cattogom • cat


ณัฐนิชา บัญเกิดรถ

BIRTHNAME. natnicha bunkoetrot ณัฐนิชา บัญเกิดรถ


ꨄ︎ bang yeonseo 방연서 + her korean name in courtesy of her korean friend, ever since, she will gives this name if others asking for her korean name.


ꨄ︎ snow + more than nickname, this is the name that she goes by since she was a child, given by her parent, used by everyone.

ꨄ︎ snowy, snowfrost, snowflake + some variation of her name, used by members, close friends and fans. snowfrost and snowflake are also the names of her prominent fansites in social media.

ꨄ︎ banatna + a combination of banana and her birthname. she has a HEALTHY obsession with banana since she was a child. exclusively used by her older brother.

ꨄ︎ snow-bot + used by several instructor and yang hyunsuk himself due to her lack of expression during performances.

ꨄ︎ e2w's or sunbeam's chill-girl-next-door / cold-girl-next-door / icy-girl-next-door + she is known for her chill girl image in the fandom, this is what the fans called her. sometimes, the editor of their variety show will also edited this name in when she appeared on the screen.

ꨄ︎ little sister of the nation + used by thailand fans in general. they take pride on thai idol who went to debut in korea. she gets a huge support from her home country.


BIRTHDATE. july 25th, 1998

BIRTHPLACE. phra pradaeng, samut prakan, thailand

HOMETOWN. lamphun, thailand




ꨄ︎ thai + fluent, it's the language of her upbringings and surroundings. 100%

ꨄ︎ english + fluent, she went to international school, given her innate language talent and interest, she easily master the language. 90%

ꨄ︎ korean + conversational yet it's her worst language mastery at the moment. she's studying and practicing the language diligently, so worry not, she will definitely catch up! 50%


FACECLAIM. plearpichaya komalajun / actress

BACKUP. tontawan tantivejakul / actress

HEIGHT. 169cm

WEIGHT. 51kg (healthy weight)


APPEARANCE. just like the faceclaim, snow posses a natural appearance that captivates attention. with her half thai, half chinese singaporean heritage, her almond-shaped eyes and single-eyelids, accentuated by long, dark lashes. her ebony black hair cascades in waves or falls in sleek strands around her face, framing her soft and feminine feature. and her sun-kissed skin showcasing her southern-east asia heritage.


while she may not conform to everything in the korean netizens' conventional beauty standards, she offers a refreshing departure from the norm.


STYLE. snow's fashion style reflects her tomboyish nature, blending practicality and simplicity. she opts for attire that allows her freedom of movement and comfort, favoring practical clothing over frills of extravagance. snow often be seen in a oversized t-shirt, fitted shirt, flannel shirt and a varsity jacket paired with shorts, fitted jeans and loose pants. her footwear choice leans toward sturdy boots or sneakers. she wears simple watch and a leather bracelet, often with a cap and a headphone. side note, she suffered through her first winter season in korea, eversince, she had bought few padded jackets to battle against the cold weather.


she prefers a natural look with minimal makeup. her hair is typically kept at short or medium-length cut, she often leave her hair down for ease or tie it back in a ponytail and messy bun when she's focused on tasks.

baby i would die for you


istp, ravenclaw, chaotic good, type 6 wing 5

positive  analytical, resourceful, independent, observant

neutral  reserved, detached, risk-taker, introverted

negative  stubborn, distrustful, overly critical, impatient


snow... she's a bit mysterious but captivating. people have different opinions about her, which adds layers to her personality. a year ago, when snow first arrived in korea and ultimately, yg entertainment, her quiet and guarded nature made some people thinks she was unfriendly. but that was because she wasn't confident in her language skills. now, things are different. people who have befriended her, worked with her, or simply acquintainted with her while being trained in yg entertainment have realized that snow's reserved demeanor doesn't mean she's unfriendly.


people have seen that she's actually quite confident, they can see it in the way she carries herself. even though she doesn't seek attention, there's something about her presence that draws you in. she moves with quiet charisma, showing her inner strength with every step. she doesn't need to be loud to make an impact. she's like the calm force in the room, making them take notice without even trying.


snow's personality is like a complicated puzzle made up  of lots of different traits, some good and some not so good. people who know her well say she's analytical and is really good at figuring things out. she's got a sharp mind that's great at solving problems and finding smart solutions. snow is resourceful, she can tackle tricky tasks and come up with new ideas on the spot. she's really good at making the most of what she's got and finding creative ways to get things done.


snow is really independent, which means she likes to do things her own way instead of following what everyone else is doing. she's all about being self-sufficeient and not relying on others too much. snow is also observant, she pays close attention to what's going on around her. she's really good at noticing things that other people might miss, which helps her make smart choices and understand what's happening.


