« 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » 리지해。 (40%)




Full name : Rhee Jihae (리지해)

Alternate name(s) : none


- Yazawa Nico (Ever since Sixteen, Jihae has been known for being "on a mission to be the number one idol" so fans call her this.)
- Super Idol (Jihae is known for her love of the stage and interacting with fans so fans called her this. Yes it's from that meme song)
- Survival show queen (Genesis 88 is Jihae's 5th survival show, thus fans call her this)


D.O.B : November 17, 2000
Birthplace : South Korea
Hometown : South Korea
Ethnicity : Korean
Nationality : South Korean


Pronouns : she/her
Orientation : Aual


- Korean (100%, she has lived in South Korea all her life)
- Japanese (50%, she learnt it as part of training)
- English (30%, she learnt it as part of training)
- Mandarin (10%, she picked it up from the Mandarin speaking contestants)


Faceclaim : Le Sserafim Chaewon
Back-up : Woo Ah Nana

Height : 157cm
Weight : 45kg

Appearance : Jihae is a fairly petite girl with a slim figure as a result of years of trainee diets. She has had several different hairstyles over the years but as of Genesis 88 she sports a black shoulder length bob with bangs.


Fashion : Jihae usually wears simple outfits like a t shirt or tank top with a skirt or shorts. Inspiration here


getting to know

enfp. scorpio. hufflepuff-gryffindor.


- (+) cheerful, kind, confident, friendly, caring
- (0) irritable, stubborn, naive, quarrelsome, blunt
- (-) strict, protective, selfless, persistent, brave


Kind and selfless : Jihae tries to avoid hurting others, instead uplifting them wherever possible. She never fails to give her loved ones or people she finds cool words of encouragement when needed, even if she can't say much. She tries her best to show genuine love to everyone around her, even sacrificing herself to make them happy.

Responsible and caring : Jihae sees all the contenstants on Genesis 88 as her family and looks out for them and keeps them out of trouble. She makes sure to give them words of encouragement before important events and be updated on what is happening to them, and take note of how she can make their day better.

Friendly : Jihae loves getting to know others and she believes the best way to do so is by talking to them, about anything under the sun.

Persistent, sometimes to the extent of being stubborn and naive : When Jihae wants something, she will work hard towards it no matter how many obstacles are thrown in her face. If there is no way, she will make a way. Because Jihae wants to give her best in anything she does, she won't listen to people when they try to dissuade or even stop her. She won't stop fighting until she gets what she wants, and she will continue believing that she will. This is exactly why she has been working hard for many years to become a successful idol and been on so many survival shows.

Irritable and quarrelsome because she is protective : Jihae doesn't tolerate bullying, whether intentional or unintentional, as this is something she's seen too many times over training in several companies. If someone tries to hurt someone she is close to, she will fly into a rage. Going along with being stubborn, if people try to tell Jihae what she doesn't want to hear, she will argue with them until the cows come home.

Brave and confident : Jihae is never afraid to say exactly what is on her mind, or to try doing crazy, even risky things. She knows she has a lot of idol and survival show related experience and takes pride in it, and does not let negative criticism get her down.

Strict : Though Jihae is a generally easygoing person, she takes performing very seriously, and does not like it when people perform simply for the sake of doing so or do not invest well into it, or even do it just for fame. Therefore, when it comes to trainings and practises, she makes sure the others are on time, focused and get everything perfect as soon as possible, and will tell them off if she can tell they are not focused.

Blunt : Jihae may be a nice person, but she will not stand for nonsense and mistreatment of her loved ones, or anyone not putting effort into performing. And when she is pissed off, Jihae will not hesitate to tell people off, even if she offends them.


Jihae was born in 2000 and had a normal early childhood, other than finding herself enjoying dancing when she was practising for her yearly kindergarten performances. She started self-learning dances when she was seven years old, and her mother started a Youtube channel showcasing her dance covers. The rest of Jihae's elementary school life was normal.

After starting middle school, Jihae also started taking part in public auditions, and was accepted to JYP Entertainment in 2014. She trained in JYP Entertainment for a year before participating on their survival show Sixteen, however left the company after failing to debut in Twice. Jihae then joined Produce 101 as an independent candidate and later Idol School while continuing to find another company. Although Jihae did not manage to make it to the top 9 of Idol School, the show helped her to get noticed by RBW who then scouted her as a trainee, and they sent her out as one of their trainees in Produce 48, with her unfortunately being just three ranks away from debuting at the final.

