#22 • JAMIE


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Birth Name 
Doh Jaehyung

Birth Date 
November 14th, 2002

Birth Place 
Seoul, South Korea

Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity  Korean

South Korean

Face Claim 
Cravity's Minhee

Back Up  
Enhypen's Sunghoon

Height  182 cm

Weight  60 kg




▸ [ Korean ]  100%
Korean is Jaehyung's native language, and grew up speaking. He tends to default speak in a more formal and perfect-grammar like way. This is why it's always a bit amusing whenever he drops a very trendy teen slang word with a monotone voice.

▸ [
Japanese ]  85%
Jaehyung began learning Japanese in school when he was young, as it was the language he chose (instead of english.) He enjoys learning Japanese, and wishes to visit the country at some point -- not for work, but just to go sight seeing. He continued to polish his Japanese fluency once he became a trainee at SM, and is currently at an advanced level.

▸ [ English ]  40%
Jaehyung knew a little bit of english beforehand, but only started actually learning the language once he met the english speakers members of SLJK. He currently sits at a decent conversational level, and can usually understand what's being spoken to him. His prounciation is pretty good, as he works with the other members often with it. Because if he can't understand what's going on, he can at least sound good while doing it.



Other Names

Jae, JJ, Jamie
Variations of his name. For the sake of ease, and the fact that he easily responds to the name, he decided that Jamie would be his "English" name -- and then decided to also use it as his stage name because it was cute and easy to remember.

Jaybird, Bluejay, Birdie
Many of the SLJK members have an animal associated with them, and Jaehyung is no exception. He is most often associated with birds -- specifically the Bluejay. This is both because of his name, and the fact that he loves "flying" and heights.

Baby Leader
The baby part only comes from the fact that he's one of the younger members of the group. Regardless, everyone likes to joke that Jaehyung is after the MLSM Captains/Co-Captains roles with how he tries to take control sometimes. It's endearing usually.

Prodigy, The Harp Boy
Self Explanatory.



DOH JAEHYUNG  |   도재형   |  JAMIE

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(+) Efficient, Confident, Charismatic, Strategic, Kind, Responsible

(=) Ambitious, Imaginative, Logical, Outspoken, Stern, Skeptical

(–) Stubborn, Overbearing, Spiteful, Argumentative, Impatient, Rebellious

Jaehyung sees efficiency as something necessary in his life, and does everything in his power to be as productive and organized as possible as to not pull time or energy away from his goals. The members, for this reason, almost always see Jaehyung on the move and attempting to plan things in the most methodical way possible. And if that means silently creeping up on one of the managers and politely demanding to see the day's schedule and road routes, so be it.

Rather than finding things like planning or always having his mind on auto-mode, he's energized by it -- the peak of his energy is always drawn out whenever he's working. He genuinely enjoys making sure that he's able to implement his "visions." So in that respect,
Jaehyung is more of a "hands-on" sort of person. he takes care of everyone and anyone that he can. In the case of s, Jaehyung does seem them as family and treats them as such.

Jaehyung is rarely, if ever, plagued by self-doubt. He considers himself a "rock" when it comes to feeling insecure, simply because he has too must trust in his abilities and finds worrying over them to be a waste of time. As a result of this, he is confident and dosen't hesitate to verbalize his feelings and opinions, or when it comes to taking charge. On the flip side, Jaehyung is someone who is unafraid to show off his weaknesses. He may underplay them, yes, but he will admit to them and ask for help if it's needed. That being said, he dosen't typically go out for help, and his problems (specifically because he often underplays them) can overwhelm him at the last second when no one is expecting it.

As a whole,
Jaehyung is a charismatic and mature person who demonstrates natural leadership qualities and will not hesitate to take control over a large group of people (if he can). While Jaehyung is an independent person, he far prefers working as a collective with him having some sort of control of what's going on. At the same time, it is important to note that this causes Jaehyung to be overconfident at times. This can cause him to be impulsive and reckless in his decisions, but brave nevertheless.

Jaehyung is undoubtedly an ambitious individual who wants to achieve his goals and garner as much success as he can. While he may not doubt his abilities, he thrives on the idea of continuously improving himself to have a sense of satisfaction. Thus, he is not the kind of person who gives up when things get tough -- the best satisfaction always comes after rising to the challenge of difficult obstacles. Notably, Jaehyung can get cunning and somewhat manipulative in his ambitions. He doesn't take these traits as far, but, if it helps to understand, Jaehyung is the kind of person who isn't afraid of using white-lies if it brings more benefits than consequences.