but snow isn't just about good stuffs, she has some neutral traits which ranging in-between positive and negative. she tends to keep her feelings and thoughts to herself, her reserved demeanor makes her seem a bit distant to others. while this can be helpful, it also makes it hard for people to really get to know her. also, because she has a reserved communication skill, she might not express herself clearly, especially when it comes to emotions. she likes to keep things practical and doesn't enjoys small talk or showing her feelings, which can make it hard for people to really understand her. snow deals with things in a calm and detached way, focusing more on logic than emotions. this helps her stay cool-headed, but sometimes others might see her as not caring much.


her other neutral traits, like being introverted and cautious approach to risk-taking. she's not scared to take risks, but she does it cautiously. while some might see as brave, others might still think she's being too reckless. for instance, when she decided to go to korea by herself to become a trainee. snow's intoverted by nature, so she likes being alone or with a few people rather than in a big groups. being by herself helps her feel better, even though some might think she's being distant or not interested.


snow's stubbornness and distrust can cause problems when she interacts with others. she's really stubborn, especially when she's sure she's right about something. this can lead to arguments with people who have different opinions. snow is also cautious and doesn't trust others easily, especially when she feels unsure or vulnerable. this makes it hard for her to make close friends and work well with them until they've proven their innocence with a legit proofs.


snow's high standards and tendency to be overly critical, while showing her commitment to doing things well, can push people away if they don't meet those standards. even though she aims fot excellence, her critical way of looking at things can seem unkind to others. additionally, her impatience can cause friction, as she expects others to keep up with the pace or meet the standards quickly. she often becomes frustrated when things don't move as fast as she would like, or when others don't understand certain concepts or roles they have to play immediately. this impatience can lead to misunderstanding and tensions, as her high expectations can be difficult for others to meet.


in summary, snow's personality is akin to the delicate and intricate structure of a snowflake. initially, like a snowflake's simple appearance, she may seem reserved and unassuming. however, upon closer examination, one finds the intricate patterns and unique details that make each snowflake remarkable. likewise, as people delve into understanding snow, they uncover the complexities and nuances of her personality that make her truly herself.



born in phra pradaeng, samut prakan, thailand, snow's early years were shaped by the bustling energy of the crowded city and close bond with his older brother, who was five years above her. with a dentist father and a mother dedicated to teaching, their demanding careers often left little time for quality family moments. recognizing the need for stability and care, snow's parents made the decision to send her and her older brother, to live with their grandparents in the tranquil town of lamphun.


in the embrace of her nurturing grandparent, snow had got herself a memorable childhood, especially with her older brother. their bond was forged through countless adventures and playful escapades, with snow eagerly following his lead. immersed in a world of outdoor exploration and rough-and-tumble play with her brother and his friends, snow developed a tomboyish personality, unafraid to tackle challenges head on and embrace the thrill of adventure.


however, as she entered the realm of formal education and began attending school, snow's tomboyish demeanor clashed with the expectation of her peers. feeling out of place and unable to fully connect with her classmates, she retreated into herself, becoming reserved and introspective in social settings. despite her reserved nature, snow found an outlet for self-expression and belonging through her newfound passion for dance.


at the age of 14, joining a dance cover crew in thailand, snow discovered a sense of purpose and belonging on the dance floor. her raw talent and dedication lef her to be featured in a dance-based tv shows, where she captivated audiences with her electrifying performances. despite the challenges she faced in navigating social dynamics at school, snow found confidence and fulfillment in the rhythm and movement of dance.


it was through her dance that snow caught the attention of yg entertainment, a renowned entertainment company in south korea. a message on social media offered her the opportunity of a lifetime: a chance to pursue her dreams in the world of k-pop. despite her parents' initial objections, her brother and grandparent stood by her side, recognizing her talent and determination.


there were ups and downs, arguments and consolations, her parent finally relented after several those discussions and in-depth talks on her passion and the potential for personal fulfillment in pursuing the entertainment world in south korea. armed with resiliences, support and encouragement of her family, she ventured into the unknown, ready to chase her dreams and carve out her place in the fiercely competitive world.




ꨄ︎ music + she has a deep appreciation for music, drawn to their rhythmic beats and powerful lyrics that often resonate with her experiences.

ꨄ︎ exercice + as it is a significant role in her daily routine and overall lifestyle. she finds fulfillment in various forms of physical activities.

ꨄ︎ animals + she is a big animal lover. she often volunteers at a local animal shelter since pre-debut, and has a soft spot for stray cats and dogs.

ꨄ︎ exploring new cultures + she has a curious and adventurous spirit, always eager to learn about different cultures, traditions and customs, whether through travel or cultural events.

ꨄ︎ quiet moments of solitude + despite her love for dance, she values quiet moments of solitude which allow her to recharge and reflect her thoughts.

ꨄ︎ trying our different cuisines + she enjoys exploring the diverse world of cuisine, delighting flavors and textures of dishes from various cultures.

ꨄ︎ art galleries and exhibitions + she enjoys exploring art galleries and exhibitions, finding inspiration in the creativity and expression of various artists.

ꨄ︎ late-night walks + she finds peace and serenity in the quiet of the night. late-night walks gives her chances to clear her mind.