3 years after Produce 48, Jihae was sent to Genesis 88 wth another new trainee from RBW.

- here
- Min 5!


- here
- Min 5!


- here
- Min 5!


- here
- Min 3!


- here
- Min 3!


Notable talents
- variety show stuff
- Min 3!


- Unlimited! List anything you think adds to the character


Quotes : 
- here
- Optional but much appreciated!

Hello, please introduce yourself : Hello, I'm Rhee Jihae, the future number 1 idol of the universe! JIhae Jihae Jii!


What is your reason for joining the show? : I want to be a super idol!


What do you consider your strengths? : Everything! After all, I have been training for many years.


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : I think that in my many years of training and being on a few servival shows, there are many things I have tried. However, I will love to try things I did not know or can imagine have existed before! After all this is what survival shows are about, right?


What is your view on Genesis88? : Genesis 88 will make everyone a super idol!


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : Yes, of course, I have many years of experience on survival shows you know! And how can I be a number 1 idol if I don't try to show myself at every possible opportunity?

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : You will be number 1 someday! Keep fighting!

Relationships :


- relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions (fc if they have one)


-  this is the basic formatting but you can format this however you want! Please include groupmates and especially the ones coming to the show with your character! If you're not making a group profile page, please put the needed info in here. Collabs with other applicants are also always welcome and my babies are also open to be frens!

Stagename : Jihae


Group name : nil
Brief group history : nil


Notable songs


Group twin : nil


Position : Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist
Talent twin : Weki Meki Lucy


Trainee and/or idol life
Jihae started her training at JYP Entertainment in 2014 and made friends with a few other trainees there. A year later, she participated in their survival show, Sixteen. Jihae left JYP after failing to place in Twice and continued training independently. Although she failed several auditions during her two years of being a independent trainee, she participated in Produce 101 and Idol School, ranking within the top 25 in both shows. It was her performance in Idol School that got her noticed by RBW, who signed her as a trainee and sent her to Produce 48 to represent them. Unfortunately, Jihae did not make it to Izone. However, during the past 3 years as a trainee, Jihae enjoyed a career as a backup dancer for Mamamoo.


Life on Genesis88
Jihae is friendly, cheerful, shows a strong passion for performing and is eager to help the other contestants. This, in addition to her versatility in concepts earned her many fans after the show aired, and she often ranked within the top 15 in every episode. However, it is said you can't have your cake and eat it, and unfortunately Jihae earned as many fans as she did haters due to her partner Clarabelle, a confident girl who dared to be blunt, speak up for herself, fight if she felt wronged and was ually provocative, thus got a lot of hate from the Korean audience. Furthermore, they commented on how joining RBW changed Jihae. The company is known to give their artists more freedom in expression, and netizens said that Jihae had "gone from an innocent little girl to a ", and that her company, her senior group Mamamoo, and Clarabelle had influenced her badly. Nevertheless, her diehard fans were always ready to defend her, and kept her high in the rankings.


The audition : They auditioned with Love U. Their appearance was likened to Barbie dolls and many people said they were among the most gorgeous contestants of the show. However, there were the narrow minded and old fashion people who made noise about how their outfits were too revealing.



Seat number(s) : G24, G25


Predicted grade : B


Flexibility level : 5/10


The intro video : Jihae was wearing a pink cardigan over a white shirt with a bow paired with a checkered skirt and two strands of her hair tied in mini twintails, accessoriesed with red bows to imitate Yazawa Nico's appearence. Her monologue is as follows.

"Jihae Jihae Jii! (does Nico Nico Nii) Hi everyone! My name is Rhee Jihae! I have been training for 7 years and I was in 4 survival shows! Even though I didn't manage to make it in all of them, I will keep trying! Regardless of how I rank on Genesis 88, please always remember me as the number one idol in your heart!"


Second mission song of choice : Secret Garden


Genre of choice : Hiphop


meowzwrites : eli


Closing words : After Genesis 88, Jihae will debut in a group called Illusion (profile here) in summer 2022 and Clarabelle will debut later in the same year as a soloist (discography twin : Lee Chaeyeon)


Questions or concerns : tba

Suggestions : tba

Scene requests, plot ideas : tba

Password : Genius (idk it's random)


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