.  마리나 𝗶𝘀 the eclipse !  ୧

birthname: marina saavedra endo
other names:
 ⟶ HASEGAWA YUKIKO [ 長谷川 雪子 ] her actual birth name, though it was legally changed to 'marina saavedra endo' after she got adopted. marina avoids this like the plague, as she normally despises anything that vaguely reminds her of her time in the orphanage, even refusing the opportunity to have 'yukiko' as her middle name when her adoptive parents suggested it.
 ⟶ MARI, RINA though she prefers to be adressed by her full name, it isn't uncommon for people to call her 'mari' or 'rina' as a form of endearment, mainly her members and her friends. she definitely prefers 'mari' over 'rina' though, as she believes it sounds cuter.
 ⟶ KUROMI, KUROMARI if there's something that marina will drop her money on, it's kuromi merch. she's in love with the sanrio character and firmly declares herself as the embodiment of kuromi. her members started calling her 'kuromi' and kuromari' when they moved into the dorms and saw her extensive collection of kuromi items. fans also adopted this nickname as soon as they saw all the kuromi merch that appeared in the background of the dorm both in the pre-debut show and lives.
 ⟶ MARINA HEART marina made the grave mistake of listening to the album electra heart by singer marina, back then known as marina & the diamonds when she was 14. definitely wasn't supposed to be listening to that album at such a young age, but marina liked tumblr way too much and she loved that there was a singer with the same name as her. from that point on, marina has been a huge marina fan which eventually led to her friends (naomi mostly) addressing her as 'marina heart' as an ode to her love for the welsh singer.

birthdate: november 3, 2003
birthplace: osaka prefecture, japan
hometon: mexico city, mexico
ethnicity: japanese

 SPANISH: she was adopted and moved to mexico at the tender age of 5 and lived there until she was 17. though she obviously had difficulties learning the language at first, it eventually ended up being the language she feels most comfortable with : 100%
 JAPANESE: her adoptive mother is japanese and always tried to keep marina connected with her culture, and even enrolled her in a japanese school in mexico city called liceo mexicano japonés where she studied through all her years living in mexico. her japanese can get a little rusty if she doesn't practice, but it's practically engraved into her brain as much as spanish is : 90%
 ENGLISH: though definitely not needed as much in her daily life, her school made english part of the curriculum as well. she can speak english and can hold conversations with no issues, but her pronunciation can be lacking from time to time and grammar mistakes are bound to happen from time to time : 80% 
 KOREAN: now, marina has always been good at learning languages and she considers herself pretty talented at that aspect. even so, she's been studying korean way less than other languages and in-between training. she can hold a conversation but she's definitely not fluent yet and more often than not she requires her member's help : 70%

face claim: xg's kondou chisa
back up: purple kiss' mori koyuki
height: 157cm
weight: 45kg

⟶ marina is definitely short, though you probably wouldn't notice so from far away as she carries herself with endless amounts of confidence (and she's most definitely wearing platforms 90% of the time). marina has naturally straight, thick hair that's a nightmare to style and it holds no curls whatsoever. she enjoys having her hair in a slightly warm brown, but is willing to try another hair color if sufficiently manipulated by her company she has both of her ears heavily pierced (left, right). as of debut, the only tatto she has is one of a paper crane in her left arm.

fashion sense:
⟶ as mentioned before, marina spent way too much time on tumblr, and it definitely influenced on her outfits. she's all about that semi-grunge aesthetic, including the ripped fishnets, plaid skirts and platform boots. lately she's been gravitating more to y2k inspired silhouettes, but the essence of her style remains rather dark and moody. when she does her on makeup, she likes to go for slightly smokey eyes and light blush with some specks of glitter. though her hair holds no curls as mentioned, she still likes to experiment with some hairstyles.