ꨄ︎ watching sunsets + she finds beauty and tranquility in watching sunsets, appreciating the serene moments as the sun dips below the horizon.

ꨄ︎ cozy cafes + she loves spending time in cozy cafes, sipping on her favorite beverages and indulting in delicious pastries.

ꨄ︎ her favorite beverages + iced americano, fruit smoothies, banana smoothie, banana frappucino, thai milk tea, peppermint hot chocolate

ꨄ︎ her favorite pastries + banana bread, banana muffins, banana cream pie, croissants, red bean buns, custard-filled pastries



ꨄ︎ crowded places + she feels overwhelmed in crowded places, preferring quieter environments where she can move freely and comfortably.

ꨄ︎ unfairness or injustice + she has a strong sense of justice and fairness, and dislikes situations where people are treated unfairly and unjustly.

ꨄ︎ being told what to do without explanation + she prefers to understand the reasoning behind decisions or instructions.

ꨄ︎ excessive noise or chaos + she finds it hard to focus or relax in environments with excessive noise or chaos.

ꨄ︎ being rushed + she dislikes feeling rushed or pressured, preferring to take her time and approach tasks at her own pace.

ꨄ︎ disorganization + she dislikes disorder and chaos, preferring orderliness and structure in her surrounding

ꨄ︎ strong scents + she dislikes overpowering and artificial scents, preferring subtle and natural fragrances.

ꨄ︎ overcooked vegetables + she dislikes overcooked vegetables, preerring them to be crisp and flavorful

ꨄ︎ clutter + she dislikes clutter and excess belongings, preferring minimalist and tidy living spaces.

ꨄ︎ cold showers + she dislikes cold showers, preferring warm showers to start and run her day on a comfortable note.



ꨄ︎ reading mystery novels + she enjoys immersing herself in the intricate plots and suspenseful twists of mystery novels. 

ꨄ︎ cooking thai dishes + she takes pleasure in experimenting with thai cuisine, cooking up traditional dishes and adding her own twists to the recipe especially since some ingredients are hard to find while in korea.

ꨄ︎ hiking in nature + she finds solace and serenity in nature, she enjoys explore the scenic trails and reconnect with the natural world.

ꨄ︎ gardening + in the confined quarters of e2w's dorm, she selects compact plants that thrive in containers, such as herbs and plants commonly used in thai cooking, thai basil, lemongrass, kaffir lime, thai chilies and coriander.

ꨄ︎ diy projects + she loves getting creative with do-it-yourself projects, whether it's refurbishing furniture or crafting handmade gifts.



ꨄ︎ tapping her foot to the beat of a song + her rhythmic nature extends beyond the dance floor, often finding her tapping her foot or fingers to the beat of a song.

ꨄ︎ organizing her belongings meticulously + she is known for her meticulous attention to detail, often organizing her belongings with precision and care.

ꨄ︎ checking her phone for messages frequently + she is diligent about staying connected with others, frequently checking her phone for messages and updates.

ꨄ︎ daydreaming during quiet moments + despite her reserved nature, she has a vivid imagination and enjoys daydreaming during quiet moments, allowing her mind to wander and explore new ideas and possibilities.

ꨄ︎ daily watering plants routine + she makes it a habit to check on her plants each day, ensuring they receive the right amount of water to thrive.

ꨄ︎ deep breathing exercises + she practices deep breathing exercises to calm her mind and body when overwhelmed with negative emotions.

ꨄ︎ preference for written communication + she prefer written forms of communication, such as text messages, over verbal interactions.

ꨄ︎ avoidant behavior when feeling anger, annoyance, frustration and sadness + she flights rather than engaging in direct confrontation or emotional outbursts.

ꨄ︎ acts of service + she shows her love through cooking the members favorite meal, running errands, and assisting with tasks without being asked.

ꨄ︎ nonverbal communication + while she struggles to express her emotions verbally, she communicates love through nonverbal cues depending on how close their relationships are, such as gentle touches, gentle hugs, and warm smiles.

ꨄ︎ pretends not to understand korean words + it is part of her coping mechanism especially during her early days as a trainee at yg entertainmet

ꨄ︎ occassionally pretends not to hear while wearing her headphones + especially in social settings where she does not desire to be in.

yelps/ i'm sorry, i'm shaking my head at her introverted habits ;;



ꨄ︎ failure to meet expectation + she has high standards for herself and worries about falling short of expectation. if only she knows....

ꨄ︎ being trapped in a confined space + the idea of being confined in a small space evokes feelings of claustrophobia and discomfort.

ꨄ︎ fear of clown + she finds clowns to be more unsettling than amusing, the exaggerated makeup and expressions gives her the creeps. 


special talents

ꨄ︎ dance copying + with years of experience in a dance cover crew in thailand, she's used in copying dance in a short amount of time..

ꨄ︎ songwriting + she is a talented songwriter. drawing inspiration from her personal experiences and emotions, she has a knack for crafting heartfelt lyrics and catchy melodies.

ꨄ︎ multilingualism + growing up in a multicultural environment and attending an international school has prepared her with fluency in multiple languages.

