~ kit plotting ~




bae kihyun  배기현



Kitty now unless you have a death wish, never call kihyun kitty. he hates this nickname. yes, he knows he has cat eyes, but that doesn't give anyone a right to call him a kitty. plus it's too cute. he isn't cute. don't call him kitty.


Kit a nickname that his older brother used to call him. kihyun was the family's youngest 'kit' for so long, so it was a nickname the family called him. he isn't called this as much anymore.


Fireball kihyun is known for his fiery temper and as such, sometimes things have a tendency to catch on fire when he is really angry.


Kiki an exclusive nickname from his little sister kyungmi. kyungmi has a bit of lisp and can never really grasp the 'h' sound and so she ends up calling him kiki.


 nicknames are not kihyun's favorite, he honestly does not care for them (except for when they come from his sister or family in general). so really, unless you have a death wish, don't even think about calling him by some cutesy nickname.



october 23rd, 2004 + scorpio





 taking a page from gabby's gumiho boy <3

 he has three forms: human, half-beast, and then beast.

 his father and his older siblings can turn into their beast forms, but kihyun has not being able to.

 due to being a korean nine-tails, he needs to intake energy from humans. though he doesn't need to be much (can be a simple kiss) which might stem from his mother being human.

 kihyun honestly hates it tbvh

 has great control over the fire element, though his temper can cause his control to falter.

 his eyes are normally black, but can turn golden.

 when in half-beast mode, kihyun has these pretty red markings that appear under his eyes which is a marking from his father's gumiho family.

 kihyun doesn't show off his half-beast form.

 he never shows off more than one tail.

 might add more? idk yet



yongsan-do, seoul, sk






enhypen's jungwon


HT + WT.

174cm + 62kg





Kit  키트 there's already a famous kihyun in monsta x, so kihyun decided that he would need a stage name so he wouldn't be confused for him. even though it does match his feline-like eyes, kihyun eventually decided to pick kit due for his brother since it was a nickname he used to call him.



Young Prince due to his real personality not really being a fan favorite for idolism, otr thought of a perfect persona for the young man. kihyun can certainly fake his politeness and nice words which can be boxed under 'prince' behavior. kihyun really hates his persona, but he knows it's the only way to bring in the money. so he always makes sure to be on his best behavior whenever there is a camera around (though the group makes it hard to keep his thoughts contained half of the time).



wrath – forgiveness

(vocal, dance)


flower petunia

gem amethyst

planet saturn



vocal demian

dance verivery's gyehyeon










 kihyun's father (yeongmin) is from a very prominent, but private gumiho family. his mother (areum) is a human that just so happened to live near his yeongmin's family house. they met each other as children when he wanted to hide from his family. they were the best of friends. they continued to meet in secret until yeongmin spilled the beans to his family that he was friends with a human. he protected areum from his family and soon the two fell in love despite his yeongmin's family's disappointment. yeongmin ended up eloping with areum and was casted away from the family. what yeongmin didn't expect was that his family is very influential and has been the reason why he and his wife can't hold jobs for long.

 all of his siblings take after yeongmin as they were born as gumihos, but areum isn't afraid. she loves all of her children.

 despite all the money problems, the family was happy...until jeongmin's assault. a group of protesters surrounded jeongmin on a grocery trip and attacked him. kihyun was only nine when he witnessed the attack.

 jeongmin has never been the same. the family wasn't able to afford proper therapy and kihyun had to step up to take care of the new youngest of the family.

 kihyun was forced to grow up at a young age which caused him to close off his emotions.

 he does a lot for his family and has picked up a lot of skills: knitting & sewing, couponing, bargaining, cooking, cleaning, and a lot of other household skills.

 his little sister is his whole life. he would do anything to protect kyungmi.

 kyungmi is one of the reasons why he decided to be an idol. he wanted to give kyungmi, his family, a better life. what better way to do that than become a beloved idol and make money?

