★ 强梅 (S2 Entertainment)

Zhang qiang mei
DOB: 30 Feb 2002
Ethnicity: Chinese
Hometown: Guangzhou, China
Guangzhou, China

Aespa Ningning
Backup Faceclaim:
TripleS Xinyu


Chinese, Fluent
Born in China, Chinese has been her first and main language.

Korean, Fluent
Being a trainee in Korea for a long time helped her a lot to be fluent in the language.

English, Fluent
Staying in Washington for 5 years has be the reason why she is really fluent when she is speaking in English.
S2 Entertainment
Aespa Ningning
cheerful. optimistic. independent. professional. carefree. perfectionist. paranoid.

Qiang Mei is an embodiment of cheerfulness and positivity, radiating an optimistic spirit that remains unwavering regardless of the challenges she faces. Her sunny disposition becomes a beacon of positivity in any situation, as she approaches life with a can-do attitude. Qiang Mei's ability to find silver linings and maintain a positive outlook, even in the face of setbacks like disbandment, reflects her resilience and inner strength. Her infectious laughter and uplifting energy make her a source of joy for those around her, and she navigates her journey in the K-pop industry with a hopeful mindset, believing that each experience, whether good or bad, contributes to her growth and eventual success.
Qiang Mei is also known for being independent, having chosen to pursue her dream of becoming an idol in a foreign country from a very young age. Living alone as a teenager, she navigates the challenges of a new environment with resilience and self-reliance. Qiang Mei's independence is evident in her ability to handle responsibilities, make decisions, and face the complexities of life far from her home country. Her determination to chase her dream independently showcases a mature and tenacious spirit, making her a testament to the strength that arises from pursuing one's passion with unwavering dedication.
Qiang Mei stands out not only as a talented trainee but also as a seasoned professional in the competitive world of K-pop. Her previous experience of debuting for a year speaks volumes about her professionalism and dedication to her craft. Despite facing the disbandment of her group, Qiang Mei approached her subsequent journey as a trainee with a commendable level of professionalism. Her ability to adapt, learn, and strive for improvement reflects a mature and disciplined work ethic.
Qiang Mei possesses a carefree demeanor, which, when observed neutrally, adds a refreshing and easygoing quality to her personality. She navigates life with a relaxed and open-minded attitude, embracing situations with a sense of calmness. Qiang Mei's carefree nature allows her to approach challenges with adaptability, often finding creative and spontaneous solutions. This trait contributes to a positive atmosphere, as she maintains a balanced perspective on both the joys and trials of her journey, fostering a harmonious environment in both personal and professional aspects of her life.
While Qiang Mei's carefree nature adds a refreshing quality to her personality, it can sometimes have a negative impact, especially in situations that require meticulous attention or strict adherence to guidelines. Her laid-back approach may lead to overlooking details or underestimating the gravity of certain circumstances. Striking a balance between carefree optimism and the need for careful consideration becomes crucial to mitigate potential downsides in scenarios that demand a more cautious approach.
Qiang Mei is characterized by a perfectionist nature, striving for excellence in every aspect of her work. While her commitment to perfection reflects her dedication and high standards, it occasionally leads to challenges within her team dynamics. Her insistence on achieving perfection can be perceived as demanding by her teammates, creating a source of tension and annoyance. Qiang Mei's unwavering pursuit of flawlessness may inadvertently contribute to a less collaborative atmosphere, as her teammates may find it challenging to keep pace with the meticulous standards she sets. Navigating a balance between her pursuit of perfection and fostering a harmonious team environment becomes crucial to ensure effective collaboration and mutual understanding among the members.
Qiang Mei, after experiencing the disbandment of her previous group during her debut, has developed a certain level of paranoia regarding her chances of making it into the debut line. The past failure has left a lingering impact, making her constantly question and doubt her current journey. This heightened sense of anxiety reflects her fear of experiencing another setback. While the paranoia may stem from a genuine desire to succeed, it can also pose challenges as it may impede her ability to fully enjoy and embrace the present opportunities. Striking a balance between caution and optimism becomes essential for Qiang Mei as she navigates the uncertainties of her career, ensuring that her past experiences do not overshadow the potential successes awaiting her in the future.
Qiang Mei's journey in the pursuit of becoming a K-pop idol in Korea has been marked by resilience and determination. Despite facing the disheartening experience of disbandment within just a year of debuting, she refused to let setbacks define her career. Opting for a fresh start, she joined S2 Entertainment as a trainee, hoping for a second chance to realize her dream. The company, acknowledging the challenges associated with her age in the industry, sent her to participate in the program 'Perfect Match.' With the realization that this opportunity might be her last shot at debut, Qiang Mei threw herself into rigorous training, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to overcome obstacles and prove that age is no barrier to achieving her dreams in the competitive K-pop scenes.
trainee info
Agency: S2 Entertainment
Plotline: S2 - Main Dancer, Lead Vocal, Lead Rapper
Training Period: 5 years, 4 months

Talent Twin: Dreamcatcher Sua
Why you chose that twin:
Dreamcatcher's Sua is renowned among fans for being an exceptional all-rounder, excelling in singing, rapping, dancing, and possessing a commanding stage presence. Her remarkable skills earned her the title of talent twin for Zhang Qiang Mei, showcasing her versatility and proficiency as an entertainer.
Trainee History:
Initially, Qiang Mei viewed being a trainee in Korea as a blessing, but the illusion shattered when reality struck. Debuting as the Main Rapper under DR Music with the group Luminara, she faced the harsh truth of the industry when insufficient attention and mismanagement led to the unfortunate disbandment of the group. Determined, Qiang Mei returned as a trainee, this time under S2 Entertainment, viewing the reality show 'Perfect Match' as her last opportunity to achieve her dream debut. With determination fueled by past experiences, she embarked on this journey, hoping to overcome challenges and finally make her mark in the competitive world of K-pop.

She made her debut as a member of the underrated group Luminara under DR Music, but unfortunately, the group disbanded due to insufficient attention and mismanagement from the company.
She was on the verge of returning to her home country to resume her studies when S2 Entertainment reached out to her which she decided to take a chance and pursue a new opportunity.
Her affluent background came to light when fans discovered details about her wealthy family through her past social media posts.
final comments
Hi! This is my second baby!


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