ꨄ︎ origami master + she has a hidden talent for origami, the japanese art of paper folding. she can create intricate origami figures, from delicate cranes to playful animals.



ꨄ︎ her pre-debut viral video from july 17th, 2016 + while she was performing with the dance cover team, named MVP. it spread like wildfire in facebook. this is the video that brought the yg representative to her.

ꨄ︎ her favorite childhood movie is 'the lion king' + this beloved disney classic holds a special place in snow's heart, reminding her of cherished memories from her childhood.

ꨄ︎ her favorite holiday destination is japan + she finds solace and inspiration in the beauty and tranquility of japan, especially its picturesque landscpaes.

ꨄ︎ she enjoys stargazing and often spends nights observing the night sky + she finds peace and wonder in the vastness of the universe.

ꨄ︎ her go-to comfort food is pad thai + this classic thai dish holds a special place in snow's heart, providing comfort and satisfaction during times of stress or fatigue.

ꨄ︎ she had a pet cat named whiskers + her furry companion whom brings joy and companionship into her life, during her school time.

ꨄ︎ she is an avid fan of crime thriller tv series + she enjoys the suspence and intrigue of crime thrillers, often immersing herself in the storylines and characters.

ꨄ︎ her favorite color is midnight blue + the deep, rich hue of midnight blue resonates with snow's calm and comtemplative nature.

ꨄ︎ her bag is always filled with essentials for her busy lifestyle + along with her phone, wallet, and keys, there're notebook and pen for jotting down ideas, a portable charger, a water bottle, a small pouch of suncreen and lips balm, a book for reading, dog food and cat food for the strays.

ꨄ︎ her phone lock screen and wallpaper often stays for a long time + it's either a photo of her with fellow e2w members, a scenic landscape, or an artistic illustration that inspires her.

ꨄ︎ while she is not the most active member on e2w's social media accounts + she occasionally shares photos or videos from dance rehearsals, song covers, or outing with fellow members. she also shares photos and updates of her little herb garden.

ꨄ︎ variety shows she wants to be in with e2w + running man, weekly idol and idol room. as they offer a fun and relaxed atmosphere for idols to shine.

ꨄ︎ she has a daredevil streak and loves seeking our adrenaline-pumping experiences + she wants to try skydiving, rock climbing, white-water rafting and other extreme sports if given the chance.

ꨄ︎ she has a moderate alcohol tolerance + she knows her limits and prefers to drink responsibily. she opts for lighter or sweeter alcoholic beverages. she can tolerates with soju but doesn't like the bitter taste of beer.

ꨄ︎ snow is in the thai k-pop idols circle + they have a group chat together and snow is especially close with lisa from blackpink since they're from the same company. she's also moderately close to clc's sorn, cube trainee minnie, got7's bambam, nct's ten, and sm trainee lucas.

ꨄ︎ when asked about her ideal type + she thinks it's less about specific physical traits and more about the connection and understanding between two people.

ꨄ︎ social account wise + she has an inactive facebook account under the name natnicha bunkoetrot, and an inactive youtube channel nnc_nkt. she doesn't have public accounts for twitter and instagram but she does have a secret twitter account.



ꨄ︎ miracle by qrra

ꨄ︎ oogoe diamond by bnk48

ꨄ︎ happy we day by qrra

ꨄ︎ first rabbit by bnk48

ꨄ︎ sansei kawaii by cgm48

ꨄ︎ eternity by nine by nine

ꨄ︎ 365 nichi no kamihikouki by bnk48

ꨄ︎ booty bomb by 4eve

ꨄ︎ lyra by lyra

ꨄ︎ bye bye by wee weeraya and fond naticha

okay, i know this playlist doesn't sound like snow but i'm listening to my t-pop playlist while making my first ever thai character ;;


snow's incorrect quotes

"i sing in the shower, but i dance in the rain- because who needs an umbrella when you've got a moves like mine?" snow.


"who needs vocal warm-ups when can just dance your heart out? my voice gets its exercise from belting out high notes while busting a move." snow.


"you know, banatna, you're not just a great dancer, you're also an expert at tripping over your own feet." ice.

"hey, it's all part of my unique dance style!" snow.


"you're always hogging the bathroom to practice your vocal exercises." ice.

"well, you're always hogging the kitchen to practice your pancake flipping skills!" snow.


"who's ready to slay our next comeback?" snow.

"i'm ready to slay... the buffet table after rehearsals." jiae.

"leave some food for the rest of us, jiae unnie!" jenna.


"did anyone see my favorite hair tie?" member.

"sorry, i think i accidentally used it to tie up my mic cord during practice." jenna.

"well, at least we know your hair will stay in place during performance." snow.


"i've been practicing some new vocal runs. what do you think?" jiae.

"sounds great! just try not to outshine the rest of us too much, unnie." snow.

"i'll try to keep my vocal acrobatics to a minimum!" jiae.


"hey. have you ever noticed how we're like two peas in a pod?" crush.