all marina and no diamonds (aka her playlist): 
✧ teen idle - marina
✧ thought crime - yorushika 
✧ paint you wings - all time low 
✧ dazzling girl - shinee
✧ i wish - ft island
✧ cuídate - la oreja de van gogh
✧ thank you for the venom - my chemical romance
✧ bomber - yorushika
✧ kick me - sleeping with sirens
✧ 100 - nct 127
✧ lemon - kenshi yonezu
✧ shinee - fire
✧ swallow - yoasobi
✧ pray - ft island
✧ hey! we ok - never shout never
✧ mala fama - danna paola
✧ disloyal order of water buffaloues - fall out boy
✧ lloviendo estrellas - cristian castro
✧ my happy ending - avril lavigne
✧ step - kara
✧ last romeo - infinite
marina's watchlist:
✧ fruits basket
✧  neon genesis evangelion
✧  ao haru ride
✧ seeishun buta yaro
✧  jujusu kaisen
✧  toradora
✧  ouran host club
✧ tonari no kaibutsu-kun
✧  konosuba
✧  soul eater
marina says on the daily:
✧ ''call me short one more time and i'm going to drag you to hell with me'' - definitely said to jake
✧ ''i swear to god if we don't get this part of the choreo done by today i'm going to kill someone'' - probably didn't have breakfast that day, she's competely serious
✧ ''shinji get on the ing mecha'' - likes evangelion memes way too much
✧ more tba this is just a silly goofy mood section
intj, slytherclaw, chaotic neutral, scorpio annoying tsundere type a archetype, very asuka langley coded
positive: passionate, strong-willed, confident, courageous, loyal
neutral: emotional, sarcastic, aggresive
negative: argumentative, stubborn, egocentric, intolerant, possesive
scroll down.
scroll down.
now, if you asked anyone how they perceived marina, the normal answer is either 'a force to be reckoned with' or just, plainly, a 'stuck-up '. her aloof nature and heavy aura is undeniably intimidating, and she's not afraid to speak out whenever she senses somthing not going her way. marina knows her worth and is extremely self-aware of her strenghts, you won't ever catch her saying a self-deprecating comment. furthermore, she won't ever let her friends say anything negative about themselves, inmediately scolding them if they ever dare to self-sabbotage themselves. marina isn't one to make many friends due to her intimidating demeanor, but the one she does have, she's heavily protective of. regarded as a 'mom' more times than she'd like to admit, marina won't ever let her friends down. she's hat you'd call a jerk with a heart of gold, extremely loyal and isn't the type to leave someone behind, even if she doesn't show it as much. marina is heavily passionate of her dreams and despite being heavily talented, you'll often find her spending extra time on the practice room trying to get a specific right to be just right. marina's never afraid to speak up and try new things, always daring to do what others would be too reluctant to do.
unlike what she shows, marina is actually quite the emotional person. she's really in touch with her emotions and knows how to identify them and spot them, she just prefers not to show too many emotions. this results in her shutting off people when she's angry and a constant need for personal space. marina does have some anger management issues, and even if she's not angry, she more often than not comes off as aggresive and brash. her dry humor doesn't help at all, and she's certainly found herself in some trouble when she doesn't know how to control her reactions. she's extremely stuck on her on ways, and her stubborn nature makes it rather difficult for her to accept hen things aren't going her way. this is undoubtedly the effect of her parents never really denying anything to her, and it's when you can notice the most that she was raised in a wealthy household. marina in spite of being an introvert through and through, is very outspoken about her desires and opinions, occasionally getting herself in arguments and trouble. she's extremely possesive of both her material stuff and her friends, doesn't like sharing things and is heavily wary of the people that enter her friend's lives. she guesses this is stems from her time at japan, here she was forced to share stuff and was never content about it.
marina believes herself to be the best thing to ever walk on this earth most of the time, and people aren't always fond of how over-confident she portrays herself to be. marina isn't a bad person necessarily, she just has a strong personality and a clear sense of self-worth and isn't willing to ever let someone step over her. she's not the easiest person to get along with, yet the experience of having marina as your friend is oddly rewarding. though she's not one to instantly comfort you when you're sad, she'll later leave you a chocolate with a little note to cheer you up or give you one of her origami pieces. though she has a really strong outer shell, when you take the time to know her, marina has a very soft side beneath it all. she actually loves to joke around and spend time with the people she cares for, and it can be really fun to spend a day by her side and hear her talk about how much she loves the things she's passionate about. she cares a lot about others even if her attempts to portray herself as a strong woman with no vulnerability tends to make people think she's just a rude, closed-off person. marina is proud of herself and of the persone she's become in spite of being born under what people may consider treacherous cirumstances, and is slowly trying to be more open to people and expressing her emotions in a healthier way.
tw for small mention of ual assault
marina's early years were mostly a mystery. she knows she was left at the orphanage in osaka basically as soon as she was born, with only her birthname as a clue of who her parents were. she doesn't want to know who her birth parents are, and her adoptive parents have respected that. what marina doesn't know is that her mother hasegawa kaori gave birth to her when she was 17 under less than ideal circumstances. kaori didn't want to be reminded of the night she was assaulted, and she was a child who just wasn't ready to take care of another child. in her last act of love for her child, she gave her a name and put her up for adoption, hoping that the then yukiko could eventually find a loving family who could take care of her, only leaving yukiko with a gold paper crane necklace as some sort of connection to her. kaori kept living her life, studied psychology in university and now works as a therapist who wishes to eventually have the strength to reach out to her long lost daughter. this is as far as this situation has progressed in marina's life, so let's move on to marina's adoption.

