Style of the story

# 1

The story is 90% in the same style as the original drama, written by scriptwriter Song Jae-Jung.

- A story that progresses rapidly without time-out.
- No unnecessary or filling scenes.
- Use of secondary scenes to clarify the plot, the rendering of the characters, present a rich content in itself.
- Frequent and surprising twists and turns, major plot-twists. Cliffhangers almost omnipresent.
- Sequences of events that are impossible to predict.
- An important depth on the psychological and existential levels.
- Many cult scenes.
- Chilling scenes that give you goose bumps, because of their mysterious or grandiose side.
- Jubilant, two-way conversations, surrealist, due to the "mise en abîme".
- Strong and sincere emotions, as in all dramas.
- Romances and poignant situations to break your heart.
- Action, suspense and a good dose of horror.
- A story that crosses the boundaries of Imagination.

# 2

The specificities of season 2 are as follows...

- The respect of the rules of the manhwa of the season 1.
- Exposition of a coherent interpretation of the phenomena encountered during the season 1.
- More explanations, reinforcing the logical side of the story.
- New rules and unknown phenomena derived from the universe of W.
- A very strong cohesion from beginning to end, resembling a gigantic puzzle.
- A tangle of situations and meanings overlapping over the entire plot.
- More puzzles and complexity, testing the brain.
- A little more comedy scenes.
- A focus on several main characters, rather than a main duet.
- A plot that goes crescendo from beginning to end.
- A more spectacular side.
- Some situations bordering on the limit of what is usually shown in a Korean drama.
- Some situations that can be quite harsh or disturbing, but without any mature content.
- A decidedly more advanced orientation, to compensate that Season 1 already established the basic concept.
- An original and complete development of the W universe, rather than a simple extension.
- A story that goes beyond imagination. ^^ 


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