"more like two peas on opposite ends of the field." snow.

"well, at least we're still in the same kind of pod, right?" crush.


"have you ever imagined us performing on the stage together?" crush.

"not really, but in my future, you're definitely a part of it." snow.


"ever wonder what it would be like if we had our own reality show?" lisa.

"i think our lives are already dramatic enough without cameras following us the whole damn time." ten.

"true, but think of all the memes we could creat!" bambam.

"..." snow.



'ae' sanya bunkoetrot & 'liya' kathaleeya bunkoetrot

- parents.

snow's relationship with her parents is comolex and shaped by a mix of admiration, distance, and gradual straining. growing up with a dentist father and a teacher mother, snow had parent who were deeply commited to their demanding careers. this commitment often meant that quality family time was limited, which led to snow and her older btother being sent to live with their granparents in lamphun for a more stable and attentive upbringing.


in her early years, snow admired her parents for their hard work and dedication, but she also felt a distance due to their adbsence. this physical and emotional distance shaped her sense of indepence from a young age. her reserved nature was partly a result of learning to rely more on herself and her older brother than on her parent.


as she grew older and pursued her passion for dance, snow's relationship with her parents became more strained due to their initial lack of support for her entertainment career. they were concerned about the uncertainties and risks involved, preferring a more conventional path for her. this difference in expectations led to tension and misunderstanding, especially when snow decided to follow her dreams and join yg entertainment.


as snow progressed in her training and eventually debuted with e2w, her parents began to see the dedication and hard work she put in her career. their initial resistance softened as they witnessed her happiness. though they still have concerns with how things unfolded with e2w, they're showing support for her achievements.


'pisan' phollawat bunkoetrot & 'deuan' kwanrudee bunkoetrot

- grandparents.

when snow and her brother were sent to live with their grandparents in lamphun, it was a significant transition from the bustling city of phra pradaeng. her grandparents offered a nurturing and stable environment, allowing snow to experience a childhood filled with warmth and care.


growing up with her older brother and often playing with his friends, snow developed a tomboying personality. her grandparents encouraged her to be herself, embracing her energetic and adventurous spirit. this supportive atmosphere helped her build confidence and a sense of independence.


as snow discovered her passion for dance, her grandparents were her biggest cheerleaders. they recognized her talent and dedication, providing both emotional and moral support. when her parents were hesitant about her pursuing a career in entertainment, her grandparents stood by her side, encouraging her to follow her dreams.


as snow embarked on her journey with yg entertainment and eventually debuted with e2w, her grandparents continued to be a source of unwavering support. they celebrate her achievements, they're always comforting, making her feel calm and grounded.


'ice' natara bunkoetrot

- older brother.

growing up, snow and ice, or better known as phi ice - phi are used to address someone older - were always close. with their parents often busy with their demanding careers, they relied on each other for company and support. ice, being five years older, naturally took on a protective and guiding role in snow's life.


playing with ice and his friends greatly influenced snow's personality. she often joined their games and activities, developing a sense of adventure and resilience. ice encouraged her to be bold and active, which also helped shape her confident and independent nature.


during times when their parents were skeptical about her career choices, ice often acted as a mediator, understanding both sides and helping to bridge the gap. he was her confidant, someone she could talk to about her dreams and fears, providing her with the reassurance she needed.


their bond remains strong even as snow pursues her career in the competitive k-pop industry. despite the physical distance and busy schedules, they stay in regular contact, sharing updates and offering each other encouragement.


shin jiae

- e2w member.

when snow first joined yg entertainment, jiae was one of the first trainees whom she noticed. but heejoo, who was close to snow at the beginning of her training in yg, didn't like jiae. perhaps heejoo felt threatened or uncomfortable, possibly due to jiae's strong presence, and the attention she garners from others, including snow. let's be real, after blackpink's jisoo, there's jiae, running for the 'miss korea' title in yg.


snow didn't really mind on the inferiority or threat in between them, until she got to debut in the same group with jiae. when e2w began to practice as a group, snow's found her reserved and guarded wall went up again, made it difficult for her to connect with the other members. however, jiae's ability to understand and connect with people on an emotional level had allowed her to see beyond snow's quiet exterior.


jiae's compassionate nature helped snow feel more at ease and understood, gradually breaking down the walls snow had built around herself. she came to appreciate jiae's kindness and reliability as the group's oldest member. snow's observant nature allowed her to notice jiae's strengths and struggles. the struggle we should talk about, was jiae and her two left feet. recognising jiae's dedication despite  her difficulty, snow started offering construtive feedback while swallowing  her frustration. she would take extra time to help jiae after practice too.


as they trained and worked together, their bond strengthened. despite their differences, jiae has earned snow's trust and respect. she is indeed more than just a pretty face.


jenna shin

- e2w member.

snow initially found jenna's vibrant and expressive personality overwhelming, thus she only watched her from a distance. she recognized jenna's strong dance abilities and appreciate her dedication and resiliance, even if she doesn't express it openly. the shin family are surely something else.