emiliano saavedra met endo misaki in mexico city when he started working as a process engineer for isuzu motors. misaki had recently been moved to the mexico branch on isuzu, and worked as a process engineer as well. after being put on the same working team, they hit it off inmediately. despite the cultural differences, they were both excited to learn about each other's cultures and started dating after knowing each other for 6 months. they eventually got married after 3 years of dating, both of them going onto their early 30s and ready to start a family. sadly, misaki was diagnosed with endometriosis, and was told that her chances of getting pregnant were close to none. though they were intially devastated with the possiblity of not being able to conceive their own child, emiliano suggested adoption, to which misaki agreed excitedly. they tried to adopt a child through the mexican adoption system, but were met with hurdle after hurdle ('cause the mexican adoption system is awful). thus, they decided to travel to misaki's hometown, osaka, and try their chances there. they encountered an orphanage and instantly fell in love with the little kid who refrained from playing with other kids, only looking at them with a careless expression while folding little paper cranes. misaki always thought the little girl reminded her of emiliano's stern demeanor, and they inmediately got into work so they could adopt marina, who was still known as yukiko.

now, marina has barely any memories of her time at the orphanage. she can only recall feeling sad about not having anyone to call her family, and most of the kids being complete asses who and took her toys away from her. the workers at the orphanage weren't exactly the most caring, and she only remembers feeling lonely all of the time, and folding paper cranes seemingly being the only thing that gave her some peace and kept her from breaking down. thus, when the social worker introduced her to emiliano and misaki, saying that they'd be adopting her, she was undoubtedly ecstatic. the process took a few months, but by the time yukiko turned 5, she was already on her way to mexico on an airplane and had a new name, ready to leave yukiko behind.

adjusting to a whole new country was definitely diffcult, but being enrolled in a private japanese school with other japanese children and having such loving adoptive parents helped quite a lot. marina was always regarded as an extremely smart child, though she has some difficulties making friends with other students as she was always regarded as rude. that was until yokoyama naomi decided to make marina her best friend. naomi was loved by both teachers and classmates for being the sunshine personified, and she took an interest in marina when she saw her making little origami flowers. after that day, naomi stuck by marina's side and marina somehow appreciated having naomi around, the little girl's energy started rubbing off onto her and she found herself excited about going to school just to see her. from that day forward, they've been best friends.

naomi convinced marina to join her in the nihon buyo (japanese traditional dance) club at the school, as she didn't like dancing alone. somehow, marina fell in love with dancing after this. besides nihon buyo, she asked her parents to enroll her in other dance classes, so she started going to a dance academy when she was 6, mainly focusing on jazz and modern dance as well as still going to the nihon buyo club as she liked being connected to her culture. marina loved dancing more than anything, and she loved putting up little performances with naomi when they had sleepovers. marina spent the rest of her childhood dancing her heart away, her dream of becoming a dancer being cemented further. she was definitely considered some sort prodigy when it came to dancing, eventually filling her room with trophies she won at various competitions, both dancing solo and with her teams.