 so after hearing some of his classmates talking about companies holding auditions, he decided to look them up. not a lot of companies caught his eye...until he found off the record. it was 2018 and he instantly was drawn in by the idea of agma boyz. he then knew that otr was the perfect company.

 he auditioned in late 2018. lua personally sat through his audition and knew that there was something special about kihyun. so she pulled him into a separate training group (to be known as ark's warrior). it wasn't very hard for him to keep secret about the training group (he's already a private individual).

 kihyun has a very fiery temper, one that people think may stem from his power over the fire element.

 okay so like, he may look baby, but he cusses like a sailor.

 he's also very studious, but it doesn't really care for it. he's only studying to possibly get into a good school, to have something like a backup plan in case the idol industry is a bust.

 kihyun speaks informally when he's not in front of a camera or when near someone of huge authority. eventually he will call older group members hyung, but it won't be an instant thing.

 the kitchen is his territory, his rules or you ain't allowed.

 more to come later <3









parents, gumiho x human

(fcs. hwang in yeop & han hyo joo)

the sweet parents of the bae family. they are a lovely couple, sweet together and with their family. due to areum being human, yeongmin was struck from his clan and they haven't been able to hold down a job in some time (due to yeongmin's family and their influence) and are often out of the house doing deliveries to make sure there is some kind of money to feed their family.

the both of them are very sweet people. areum is very calm and relaxing, someone everyone likes to be around while yeongmin is the more quiet one, a bit closed off to new people. the two were childhood sweethearts and despite yeongmin's family disliking areum from the start, they made it work. they are in total love and their children are the result of their undying love.

kihyun was rather close to his mother areum, but as money began to get tight, she didn't get to hang around him as often. he isn't as close to his father as he was with his mother, but he still misses him as well.





older brother, gumiho, 1995

(fc. seventeen's jeonghan)

sweet older brother jeongmin, the embodiment of everything nice. jeongmin was the caretaker of the family while their parents were out on deliveries. he did the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning...

he was caring, sweet, overall optimistic. he always made sure to keep his siblings happy and hopeful. he was smart too, having a full-ride scholarship to a medical college.

after the attack, jeongmin changed. he grew paranoid, closed off, a bit violent...very depressed. he's grown out of his violent tendencies over the years, but he's still quite paranoid. due to his change, kihyun became the new caretaker of the family, using all the skills jeongmin taught him.

kihyun is the only one jeongmin allows to be near him in close proximity.





older sister, gumiho, 1998

(fc. lovelyz' yein)

jihyun is a soft beauty with a very quiet personality. she's not overly affectionate, but she just shows her love in different ways. usually with her face stuck in a book, she is a good person to hang out with if you like peace and quiet.

kihyun isn't that close with jihyun due to her usually keeping to herself, rather wanting to read than to entertain the younger siblings. though he does like her book reccomendations as she usually lets him read her books after she's done reading them.

she currently works as an assistant librarian at the local library. it's not a lot of pay, but it's something she loves so the family just lets her be.





older sister, gumiho, 2000

(fc. itzy's yeji)

haneul is a tough cookie. one with sharp features, a lot of guys and girls tend to leave her alone. or that could be her blunt personality coming through? more brawn than anything, but she isn't dumb. she just won't let anybody try and push her around, especially after the assault of their oldest brother.

kihyun isn't as close to her as he was to their mother, but he looked up to her strength. she would go to free taekwondo classes and then teach kihyun what she learned.

she's currently working at a nearby covenience store, but also volunteers at a nearby animal shelter.





little sister, gumiho, 2014

(fc. @juah_daily)

the baby of the bae family, a precious little soul. the sunshine of kihyun's life. she's certainly a spunky little duckling, always following kihyun around.

due to her being born after jeongmin's attack, kihyun was her main caretaker. he practically raised her from a young age himself. she is often inseperable from him and as such, she is having a bit of a hard time with kihyun being away for training.

he makes sure to call her whenever he has free time. spends most of his time going home just to see her.


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as i live and breathe