being a dancer herself, she couldn't keep to herself longer when their path crossed, snow had to comment on jenna's dancing skills. snow's tendency to be overly critical would sometimes lead to tension, but she said what she had to say, pointing out things that she noticed while respecting the talent and hard work of the younger girl all at the same time.


it was a pleasant surprise to debut together with jenna. jenna's optimism and social nature encouraged snow to open up more. jenna's playful demeanor made snow feel more comfortable expressing herself, even if it's just in small ways. 


although they're not always on the bright side, given snow's impatience and jenna's defiant streak. for instance, snow would get frustrated with jenna's restlessness during long practice sessions, while jenna might feel strifled by snow's critical approach. they always make amend, sooner or later.


song minju (collab with -haruman)

- e2w member.

snow's initial impression of minju was curiosity. she certainly hadn't seen minju until recently, she wondered if minju was another newer trainees, yet everyone seemed to be familiar and held a certain respect toward the younger girl. that was when she learned about minju's situation, what went wrong and how did minju ended up in this fragile condition.


she took note on minju's struggle but kept her distance, unsure of how to approach someone who was visibly distressed and vulnerable. she certainly judged and believed that minju's emotional expressiveness is a form of weakness.


when they were announced to debut together, minju's natural inclination to connect with others eventually resurface, even with someone like snow. snow initially hesitate, unsure how to handle someone as emotionally complex as minju. however, the times they spent together had pushed her to understand minju better, leading her to open up.


facing challenges together, such as intense training sessions and the pressure of upcoming debut, strengthen their bond. getting to know the younger girl, snow ends up offering practical advices and a stable presence for her, providing logical approach for minju as much as she needed, while recovering.


hwan huira (collab with havens)

- e2w members.


when snow and huira first met, snow recognized a kindred spirit in huira. both are analytical, reserved, and driven by a strong sense of independence. so snow, she approached huira with cautious curiosity at first. huira's reputation as the 'gloomy girl' didn't deter snow. instead snow was intrigued by huira's depth and resilience, recognizing the hard-working and organized aspects that mirror her own.


snow, while not inherently empathetic, has learned to understand emotional complexities through her interaction with others. she recognized huira's emotional barriers and approach her with a logical yet supportive attitude. snow would also offer practical advice and constuctive criticism when needed. since both of them love dancing, it would probably be one of their topics too.


over time, snow and huira would develop a strong mutual respect. then, as they spend even more time together, snow and huira would learn to rely on each other's strengths.


huira is 2 years older than her, but snow would be treating her as one of her close friends as well.


'lisa' lalisa manobal, 'ten' chittaphon leechaiyakul, 'bambam' kunpimook bhuwakul, 'sorn' chonnasorn sajakul, 'minnie' nicha yontararak

- the thai squad.

when snow first joined yg entertainment as a trainee, she felt like an outsider due to her reserved nature and the language barriers she faced. meeting lisa, the very soon-to-be-debuted thai idol who had successfully navigated the same challenges, provided her with a sense of comfort and familiarity.


lisa's sincerity and genuine kindness broke down the walls snow had built around her. recognizing the struggles snow faced, lisa offered her guidance and support, sharing her own experiences and tips on how to thrive in the competitive environment of yg entertainment. 


through lisa, snow was introduced and eventually formed close friendships with other thai idols. these relationships provided her with a broader support network and a sense of camaraderie. the thai squad became a second family for snow, offering her both professional advice and personal comfort.


as e2w debut, snow, lisa and the thai squad share a close and supportive friendship. they keep in touch through their group chat despite their busy schedules, offering each other encouragement and advice. 


moon heejoo

- close friend.

snow met heejoo shortly after joining yg entertainment. as a fellow trainee who had been with the company for a longer period, heejoo was familiar with the routines and expectations. she made and effort to reach out and welcome her, she also gave snow the name 'bang yeonseo'. that was more than a practical gesture; it was an act of friendship and support, to help snow feel more at home in a foreign environment.


heejoo helped bridge the cultural and langus that snow faced. she taught snow about korean customs, phrases, and nuances that were essential for day-to-day interactions. both trainees shared the intense experiences of training at yg. late-night practice sessions, shared meals, and moments of both frustration and triumph helped strengthening their bond.


at the debut decision of e2w, the company had to make a decision between snow and heejoo as both having a redundant image with each other, even though heejoo had been around longer. ultimately, snow was chosen to debut with e2w. this decision was a turning point in their relationship, a mix of emotions such as joy, disappointment, and tension.


after snow's debut, the relationship between her and heejoo became awkward. heejoo, despite her happiness for snow's success, couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and disappointment about not making the final cut. heejoo's feelings of inadequacy and snow's guilt over her friend's exclusion created a rift between them.


STAGENAME. snow 스노우 + she goes with the name that she's always associated with.

