— THE MIGHT ≛ Foxglove






— tw bullying (no detailed descriptions)

Bomi's childhood was mostly uneventful until she started school. It didn't matter that she was from a lower income family or that she was never the smartest person in a room - until it did matter. Suddenly, surrounded by other kids being pushed to excel academically, she was falling short in a lot of ways. And as some sort of classroom hirarchy formed, no one allowed her to forget where she stood.

She quickly began to feel like she needed to earn a lot of money when she grew up, to try and make up for what a group of mean girls kept telling her she was lacking. Academically she felt that she would never make it as a doctor or some other prestigious job. Instead, she became obsessed with the idea of becoming a kpop idol, not quite aware of the fact, that most idols are underpayed. But it was a job that could be prestigious and that she could maybe manage if she worked hard. And people would like her, if she made it. She'd go from being bullied to being adored. And so she started dance class, was extremely dedicated and realized that she actually really enjoyed it.

After a few years of this, shortly before middle school, she was surprised to find that the group of popular girls was actually taking her in. After all, she was proving to be talented and if she was going to actually become a trainee somewhere, she would become quite pretty either naturally or through cosmetic surgery someday. And so for the first time since starting school, she felt accepted again. It didn't matter that the jokes her new friends made about her dancing still stung - they were her friends. They were supposed to jokingly make fun of each other. Nevermind that that fun always seemed to go one way and be at Bomi's expense. It was just teasing. She was accepted now.

And not just by friends. When she was 16 years old, she was finally accepted into an entertainment company, after spending a lot of afternoons auditioning at different places. it wasn't even a small company, it was one that would actually give her a shot at success. if she made it into a group, of course.

So her years of training began. her last year and a half of high school were spent half at school and half in training. she excelled at dancing, was a sub-par singer. Rapping was kind of okay - she had a good feeling for rhythm, but struggled with conveying any kind of coolness or attitude. Still, she was doing alright. Three years of hard work down the line, a new girl group debuted without her and it eventually became clear that she wasn't likely to debut any time soon and that she was just getting herself into debt by staying.

The promise of future financial struggle and the constant struggle with her already damaged feeling of self-worth made her want to quit. She viewed the might as a way to get out of that contract. After all, they were offering money to become a test subject, so she managed to negociate  a deal that would forgive her debt to the company, if she got a power and stayed as a hero.

As a result, she feels lucky as hell that she managed to get a useful power. She's not quite sure if she might still be in debt, if she hadn't. And hey, now she gets to be a hero! Once again she gets to feel accepted and even helpful, this time without all the snide comments she put up with for so long. She also still dances in her free time and loves that it's a hobby that is just for her now.


Personality traits

— polite + friendly + loyal + organised

— driven, ambitious, deferential

— low self-esteem - self-obsessed - fake - easily manipulated

— Lawful Neutral

Personality expanded — Bomi has never quite been given the emotional space to discover who she is outside of her pressing need for validation. She was made to feel unworthy, only to then be lifted up as long as she was willing to be the of jokes that looked down on her. During Training she learned that praise was possible if you put the work in, but that other times it was also possible to be criticised or berated no matter how hard you tried. In the Might she has found a place that tells her she is good, that she is even helping people. the public like her.

Which is good, because she tries so hard to be likable.The best manners, the friendliest smiles, saying what she thinks people want to hear. Of course, that can also come across as off-putting or fake.

she has a fantastic work ethic and an impressive drive to accomplish her goals. Unfortunately that energy is mainly geared towards her insicurities at the moment. Not that she realizes that, all she is really aware of is, that it feels good to be liked and that that feeling is worth chasing. She also can't wait to see what she will accomplish at the might and is beyond excited about her newfound superpower.


⋄ dancing

⋄ training

⋄ early mornings

⋄ validation

⋄ coffee

⋄ mean girls

⋄ being made fun of

⋄ paperwork

⋄ getting hurt

⋄ the scary intensity before a fight

⋄ balancing on curbs

⋄ biting her nails when nervous

⋄ doing little dances to grocery
store music

⋄ dancing

⋄ listening to music

⋄ celebrity gossip

⋄ used to refuse to  listen to that one idol girl group that debuted before she quit the company, but has come around to them since.


