it. It has never been his father's intention when he let Jaewoong joined the academy (which by the way half heartedly). Dancer wasn't not a job with stable income and it was only for someone who wasn't smart, his father always thought, but Jaewoong insisted that dancer was a great job and it was for him. Like father like son, they are both super stubborn with their opinion so they, of course, got into a lot of fight. The argument grew from Jaewoong's dream of being a dancer to every little mistake they did on daily basic. It also varied from pointing finger at each other to treating like the other wasn't in the room.

Despite his father being openly against his dream and the fact that he was no longer in the dance academy because of his father, Jaewoong's dream still grew bigger. It was all because this one hyung he met on the academy, Kyungwoo. Jaewoong sneaked out at night to meet Kyungwoo a lot. Kyungwoo would teach the dance lesson from the academy to Jaewoong whenever they met. They also talked about their dream in between. Kyungwoo had always want to be an idol and listening to him end up making Jaewoong wanted to go on the same path as Kyungwoo.

And it happened, Jaewoong got into the same company as Kyungwoo and even got into the same soon-to-debut group with the older. Jaewoong moved in with Kyungwoo and his other member, Yeonoh. It was all good, no more fight with his father as he wasn't live under the same roof and he could dance everyday. But their debut was postponed once and then twice and by the end of 2018, his company went bankrupt.

It took 2 month for Jaewoong to finally found a new company to join. He did ask his other team-mate to join him but only Yeonoh was joining him. Kyungwoo decided to just enlist as he lost hope. His other team-mate, refused and said he need a break. With new company, and a rumor that new produce 101 was opening an audition, Jaewoong and Yeonoh went back to chase their dream!



— Gets everything done
— Have everything under control
— Attention; being a maknae for a year is enough for him to realize how good attention is
— Someone holding his hand; he actually hate to admit it but it calm him nerves
— Cat; he is a cat person
— Cold beverage; no particular reason, it just taste better this way


— Frog; he can handle ghost and scary stuffs but not this slimmy animal
— Summer; it usually too hot to dance with this amount of heat but he has no other choice
— A long list of food he choose not to eat: onion, pickle, cucumber, etc
— Someone looking down at him
— Someone who refuse to cooperate with him
— When he found himself being overly clingy to Yeonoh (or his other hyungs or maybe his future pd101 friends)


— Dancing and choreographing
— Re-arrange his stuffs; he loves it when everything is clean and neat


— Giving his team-mate some of his food because he definitely can't finish them all
— Chew his under lip whenever he is nervous or thinking hard
—  Accidently glare at someone


— failing; it started when he realize that his father will probably see him on tv, and the 'what if his father do this and that' start to creep up in his head
— frog; Jaewoong had a bad dream about giant frog chasing him when he was a kid and the fear somehow stays


— Quick at mastering a dance; the detail of the dance is the one that takes more time for him to master
—  First aid; he naturally learn how to treat injuried person as his previous company provide very little support
— Making everyone feels intimidated without doing much


— His relationship with his father gets worse after he moved out.
— His father doesn't know about his group and even aout him joining produce 101, only his mother knows it
— Jaewoong can't even remember when did the last time he talks to his father
— He can't even remember when did the last time he went home, he knows he'll see his father if he went home so he choose to not
—  Jaewoong has a soft spot for all his hyungs from previous company he trained at and all this hyungs definitely have one for him too
— They also know how to handle Jaewoong's habit and personality
— So please come to Yeonoh when Jaewoong is being too much
—  Maybe our future national leader somehow know how to handle Jaewoong
—  He is a picky eater and no one can force him to eat what he dislike
— Injured his waist back when he trained under his past company, he hates to admit that he cried really hard because of it
—  Part of him blames it to Yeonoh for bringing his baby side out of him when it happened
— Taewoong is the only other mmo trainee tfrom season 2 that he knows as the other left before he joined but they are not that close

Jaewoong WOULD SAY...