PLOTLINE. starlight + switch up as back up

POSITION. lead vocal, lead dancer + main dancer, lead vocal as back up

PERSONA. enigmatic snowflake + she embodies a mysterious and captivating aura, much like the delicate beauty and complexity of a snowflake. with her reserved demeanor and quiet confidence, she draws fans in with her enigmatic presence, leaving them intrigued and wanting to know more about her. this is pretty obvious but her official emoji is the snowflake emoji, ❄️!

FANDOM. frosties + this name reflects the icy theme of her stage name and persona while also conveying a sense of unity among her fans, similar to a community of frosty companions gathered around to keep each other warm?


TALENT TWINS. namjoo - apink or jiu - dreamcatcher (for overall talent)


namjoo - dreamcatcher (for vocal) and bomi - apink (for dance) : back up position

TRAINING PERIOD. july 2016 - present (1 year in yg entertainment). 


baby i would die for you


the world had evolved and social media started to bustled like nothing else, where every scroll brings new stories and discoveries, there was a moment that changed everything for snow. it began with a video, a clip of her dancing that captured the attention of thousands, spreading like wildfire across platforms. little that she know, this viral sensation would be the catalyst for a journey beyond her wildest dreams.


among the thousands who watched in awe was a representative from yg entertainment, drawn in by snow's talent and potential. with a click of a button, a message was sent, an invitation extended through snow's facebook account. it was a moment of disbelief and excitement, the beginning of a new chapter she could have never imagined.


stepping into the world of yg entertainment as a trainee on july 2016, snow found herself in a whirlwind of excitement and apprehension. her reserved demeanor and the language barriers she faced created a sense of isolation at first, a feeling of being an outsider in a world where connections and comrades were everything. but deep down, snow knew she belonged here, fueled by a passion that burned brighter than any doubts or fears.


as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, snow threw herself into the rigorous training regimen, honing her skills and pushing herself to a new heights. despite encountering challenges along the way, such as the rigorous dance rehearsals that demanded a change from her familiar style, she embraced the opportunity for growth. shedding old bad habits and embracing change, snow relentless effort paid off as she adapted to the new techniques and expectation.


in addition to the physical demands of dance training, snow faced the unfamiliar territory of vocal coaching sessions. despite lacking formal training in singing, she received encouraging feedback from instructors who recognized her natural vocal talent. with determination as her guiding force, snow approached each vocal session with a  willingness to learn and improve, eager to demonstrate her capabilities and prove herself on this new stage.


throughout her training days at yg entertainment, one piece of feedback snow consistently received was to fix her expression while performing. despite her impeccable dance skills and vocal prowess, instructors often emphasized the importance of emoting and connecting with the audience through facial expression,she often being critiqued for having a default look, described as almost robot-like, during her performances.


along the way, snow found unexpected allies in fellow trainees and even the idol herself, such as heejoo, the soon-to-be e2w members, and lisa, who would debut very soon, she welcomed her with open arms and helped her navigate the unfamiliar terrain of yg entertainment. snow isn't apart of the pinkpunk line up- given that she still have a lot to learn from the company's standpoint. but lisa, sweet lisa, was there with her, as much as she could. through extra late-night practice sessions and shared moments of laughter and encouragment, snow forged bonds with lisa, finding a sense of belonging in a foreign country.


and so, as the weeks turned into months and the months into a year, snow journey at yg entertainment unfolded like a dance, each step bringing her closer to her dreams. from the quiet girl who once felt like an outsider, she emerged as a force to be reckoned with, her talent shining brighter than ever before in just a short one year period. it was during one fateful meeting with yang hyunsuk that her journey took a decisive turn. alongside the other five other girls, snow received the unexpected news of their debut as a new girl group, e2w. the revelation was met with shock, especially with the recent debut of blackpink.



ꨄ︎ member of a dance cover crew in thailand. snow was an active member of a well-known dance crew called MVP, in thailand, showcasing her talent and passion for dance in various performances and competitions, gaining her some fans who will soon support her as e2w member too.

ꨄ︎ featured on dance-focused tv shows. alongside her dance cover crew, snow was featured on several dance-focused tv shows in thailand.



ꨄ︎ participating in e2w's songwriting process. snow will actively contribute to the songwriting process for e2w, collaborating with fellow members and producers to create music. but all of them will be for the b-side songs, yg also prevents them to release a 'yg-vibe' kind of songs and sticks with the 'cuter-vibe' sounds.



ꨄ︎ injury notice: snow sustains minor ankle sprain during group practice session.

during a routine group practice session, snow sustained an ankle sprain. the injury occured as the group was rehearsing intricate dance routines for their special year end performance for a music show programme. /true. 2017.


ꨄ︎ controversy erupts after snow's remarks on treatment of non-korean k-pop artists.

she was specifically asked to comment on this topic, and it was part of her intentions to address the issue delicately, yet the media sensationalized snow's comments, twisting her words and portraying them in a different light, creating controversy and misunderstanding among the public. /unanswered, yg entertainment didn't comment on this issue. 2018.