⋄ would get all her caffeine in the form of bubble tea, if she could afford it


⋄ she crochets little plushies, mostly of forest critters. she made a little fox to hang on her front door. she got a lot of compliments for that fox and now has a project going, where she makes every hero a plushie of their favorite animal.


⋄ she suspects 777 has or wants children, based on the way he looks out for her. also the plushie she made for him has vanished, so she put two and two together and keeps making him more of different animals. They keep vanishing and if she had to guess, she would assume he is sending them home to his kids. In her mind, she is thanking his family for letting him be here for now, so he can protect the country.


⋄ has never had a pet.


⋄ refuses to play a tank role in video games, since she is already a tank in real life.

⋄ I'm just happy to be here.



⋄ if you want to hurt them, you'll have to go through me! and if you want to hurt me, you'll have to hit me first.

power explanation 

meaning of name: Named after a flower that is poisonous, but wilts easily, she is basically named to not give away what her power is.

— She wanted to feel like she mattered and was worthy of respect. The Programme getting rid of her debt helped, of course, but if she's honest, she might have joined for the validation alone.

— She will do anything, as long as she is getting validation from being praised for her actions, being able to call herself a hero and feeling like she is doing something worthwile.

— She might still have a little bit of debt to work off? This is up to you and it probably wouldn't be much left, or maybe she works it off during the story? up to you.

power: Enhanced Durability, Faster Healing

Dexterity ≛ She had dance class throughout school and later in Trainee life and so, through vigorous training, her movements have become very quick and precise and flexible. These skills don't translate directly to fighting, but it gives her a good basis for the type of movements she needs to make.

Wounds and Infection ≛ Just because she can take a bunch of damage, doesn't mean the wounds don't have to be treated or can't get infected if they aren't tended to.

Dodging ≛ Since her main fighting comes from dance, she is good at dodging blows. Since her role in group fights is often to be a tank, it's not great if she dodges projectiles or ranged attacks, since she is supposed to take those for the group. Still, muscle memory takes over sometimes and she accidentally lets something through to the others.

"I'm fine!" ≛ She is desperate to prove herself and since she is now much better at taking hits than she was, she tends to overestimate how much she can handle. Other times, she hides it on purpose, if things are too much for her. And since no one else can really tell how much she can take, they rely on her to tell them when she needs a break. Unfortunately, she struggles to admit that sort of thing. Some people may just not notice, others might be willingly exploiting the fact that she feels indebted to the might and that her power places her in harm's way.

side effect(s)
Phantom Pain ≛ Sometimes when nothing is happening, her pain receptors go haywire and her limbs hurt for the day, putting her out of commission for training or missions.

secret keeper(s)
her parents ≛ Bomi wasn't exactly a minor anymore when she went through with the procedure, but they were allowed to know of her identity anyway. They did have to sign pretty intense NDAs though.



♡ love interest

Name  Nia Howard (future Application, collab with myself)

face Claim  Anya Taylor Joy

occupation  The Might's secretary

traits  future app, you'll see

first meeting Nia's main job is applicant intake - when test subject first come into the might, she writes down and files their information, accompanies them to the testing. Bomi remembers her as sweet and very shy, but generally a calming presence during such a scary commitment.

story Honestly, their story is very much up to you. I honestly suspect that it would mostly be a bit of a crush, that could end up the cause of conflict or character development, because they are both likely to put their work and ideals before any potential love interest.

interactions Nia works as a secretary at the might, so they mostly say hello in the hallways as they pass each other. short conversations, mostly smalltalk, mostly about the might.

status  Co-Workers

Ending  Wherever the story takes them. this could be a one-sided crush for all I know.


☆ her parents
Bomi's parents were generally kind to her and did their best to support her during childhood bullying. by wanting her to have a better and easier future, they have unfortunately occasionally played into her insecurity about having to earn money. That being said, they are also the only people who have really made her feel like she is enough as she is, which has been good for her to have. Even though she can't have as much contact to them as she would like, she is glad they get to know her identity and she can continue to lean on them here and there.

