
lilysaturn / lily   


 han jisoo




Positive: Insightful, Empathetic, Caring, Kind, Intelligent, Passionate

Neutral: Decisive, Cautious, Private, Strong-willed, Quiet

Negative: Self-Sacrificing, Sensitve, Guarded

Infj, Type 9 (Lvl 3),  Phlegmatic-sanguine, Hufflepuff

 Jisoo can come across as boring to some, quiet and reserved. But if you take the time to get to know her, you will realise she's a great friend. She will give you a listening ear whenever you need it. But also can you give amazing advice if that's what you're after.

The issue is that Jisoo will rarely open up to people about how she really feels and makes the active choice to handle her problems alone.

She is selfless to a fault and will put people before herself every time, neglecting her own needs.

Jisoo is also a passionate, and decisive, and remains calm in stressful situations.  This leads people to believe she has thick skin when in reality she's very sensitive, but she refuses to express that. She makes sure to have a strong front and never flinch or get angry even if someone is yelling at her. She will then cry in private, and no one will ever know.


BackgroundWhat was their childhood like? what happened to make them who they are today?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla. Donec viverra est vitae blandit venenatis. Pellentesque vulputate mi tellus, eget dignissim tortor posuere eget. Proin porta risus non augue pretium, eget vulputate dui tempus. Pellentesque tincidunt sed elit vitae efficitur.




 - Cats

- Coffee

- Art


- Selfish people


- Transphobes


- example


- Piano

- Art


- example


relationsinclude love interest here! Format however you want, just be sure to include name, age, relation and any other relevent information!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla. Donec viverra est vitae blandit venenatis. Pellentesque vulputate mi tellus, eget dignissim tortor posuere eget. Proin porta risus non augue pretium, eget vulputate dui tempus. Pellentesque tincidunt sed elit vitae efficitur.


Connection to the kpop industry

Jisoo started dancing hip-hop at just five years old, as she got older she fell in love with K-pop girl groups. When she was thirteen she began auditioning at multiple entertainment companies with her parents' support. She ended up becoming a trainee at cube entertainment.

Cube had a definite plan to debut her, thinking she would take on the leader position. But despite her calm & confident front, Jisoo was going through the process of questioning her gender. She found herself wishing she was training for a girl group rather than a boy group. In early 2016 cube informed Jisoo that she was locked in for the lineup for their new boy group. It made her realise she didn't want that.

She proceeded to terminate her contract with cube.

Jisoo'a dream of being an idol didn't go away, but she didn't see it as a realistic goal after she began transitioning. Instead, she decided to pursue a career in the field of psychology.  But once she found out about produce angel she thought it would be good closure. Not expecting to make it far.

Plotline Last Chance

Talent twin Major's Bian



IF YOU WERE A MEMBER OF A K-POP GROUP, WHAT WOULD YOUR POSITION BE?Leader maybe? I think I would enjoy having that role.

OUT OF 10 HOW TALENTED WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF?5/10 I was more skilled once upon a time, but I think I'm a bit rusty now. (shes probably an 8/10)

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A KPOP IDOL? Honestly? I'm not sure if I still do, I guess that's what I'm here to find out.

DO YOU HAVE GOOD STAGE PRESENCE AND CHARISMA? WHAT ABOUT STAR QUALITY?  I'm not sure, it's been such a long time since I performed.

WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A TEAM PLAYER? Yes, I think the whole team doing well is more important than standing out as an individual.



I'm not trans myself, so please let me know if I got anything wrong. I did lots of research search into being trans in South Korea, and tried to make it accurate. trans representation is very important to me, since I'm close to many people who are trans. I deeply apologize if I got anything wrong.
- Please note that only the people responsible for casting are aware of her being trans at the start of the show.
- Jisoo can be used in your app in any way you like, just don't be a bigot... your character can be a bigot, but don't be a bigot yourself please. feel free to dm me if you need any more info on her ^^


name: han jisoo

other names:


birthday: January, 201th, 1996

pronouns: she/her


birthplace: Seoul, south korea

Hometown: seoul, south korea

ethnicity: Korean

nationality: South Korean

languages: Korean,(fluent) English (basic)

faceclaim: ilovepani

backup: n/a

Appearance  Describe any differences between them and their face claim.

Jisoo is younger than her FC, but for the most part, looks the same. Her hair length is usually around her bust, and she keeps her natural dark brown hair, with bangs. But sometimes she will get highlights, or dye it in the way that's in the photo of her. When she is training or working she'll wear her hair in a ponytail, but for for more formal events she has it down.

Her height is around 168cm and she is at a slim but healthy weight.

fASHIONJisoo has a simple fashion style usually, wearing well-fitted jeans or pants with simple tops. She has a love for oversized sweaters and cardigans. 

She'll often wear simple dresses or skirts as well, the words to describe her style are probably, minimalistic, elegant & simple.

otherLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla.


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