when she was 10, naomi developed kind on an unhealthy obsession with kpop, and as she used to do with marina, she dragged her into her obession. they eventually found themselves learning shinee's choreos during sleepovers and singing songs by girls' generation in broken korean. naomi had always been the singer out of the two of them, but marina found herself liking singing even more after she started listening to kpop. the sleepless nights learning the names of their favorite members turned into a shared dream of becoming kpop idols. marina loved performing more than she loved anything else, and though she always dreamed of being a choreographer, the seemingly glamourous idol life made her dream of debuting in korea. marina knew she wanted to audition to a kpop company as soon as she was 13, and started working harder for it alongside naomi. her parents were extremely supportive of marina's dream, and though they were afraid of her going to another country, they loved her unconditionally and wanted to see her pursue her dreams. marina sent audition videos to all of the big 3 companies, and was eventually called to go to korea for the second round of auditions for jyp along with naomi. they traveled to korea with naomi's mom, and they stayed there for a few weeks during the audition process. sadly, naomi was chosen, while marina wasn't. she was definitely happy for naomi, but her heart ached a little. even so, marina has always been determined, and started auditioning for more companies. eventually, she came across be:lift lab. they were the first ones to accept her, and as she only had a few days left in korea, she signed right away, officially moving to korea a month before her 17th birthday 
lost in paradise
by ALI ft. AKLO
lost in paradise
by ALI ft. AKLO
anime: has been watching anime ever since she was a kid, and enjoys basically any kind of anime, her favorite one being neon genesis evangelion. 
⟶ winter: marina didn't get to see snow when she lived in mexico, so the snowy winters in korea make her heart happy.
exercise: she picked the habit of going to the gym and she enjoys it a lot. it helps her relax and de-stress, and she particularly enjoys lifting weights.  
⟶ desserts: rather unexpectedly, she has a really sweet tooth and enjoys any sort of sweets and desserts, particularly loving anything that has to do with cheesecake.
mexican food: back in her parent's home, her dad was the one who cooked and he always made mexican food, and though she loves korean and japanese food as well, mexican food has a special place in heart and it's what she misses the most.  
⟶ tumblr: marina never really grew out of her 2014 tumblr phase. she loves the app and has a secret blog she'll never reveal and that has no clues of being related to her.  
⟶ music: as an idol, it's obvious that she'd like music. however, besides kpop she really enjoys listening to bands normally regarded as ''emo'', such as my chemical romance, fall out boy and panic! at the disco. she also really enjoys japanese music and like any mexican, loves secretly listening to ''música de señoras'' (literally old ladies' music).

crying:  marina has a lot of emotions, but they're never released through crying. she'd rather die than having anyone see her cry as she doesn't want to be perceived as weak.  
⟶ spring she has really bad allergies, and pollen and her don't get along well.  
flower bouquets:  same reason as above, and she hates that flowers end up dying as soon as you cut them. even so, she actually loves making origami flowers and likes to see flowers, she just doesn't ever want to be given a bouquet.
⟶ video games: she never really understood the point, and when she tried to play video games with naomi, she ended up beating marina and she absolutely despises things she's not good with.  
⟶ lazy people: marina's a hard worker and there's nothing that infuriates her as much as someone who isn't trying their best.  
horror movies: she won't ever admit to being a scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies, but she can't stand them and will probably spend a sleepless night if she watches one.  
⟶ men: now this doesn't mean marina hates all men, but she's definitely wary of them. growing up in mexico, more often than not she was subject to the heavily mysoginist culture and she prefers to not be friends with men.

journaling: marina has a journal where she writes every single day. it helps her process her emotions and has been kepping journals ever since she was 6 and could barely write her own name.  
⟶ origami: though she doesn't want to know anything about her birth parents, she still keeps the little paper crane necklace that was left with her when she got to the orphanage. she asked the social worker of the orphanage to teach her how to make paper cranes when she was 3, and since then, she's never stopped doing origami. it helps her relax and she enjoys giving people she cares for her origami pieces (but she'll always say it's not a big deal).  
translating songs: she sometimes enjoys translating the lyrics of korean and japanese songs into spanish, mostly as a joke and to good around.
monitoring: though not a hobby per se, marina will always try to dedicate a part of her day to monitor her performances or practice videos.
photography: she doesn't dedicate much time for this, but she likes taking pictures and editing them quite a lot.