— "me. let me try"
— "you know what, maybe you need to listen to me"
— [ glares at everyone from the other side of the room ]
— "Yeonoh hyung"
— "do you want this? i'm not that hungry"
— [ raises his hand again to offer himself to be the center ] 
— "do you really want to sleep? our choreo is not even that good yet!"


replace with love int

— close friends | Choi Kyungwoo / 1994 / currently serving in military /  fc: mvp's kanghan / 9 out of 10

Kyungwoo is basically the person that trap Jaewoong in this idol path and Jaewoong actually adores him and his full-spirit personality. But after failing to debut due to the company condition, Kyungwoo decided to take a break and serves in military. Jaewoong can see how stress Kyungwoo was as he was the leader of the group and was always the one who pull the boys together whenever the company postponed their debut, so Jaewoong let him be.

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— close friends | Lee Yeonoh / 1995 / MMO trainee, joining produce along with Jaewoong /  fc: spectrum's minjae / 9 out of 10

Kyungwoo might be the one who knows Jaewoong the longest but the person who is the closest to Jaewoong in the team is probably Yeonoh. Yeonoh is probably the only sane person in this universe that refer Jaewoong as baby. He would hold Jaewoong's hand and gives the taller a pat just because Jaewoong is his baby. And the best part of this is that Jaewoong doesn't mind it at all and even tplay along with him. 

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— close friends | Lee Daeguk / 1995 / part-time waiter at a cafe /  fc: onf's hyojin / 7 out of 10

One of the most upbeat members along with Yeonoh. But Daeguk found it hard to casually has a chat with Jaewoong whenever they are alone without the other. They do know the good and bad side of each other due to being stuck together for the whole year though, they just not that that close. Daeguk currently working at cafe while trying out some audition.

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— close friends | Yoon Hajin / 1996 / jobless tbh /  fc: madtown's lee geon or lee woo / 8 out of 10

Jaewoong and Hajin get along rather quickly. Hajin has similar way of thinking with Jaewoong, he is just more on the laid back side. The fact that they are both maknae line probably plays some part on their relationship.
Hajin currently focus on building his soundcloud.


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STAGEname. Jaewoong (재웅) ; his real name, he want it to feel real and close to him so he use his real name
PLOTLINE. dancer
TALENT TWIN. monsta x's hyungwon (this, this)
COMPANY NAME. MMO Entertaiment


— 1.5 years under HH Ent. : 6 months under MMO


— Jaewoong at first get into HH Entertaiment with the help of Kyungwoo as at that time they need more trainee to fcomplete their line up. Jaewoon actually enjoyed every bits of the trainee life at first but as things went down hill, he and the other started to feel desperate.

In all honestly, Jaewoong felt like MMO is his savior when the accept him through audition but as time goes by, maybe he is trapped in another not so nice company?

Previous experience. 

— He was part of a dance academy so you can find some of his old dance cover videos on youtube
— Final line up for HH Ent.'s first boygroup but didn't end up debut.

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Introduce yourself.

— He bows slightliy before start to introduce himself "Hello, i'm MMO's trainee Joo Jaewoong" 

Why did you choose produce 101?

"I want to show everyone what i can do, and seeing my company seniors i can't help but wonder whether i can shine like them. So me and Yeonoh hyung decided to try the same path" 

Are you confident in yourself?

"yes i am", a thin smile appears on his face, "i mean i have to"

What if produce 101 have a new concept? Would you still want to join?

"yes, of course. i'll....do anything to chase my dream"

What is your specialty?

— "i'm a pretty good dancer", he replies shortly

What is your hope and goal?

— He hums softly, "i think i'll have similar answer as Yeonoh hyung. We talk about it a lot. I want to get a huge step closer to my dream, to finally debut and perform in front of a lot of people"

What song did you choose for your first evaluation performance?

— They honestly struggled to decided what and how to perform. they end up with "Bang Bang" (which is a bad decision)
Jaewoong as Shownu; Jaewoong nailed it, eventho his voice didn't stand out that much.
Yeonoh as Kihyun; Yeonoh made a mistake on the last part and he didn't get to show his powerful voice

comments. i present you that one boy who is greedy for center position idk i feel like i added too much negative trait;;
password. Jaewoong wanted to try the #1 but Yeonoh was like "no" and pulls Jaewoong to sit next to him

— Jaewoong snaps at someone yayyy
— or just Jaewoong being the bad guy in general
— mother Yeonoh and son Jaewoong moment.



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Hello hello! Thank you so much for applying!
I've reviewed all and I think that Jaewoong is an interesting character! It must be hard for him since his father was against him.
But, hopefully he'll get through the show!!

Jaewoong is accepted!
Please check the trainee list later!