☆ 777
The respect she has for him, is the same she has for any authority figure. She looks up to him, but that need to impress makes her feel a little distanced from him.


They don't get sent out on missions together quite so much, because she is still very new to being a hero and 777 and the real even get international missions, while Fox is still starting out. When they do see each other, she does her best in training and he might look out for her in misssions, since she is only a few years older than his kids.

☆ the real
While she does also have that similar respect for authority for him, Bomi has latched on to Yoo and other young heroes, particularely ones that also live at headquarters. After all, they understand what each other go through during missions and honestly... she needs friends.


She sometimes helps Yoo walk dogs. Some heroes might suspect that she has a crush on Yoo, which is awkward, cause he's so much older. Thank god, she literally can't have a crush on him then. She likes girls. But she's also not ready to tell people that, so she can't really refute rumors.  (This is super optional if you are comfortable with and like the idea of people suspecting a crush.)


Name  kang bomi


bo ≛ a childhood nickname, used by her family.

Dancing Queen ≛A nickname from high school, referring to her dancing hobby. It was used to motivate her or to be mean to her, depending on her friends' moods. These days, people sometimes use the nickname without knowing the history she has with it and the nickname usually just makes her feel bad about herself, even though she knows people don't mean it in a bad way anymore.

Fox ≛Since heroes aren't supposed to introduce themselves by their real names, she uses Fox as a short form of her hero name.
Birthdate  23-05-2001 (19)

birth place  Seoul, SK

home town  Seoul, SK


Gender  cis woman


korean ≛ Bomi was born and raised in South Korea, where she learned the language whens he was a small child. ≛ native speaker

english ≛ She learned english in middle and high school and worked hard on it. ≛ advanced  

mandarin ≛ when she was training to be an idol, she wanted to teach herself a third language. Since she felt like more trainees were learn japanese than mandarin, in order to hopefully stand out one day. Turns out teaching yourself a language is very difficult though and her joining actual courses wasn't seen as important yet by the company, so she never got that far and it's been a while since it was a priority, so she has forgotten a lot since. ≛ basic



power (70%)


speed (80%)


technique (100%)


intelligence (50%)


cooperativeness (90%)

colour palette.





[!] visuals

face claim: Isa (StayC)
backup: Yoon (StayC)

height: 163 cm
weight: 52 kg

Dark hair, delicate features, perfect skin, average height. Once she's on the job, none of that is what people notice about her. The first impression she leaves on most heroes and villains, is how damn young she looks. Because at 19 years, she is young -
too young to be in this fight, a lot of people would say.
everyday style
Fox is usually
stylish and up to date with trends, though doesn't always seem to really understand whether or not a trend actually works for her or not.
training style
Some combination of yoga pants, sweatpants, tank tops and crop tops.
One of the main requirements for her costume was that it would be
easy to cut. After all, once the fights were over, it would be necessary to clean her wounds and make sure she could heal well.

So her costume consists of cotton trousers, a cotton tshirt and a chambray bomber jacket for the cold days. The tshirts are usually bright colors - since Fox works as the group tank, it's useful if she's clearly visible during fights.

Ironically, her boots have a slight heel, because she's used to doing her most acrobatic movements in heels.

[!] the end

password: 2020
— Not me barely ever handing in applyfic characters for kpop idol stories and then making one for a superhero story lmao

— the choice of her power was loosely
inspired by one sentence in a video essay about the show misfits. If you haven't seen it, in that show the main characters are doing community service, when they get superpowers through a lightning storm. the video essay said someting like "their powers are based on the reason why they ended up in community service in the first place". So their powers are an extension of their greatest flaws. i wanted to explore something similar with Bomi, where her need for validation means that the first place where she feels truly liked and accepted is one, that is actively putting her in harms way for their own gain.

— I don't think I have any so far, but i will let you know, if that changes. besides, I have two more apps in planning, so i have more chances to give scene suggestions!



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hello, and thank you so much for applying (for the third time)! I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your characters and the lore that they’re bringing to the might! when I first read nia’s app, I just had to read her backstory first to get a clear understanding of her and how she fits into the story. and I was excited to see a character with a family member with a high position of power in the might!