⟶ cursing in spanish when she's angry  
⟶ talking when sleeping 
⟶ picking on the skin of her fingers when she's nervous
⟶ going on tumblr at the end of the day.

special talents:
⟶ nihon-buyo  
⟶ freestyle dancing  
⟶ being rather good with languages 
⟶ coming up with performance ideas and choreographies

 social media:
@kuromari: for public instagram, twitter, tiktok and tumblr  
@blissmari: for private instagram, twitter, tiktok and tumblr where she poses as a fan account of herself. she doesn't really post anything, she just mostly luks on fandom spaces.
⟶ marina's adoptive parents are actually kind of wealthy, both of them holding high engineering positions at ther jobs and the school she went to was pretty expensive. she's not one to boast about her family's status, but she's slightly teased for it by her members.
⟶ her favorite colors are purple and black, further cementing her status as cherubliss' local kuromi
⟶ she really loves hamsters, and would really like having one as a pet  
⟶ though she loves marina and the album electra heart, her favorite album is actually three cheers for sweet revenge by my chemical romance  
⟶ she really misses doing nihon buyo, and is definitely going to use it as her secret talent during variety shows.
⟶ even though she's not ethnically mexican, she still feels very connected to that side of her adoptive culture and is very proud of having grown up there
⟶ her favorite kpop groups and main inspirations for being an idol are shinee, infinite, girls' generation and kara. however, she also really loves bands like day6, cnblue and ft island, particularly ft island and she loves lee hongki dearly 

⟶ after picking up journaling, she started collecting stationery and cute notebooks, and now has a pretty collection of both of those things

⟶ has never liked anyon romantically as she as too focused trying to hone her craft, and though she's curious about what love feels like (cue twice's what is love?), she's not actively looking for it
⟶ as mentioned before, she's really good with learning languages and will also use that as a talent on variety shows 
⟶ she curses a lot, especially in spanish. she really tries to control herself when on programs, but there's absolutely going to be an ''cherubliss' marina cursing in spanish compilation'' on youtube shortly after debut 
⟶ her favorite movies are hotarubi no mori e and howl's moving castle

⟶ whenever she's feeling sad, she listens to howl's moving castle ost to calm herself down and give her some sort of strenght, as the movie means a lot to her
emiliano saavedra & misaki endo
⤹ parents  (52&53)
⤹ engineers 
⤹ 10 / 10

marina is very, very close with both of her adoptive parents. she loves them deearly and is very grateful to them for the life that they have given her. she calls them on almost a daily basis and they visit her at least once a year if she has a free day.
⤹ best friends (20)
⤹ trainee 
⤹ 10 / 10

marina could, and will kill anyone who ever dared to hurt naomi's feelings. she loves naomi more than she loves anyone in the whole world, and though they couldn't fulfill their dream of debuting on the same group, they've been each other's emotional support while navigating getting used to the trainee life in a whole different country. naomi is the sun and marina's the moon, and they're definitely infamous for being the mytical kuromi-my melody friendship. naomi's the only person that marina can freely express her opinions and emotions with, and marina's the only person with whom naomi can rest from being everyone's sunshine. even though they can't see each other as often now, they text everyday and have a rule of meeting at least once every two weeks as their separation anxiety can't hold longer than that.
⤹ groupmates (19)
⤹ idol
⤹ 8/10

eunhwa is definitely one of marina's favorite members in all of cherubliss. mayb because she enjoys doting on those younger than her, but she overall really likes eunhwa. though they can sometimes clash due to both of them being stubborn, they talk out their misunderstandings and appreciate each other rather deeply.
⤹ friends (21)
⤹ idol (enhypen)
⤹ 7 / 10

as we know, marina never really liked making friends with men, and though she respected enhypen as her seniors, it was never really of her interest to get to know them. however, when she was chosen as a back up dancer for bite me, jake and her just kinda clicked. jake's bright and funny nature reminded marina quite a bit of naomi, and she started laughing at the jokes jake told to lighten the mood betwen them. they bicker and banter quite a lot as jake enjoys teasing marina and vice versa, but they're still pretty good friends and marina thinks rather highly of him.
⤹ groupmates (21-17)
⤹ idols
⤹ 8 / 10

marina, in spite of her relutance about making new friends, she ended up appreciating all of her members in their on individual ways. though there may be some disagreemeents being young women in a group, she cares deeply about all of them and is happy that they're her group.
the sun: marina really appreciates the sun, and likes working together with her to create a healthy environment. she's probably the member she's closest to.

the moon: marina and the moon are both very nurturing and enjoy caring for the members. marina knows that the moon might sometimes forget to take care of herself, so she tries to help her as much as she can.

the stars: marina admires how talented she is, and will undoubtedly push her to become a better dancer that she already is. marina really enjoys spending time with her.

the supernovas: marina absolutely adores this member, and will be seen doting on her endlessly, not just because she's the maknae but because marina feels the urgent need to take care of her.  
✧ stage name: marina + both her and the company agreed that her name would be a fine enough stage name.
✧ idol persona: the mecha pilot + though she's not the leader of the group, she normally takes the lead when it comes to choreographies and she just overall has a bossy nature. as a little node to this and to her love for evangelion, her persona became the mecha pilot. 