ꨄ︎ feel-good feature: snow spotted volunteering at thailand's animal shelter.

caught on camera by eager fans and passerby, snow can be seen cuddling with adorable puppies and kittens, her face lit up with joy as she showers them with love and affection. dressed casually in comfortable attire, she blends in seamlessly with the shelter's staffs. this is how snow spent her free times when the groups were given a vacation and the non-korean members were allowed to fly home. /true. 2018


with a quiet confidence that belied her inner nerves, she stepped forward, ready to intoduce herself to the world. "hello," she began, her voice steady yet soft. "i'm snow." her words hung in the air, punctuated by a brief pause as she gathered her thoughts and translating them in korean words in her mind."becoming a trainee at yg entertainment and debuting e2w will always be a precious opportunity for me," snow continued, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "i'm grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion and i'm ready to share my love for music with the world."



ꨄ︎ cultural exploration. she would love to delve into the rich cultural heritage of korea, whether it's visiting historical landmarks, trying traditional cuisine, or learning about traditional arts and crafts.

ꨄ︎ outdoor adventures. she would enjoy outdoor adventures such as hiking, exploring nature reserves, or even camping.

ꨄ︎ theme park visit. she would enjoys a visit to a theme park with fellow members.

ꨄ︎ cooking competiton. she would be eager to start filming if the members are having cooking sessions too.

ꨄ︎ volunteering and environmental conversation. perhaps, volunteering at a local charity or participating in environmental conversations efforts with fellow members.

ꨄ︎ fitness sessions. she would be enthusiastic about having fitness sessions or trying out different workout routines, whether it's yoga, pilates or outdoor boot camps.




during filming, snow often takes on the role of the observant observer, quietly taking in her surroundings and analyzing the situations unfolding around her. while she is not the center of attention, she will always appears steady, calm and practical. she will actively participates in the activities planned for each episode, she will do her best without straying away.she's more likely to be the one who notices potential hazards and takes proactive steps to address them during filming. while she is not the 'worried parent' per se, she does prioritize the well-being of her fellow members. so, if a member is about to accidentally set fire to the dorm, snow would be the one calmly stepping in to extinguish the flames and prevent any disasters, rather than scolding them like a parent (?)



filming for 'sunbeam' is an experience that snow approaches with a mixture of apprehension and acceptance. while she feels uncomfortable with the cameras and the idea of sharing personal moments with a wide audience at first, she slowly learns to embrace the process and appreciate the opportunity. as for appearing on other groups' episodes, snow feels a bit reserved at first, especially if she's not familiar with the members of the groups. however, she understands the importance of building relationships within the company or at least showing the public on their cross-group interactions. over time, she will enjoy 'sunbeam' filming and be more comfortable with it.



ꨄ︎ nighttime strolls. she will take viewers along on her daily routines of taking a walk along the serene night in her vlog.

ꨄ︎ food adventures. she will film herself trying out different foods or cooking her favorite dishes.



NAME. tba. collaborating with an awesome person!

BACKUP. matchmake?

NICKNAMES. format as you like. 


BIRTHDATE. in month day year format

OCCUPATION. idol - e2w








APPEARANCE. if oc /// keep it brief 


PERSONALITY. read the cheatsheet, it's your friend. format this however you like but include the required information, please. 

baby i would die for you

LOVE STORY. read the cheatsheet, it's your friend. /// the whole thing from the top, please. 


STATUS. read the cheatsheet, it's your friend. 

ENDING. read the cheatsheet, it's your friend.


RELATIONSHIP TRIVIA. read the cheatsheet, it's your friend. 

ending credits

COMMENTS. hello! finally done with my girl exception on her love interest section since girlie is waiting for ms. crush to be completed as a whole. i also didn't elaborate jiae and jenna's relationship with snow since i couldn't find the apps. i'm not sure what to write there but i will add them in after i see their apps?! anyways, i hope you're going to like her!





title songs

ꨄ︎ nonono by apink

ꨄ︎ mr. chu by apink

ꨄ︎ LUV by apink

ꨄ︎ remember by apink

ꨄ︎ brand new day by apink (japanese release)

ꨄ︎ only one by apink

ꨄ︎ 별의 별 by apink

ꨄ︎ bye bye by apink (japanese release)

ꨄ︎ five by apink

ꨄ︎ orion by apink (japanese release)

ꨄ︎ i'm so sick by apink

ꨄ︎ %%(응응) by apink


b-side songs

ꨄ︎ u you by apink

ꨄ︎ secret garden by apink

ꨄ︎ crystal by apink

ꨄ︎ good morning baby by apink

ꨄ︎ petal by apink

ꨄ︎ promise u by apink

ꨄ︎ the wave by apink

ꨄ︎ everybody ready? by apink

ꨄ︎ 너의 모든 순간을 사랑해 by apink

ꨄ︎ be myself by apink (sub unit)

ꨄ︎ love is blind by apink (sub unit)

ꨄ︎ 고마워 (Thank you) by apink

wait, i just know that their songs are so fun ;; i feel like this will go so well with e2w 'cute' concept and the 2017 debut year aesthetic?


PASSWORD. always


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(im applying and id be up for possible collabs if so? :3c)