I enjoy the fact that she didn’t take the might with the other subjects, and this is a large part of the reason why I wanted to hold off on including her in the subject page. while people will read her app and her backstory, they won’t know when or how nia will affect the story (which is why I didn’t want you to make it private either). I think, considering how she took the might and the effects it had on her, she will be such a good secret weapon for the might! not to mention, you included how her trial was wiped, and I wanted to keep that aspect true to her story.

greeting 777 by his real name?! he’s going to be suspicious as of her after that. one of her likes being ‘setting up riddles for people’ really intrigues me, and I’m going to have a fantastic time writing out her riddles and the subsequent confusion because of them hehe.

do you know how exciting it is that nia not only isn’t blindly following what her parents say anymore? because I love that her new goal is to (at the very least) stop the corruption that’s happening within the program. ‘Innocent first crushes up against political corruption’. I love that line so much and the concept as well.

AHH! I love that nia’s memory loss is the key reason that yeo’s true identity remains unknown to the government!! my eyes like popped out when I read that.

also, I wanted to apologize for initially depriving nia (and you) of a review. please forgive me for that because I really am thankful for each and every character you’ve sent me! thank you so much again for applying! ♡
hello, and thank you so much for applying! YES, A HAKYEON FACE CLAIM! let me calm down, but I love second gen idols, and seeing them as face claims makes me so happy. ooh, and a villain with lower power but higher intelligence. I’m intrigued! oh my goodness, why in the world is jinho trying to make himself seem shorter. be a proud, tall king lol. oh, but he wants to blend in though. yeah, that height ain’t helping. also, thank you so much for the recommendation, and I will be reading it! please look forward to my future pm when I finally get a chance to read it!

oh, I am so into the reasoning behind jinho joining the might literally being because he wanted to talk to yooshik. ahh, and just as much I love that he ended up breaking the contract after being bored and listening in to the minds of some government officials (and a certain government employee). I just imagine such a light-hearted jinho being like ‘I’m gonna go see what the villains are really thinking and figure out what’s going on here.’ that’s really funny to me, and I love the concept.

I feel bad for jinho though because it’s going to be hard for him to convince yooshik that the government actually aren’t the good guys and he’s fighting on the wrong side. he’s already so far in, not very smart, and loses his memory often. it would take a lot, but being that jinho can literally read yooshik’s mind, he could possibly try and find a way to connect to him in a way that would trigger something from yooshik.

‘this was frolicking around in the battlefield with him’ this line really made me laugh, and it’s hilarious that jinho’s jealous of a very straight 777 who simply took in yooshik as a bestie because yooshik forced his way in. fun character dynamics will definitely be fun to write, though!

I actually really like that you added to the real’s background! I left it open as a way for someone to ask/step in if they wanted to, and I’m glad that you did! please look forward to him in the upcoming teaser, and thank you so much again for applying! ♡
hello, and thank you so much for applying! i was so excited to see someone use isa as a face claim because i think she’s absolutely beautiful. an idol turned hero?? i love this concept! that being said, it’s definitely believable that she would keep herself stylish, something that she must have gotten used to while training and prepping to debut. a heeled hero, yes yes and yes.

“their powers are based on the reason why the ended up in community service in the first place”, i love that you added more depth to her by connecting her power to her personality! oh bomi, honey, being an idol won’t make you money for a while, if ever. does it matter to you which company she’s been accepted into? ooh, i like the balance in her personality. she’s a sweet girl and is quick to make friends, but she’ll do anything to feel validated, even if that means being two-faced. AND she’s easily manipulated? oh, will it be fun to use her as someone’s pawn!

foxglove is a very unique hero name, and i really like it. you know what, her powers would have actually placed her in the minimal category. however, i feel like she worked hard during her training to prove herself to the government, 777, and the real. and the fact that she can be used first and a lot during fights would have them making her a full hero. yeah, i love how you wrote out her powers.

i can’t wait to see how nia fits into the story! and nobody has really been close to 777 yet, so i love that they’ll have something similar to a father-daughter relationship! it will warm his heart, and it warms mine as well!

well, of course she’s accepted. thank you again for applying, and i can’t wait to read your other apps as well! i hope you like her feature in the new teaser! ♡