✧ vocal twin: purple kiss' dosie (itzy's ryujin)
dance twin: jung chaeyeon (jang seungyeon)

✧ plotline: the eclipse; main dancer, vocal, choreographer (the moon; leader, main rapper, producer) 
✧ training period: 4 years and 5 months (10/2019-03/2024)
training background: 
⟶ marina started officially training at be:lift lab in october of 2019, and as soon as she stepped into the building, she made a name for herself as the ''scary dance machine''. marina didn't really focus as much on making friends at the start, and her mind was set on dancing her heart out and training until her legs gave out. despite the language barrier, she was immediately a force to be reckoned with among other trainees, mostly due to her dancing skills and her polished dancing technique. marina as mostly a lone wolf, and wouldn't really stablish any friendships as she believed she didn't have time for them. however, marina ended up falling into some trouble when it came to her vocal lessons. though she had a decent voice, she was nowhere near the level of other trainees. this cost marina many sleepless nights overthinking her place as a trainee and countless sore throats. she improved steadily, eventually gaining more confidence in her singing along with many tips from naomi. 
⟶ when the rumors about cherubliss started spreading around trainees, most trainees expected her to eventually end up in the group. marina said nothing about the rumors, instead focusing on working as hard as she always did. when she was told she'd be part of cherubliss, she was admitedly ecstatic even if it didn't seem so to others. she felt like all her effort had finally paid off, and as soon as she got to know her members and spent time training with them, she eventually opened up a little bit more and let them have a special place in her heart. though she can sometimes be seen scolding her fellow members for not getting choreographies right, she'll also give them little origami flowers at the end of the day.

predebut activities:
enhypen - drunk-dazed mv (2021) : appeared as an extra in a few scenes in the backgroung.
enhypen - bite me mv & performances (2023) : performed as jake's partner in the choreography.
✧ scandal(s):
cherubliss' marina was a dancer in enhypen's bite me (2024) : though this was just a gig she did in pre-debut, the controversy surrounding this choreography followed her to her debut. she received criticisms from enhypen's  fans, but neither her or the company were too phased by this scandal.
rookie girl group member rude towards senior (2025) : during the mama awards of 2025, marina was criticized as a video of her allegedly making a sour face at a senior group spread when they on an award. she wasn't really throwing any looks at said group, she just wasn't feeling too well as she was exhausted. still, this was a rather big scandal that got her a lot of haters. she released an apology, and explained that she respected said senior very much, she just wasn't having a good night health-wise. the scandal died down after a few months, but she still garnered some haters after the situation.
✧ headline(s):
cherubliss' marina reveals she's adopted (2024) : during their predebut show, marina explained her whole origin story. as there aren't many adopted kpop idols, she immediately became a conversation topic among online communities who praised her for being so strong and open about her life story.
q: hello marina, can you please introduce yourself?
⟶ hi, my name's marina and i'm the main dancer of cherubliss marina smiles and waves at the camera, her posture firm and confident

q: how do you feel about being in the debut line-up?
⟶ i'm really proud of myself for achieving this, and i definiteely think i deserved it. it sometimes feels unreal to be debuting after such a long time training, but i'm definitely very happy. marina nods and smiles brightly, looking way happier than she normally does

q: do you have any specific concept or genre that you would like to try out?
⟶ i actually really, really love our concept. however! i'd really like to try out a darker concept, kinda like vixx or dreamcatcher. some of our members are really cutesy but i think e can pull it off she chuckles slightly and grins

q: can you tell the viewers a little bit about yourself?
⟶ though i think you'll get to know me a lot more through the show, i'm a very determined person and though i know i can seem a bit rude at times, i hope you'll be able to see through it and apprciate my work ethic marina bows slighly in her chair i also really love desserts though!!! she smiles and sputters excitedly

q: lastly, please have give a few words to the viewers!
⟶ i hope you can support cherubliss and please look forard to our debut! marina bows once again and waves goodbye to the camera
love interest: seok matthew (zb1)
back-up: jake sim (enhypen)

⟶ matthew is, undoubtedly, very charismatic and a rather bright and outgoing person. he's regarded as one of zb1's moodmakers, and his boisterous and cheerful nature lights up any room he might find himself in. he's extremely hard-working and dedicated, and though he might feel some anxiety from time to time, he's very proud of himself and his skills as a performer. still, in a true enfj fashion, he can be rather sensitive and idealizes people and life way too much, thus being dissappointed more often than not when things don't go as he expects them to. also, he's unexpectedly rather bad at flirting and is having a rather hard time trying to pursue marina's stone cold heart.

first meeting:
⟶ now, if there's something that marina just kind of despises about being an idol, it's the seemingly endless tiktok collabs and challenges she has to do with other groups for marketing's sake. though she respects and admires each group, her social battery runs out after filming just one of those challenges. thus, when cherubliss and zb1 were promoting at the same time and she was told to record at the inkigayo backstage with matthew and gyuvin, she was less than ecstatic, but thought sh should just get it done with and go on her merry way. when marina met matthew and greeted him, she didn't really feel anything different. he was attractive, sure, but as we've stablished, she's not one to trust men easily. however, when matthew looked at marina's aloof face expression and long brunette hair, he was immediately smitten. as they were recording, matthew tried to talk to marina as much as he could, though the response was rather underwhelming as marina didn't really have much interest in engaging in a conversation with him. matthew ultimately didn't get to ask marina for her number that one time, but at a later encounter, matthew rushed to marina to ask her for her number. now, marina wasn't going to give him her number, but just when she was about to say no, she spotted matthe's h.m.c tattoo. 
it had been one week since he filmed with marina, and matthew couldn't really get the girl of his mind, now having researched a bit more about her and her group. s were making fun of him for having failed to get her number, but one fateful day, matthew was determined to get marina's number.

he had been lurking a bit around cherubliss' waiting room, hoping to fake a casual encounter with marina. when he saw the girl group approach the waiting room, he got distracted while looking at marina, so his chance of a fake encounter slipped by. still, when he stopped daydreaming, he approached marina before she could enter the waiting room, and spoke to her in english now knowing that marina  didn't feel too comfortable with korean yet.

''hi marina! so, i think you're really cool and i would like to get to know you more, i was wondering if you could give me your number so we can talk?'' matthew smiled and tried to smile through his nerves, hiding his sweaty palms. he realised that he sounded extremely lame, and almost had a heart attack when marina furrowed her eyebrows at him and stared at him in silence for a what felt like ages.

''does that stand for howl's moving castle?'' asked marina nonchalantly while pointing at matthew's tatto on his bicep. he tried to process what marina said to him, and it took him a while to react. he only answered after marina furrowed her eyebrows at him once again.

''y-yeah, it's one of my favorite movies'' he gulped, not knowing if marina's question was an instant rejection. marina turned her back from him, and entered the room. matthew felt his heart sinking to his stomach and kept still from the shock, preparing himself for living the rest of his career crushing on the main dancer. 

to his surprise, marina came back out after a few seconds, now holding a little paper with her number on it. she gave matthew the paper with no other words exhchanged, and once again turned her back and left matthew standing there in shock.
''oh my, am i sensing a budding romance?'' eunhwa teased marina as soon as she entered the room.

''he just has nice taste in movies.'' marina rolled her eyes as eunhwa let out a chuckle, trying to ignore the giddy feeling growing inside her chest. 

⟶ matthew saved marina's contact on his phone as ''marina<3'' while marina just saved him by his name. however, when they eventually begin dating, marina will change his name to ''matt<3''
⟶ the #mattrina ship ended up being a rather common joke both in cherubliss and zb1. marina's members aree just happy to finally see marina's stone cold heart melting, while zb1 members have beeen loyal shippers since the first day matthew started rambling about how talented marina was.
⟶ marina, instead of giving matthew origami paper cranes or flowers, she gives him a bunch of little lucky stars, which matthew keeps in a jar in his dorm
⟶ she would rather die than admit it, but matthew makes marina feel extremely soft and fuzzy and she kinda hates him for it
⟶ their love language is quality time, and they're always trying to find ways to sneak away and hang out
love story:
⟶ now, marina had no expectations when she gave matthew her number, and she sometimes doesn't know what led to said decision as it's extremely out of character for her, and she won't ever admit that it's because she liked matthew's bright smile. 

''eunhwa for god's sake i don't like him'' marina rolled her eyes and dismissed eunhwa's claims as she brushed her hair.

''sure thing'' eunhwa smirked and giggled. marina ignored the younger girl, and felt a slight vibration coming from her phone. she checked the notification faster than she'd like to admit.

unknown number: hi! it's matthew c:
unknown number: did you get home safely?

eunhwa noticed how marina's face ever-so-slightly lit up as she looked at her phone, and she felt extremely excited to see where their story went.

the very first night matthew texted her, they ended up talking until the sun came up. between their shared love for dancing, how much they loved howl's moving castlee and the details they didn't know about each other, they just cliked. marina felt extremely weirded out, as she had never felt this comfortable talking to a men that quickly. sure, she was friends with jake and liked talking to him, but it was never this fluid and fun to talk with him.

this ended up being the first of many sleepless nights they'd share while texting each other. marina felt extremely comfortable talking to matthew, and panic definitely set in as she realised that maybe, just maybe, what she felt for matthew wasn't just any normal friendship. her heeart skipped a beat whenever matthew waved at her at music shows, and his smile crossed her mind whenever  cheesy shojo anime opening songs appeared on her shuffle playlist. marina never liked anyone, and needless to say, she didn't really know to deal with her feelings.

in matthew's side, however, he was more than aware that he was head over heels. though she already had a huge crush on marina, once they started getting to know each other, matthew realised that marina was everything he ever wanted, and he admired how strong and talentd she was. their personalities complimented each other nicely, with matthew helping marina be a little more soft and marina grounding matthew's anxieties and self-doubt. everyone knew they liked each other, but marina wasn't willing to admit it just yet, being way too scared and confused about what would happen if she ever tried to get into a relatioship, and even doubting if matthew liked her in that way (the only time marina ever presented some semblance of insecurity).

''marina for god's sake, you're the strongest woman i know, and one of the smartest too. so tell me, how the have you not realised that you're falling in love with this godforsaken dude???'' naomi's annoyed voice over the phone interrupted marina's excited banter about how she had spent the whole night recommending matthew songs from her favorite bands. her eyes widened as she digested her best friend's words.

''...oh my god.'' was the onluy thing marina was able to say as she realised that indeed, she was falling in love with said godforsaken dude.

marina realised her feelings after almost a whole year of talking, and as soon as she realised, she started distancing herself, because apparently she was an independent strong woman for everything, except liking someone. this broke matthew's heart, and they spent some very awkward few weeks just stealing glances at each other in music shows, and it cost both of them many nights listening to howl's moving castle ost wondering if they could ever be friends again. 

eventually, matthew confronts marina, and it ends in a very teary-eyed angry confession from marina's part. matthew confesses as well, and they start officially dating after this.

ending: eventually start officially dating in like 2025, though not publicly yet

mattrina's playlist:
⟶ celebration - radwimps
⟶ icedrop - more more jump!
⟶ summertime - my chemical romance
⟶ love me like that - sam kim
⟶ cinderella - cnblue
⟶ sekai wa koi ni ochiteiru - chico ft. honeyworks
⟶ man in love - infinite
⟶ caramel - mosawo
⟶ tracing a dream  - yoasobi
⟶ hikaru nara - goose house
⟶ collar full - panic! at the disco
last comment: first of all, i'm sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, i always make sure to proof-read everything but alas, english isn't my first language. still, i hope you enjoyed marina and i'm sosososo excited for this story omg. 

scene request(s):
⟶ the girls having a schedule in mexico and marina shows thm her favorite spots in the city
⟶ angry confession. i beg of you. angry confession. just marina yelling at matthew and matthew looking at her like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
⟶ i'd definitely like for marina to reconnect with her birth mother and make peace with her birth name, i know it might be kind of a heavy subject but i feel like it'd be some nice character development

song recommendation(s):
⟶ save me save you, secret - wjsn
⟶ kara - pandora
⟶ red light - f(x)
⟶ closer - oh my girl
⟶ destiny - lovelyz

password: asteroids



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this is so cute and i love marina