He is known for examining things at every single angle. Since his mind is often wondering about the future and all sorts of possibilities, he is oftentimes prepared for moment-to-moment crises and can manage them well. And, to be honest, his strategic nature is bolstered by him enjoying to play strategy-based PC games.
Jaehyung , while he's just as detailed oriented, he prefers to see things on a holistic scale. He is an optimist who wants to see things to succeed.

Jaehyung has very little attachment to the traditional ways of seeing things, and is more than happy to tear things apart in order to create something new or better -- in his mind at least. When Jaehyung is presented with a problem, especially ones that are long, he's always ready and on his feet to solve them. He's an excellent, progressive and logical brainstormer who easily rejects methods or ideas that he perceives as "faulty" without remorse. Likewise, Jaehyung does do this at a quick pace, and can again be too overzealous in these ideas and get into a scattered mess.

He is naturally impatient, though Jaehyung tries really hard to be patient, especially since he'll be apart of a large group of rambunctious boys. This impatience is often internalized and a slow building pressure inside his chest before it explodes. This is, of course, attributed to the fact that Jaehyung likes things to be quick and to the point. He also hates it when he's not able to do things as quick or as good as the other people around him. He is a perfectionist.

Jaehyung is quite stern and stubborn with himself and the other people around him. For example, if Jaehyung had to go on a long diet or if he had to restrict himself in any other way, you can bet that he'd go to the extremes.

As many entertainers are, Jaehyung is an imaginative and creative person who loves seeing his work come alive. Where he might not always be the most flexible mind in the room, he has the drive to approach different ideas and throw himself at them with great determination. He can be quite adventurous at times, so after you give him a couple of pushes or convince him of the cost-benefit statistics, he's more than happy to jump into a new and creative idea.

Jaehyung is outspoken and unafraid to voice out his own ideals, he's equally as argumentative. Whether it be because he wants a little mental exercise -- being a natural skeptic with a plethora of questions ready to fire -- or because he genuinely feels offended by another person, he dosen't hesitate to dive head first into an argument. Unsurprisingly, people don't always appreciate the energy and vigor he has when arguing because he has no inner-turmoil when it comes to tearing down other people's believes or methods in order to prove his own. Sometimes if he isn't careful, Jaehyung can create a lot of tension between himself and other people. He normally apologizes afterwards if he realizes that feelings have been hurt.

Additionally, where he's argumentative,
Jaehyung can be intolerant. Sometimes this is because he dosen't realize that what he's saying is insensitive, or because he feels spiteful. This is especially apparent whenever Jaehyung is faced with someone who cannot back up their own ideas or withstand some mental sparring. For these reasons, it can sometimes be difficult to get along with Jaehyung if you are prepared for who he is.

Many of these traits make
Jaehyung out to be a very dominant person. His strong will power can cause him to dig in his heels because he wants to win and he wants to prove that he can do whatever is thrown at him. Because this does mean that when Jaehyung, at his worst, disregards everyone else around him, and completely forget his own health. This is clear in Jaehyung's rebellious traits because he hates being restricted, told what to do, and told that he's wrong. He isn't afraid to call people out either. He has been trying his best to be more understanding and patient though -- it's just hard.

Once again, this makes
Jaehyung an intimidating person to be around. Jaehyung is still a kind, playful, mischievous, and sociable person who loves interacting with other people (as many teen boys are). He is not shy in any way. He's just a little more private and "sophisticated" so it takes some time to see those traits, especially if he's not comfortable with you. He may not be the most funny, but he will give you the facts, give you snacks to eat, give you soft pats on the head, and be a shoulder to lie on. He knows how to play along with jokes, and is able to work perfectly fine in crowds and in front of a large crowd of people. Because, funnily enough, Jaehyung is one of the easiest people in the group to talk to. Jaehyung is a selfless person who shows his love through action rather than words.

He is extremely passionate about the things that he loves, radiates a sense of excitement and happiness whenever he's able to do them. Adding in his charisma, he is, again, someone to takes things to extremes. For example, always being the member to go out and advertise his group, or being exceptionally willing to bring good and coffee to s and the staff.


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↳   2002 

Doh Jaehyung is born as the eldest child to Doh Myungjun and Chae Sowon. Jaehyung's parents quickly introduce their baby to the wonders of music practice. Oftentimes with Myungjun and Sowon playing their famous piano-cello duets in attempts to soothe Daemyung to a gentle sleep. It is during this period where Jaehyung's parents realize the struggles of raising a baby, but regardless quickly begin trying for their second.

   2002 - 2006 

Jaehyung's little sister, Miyeon, is born a year later. His little brother, Shinwoo, is born another three years after that. Myungjun and Sowon still continue to expose their children to music and other educational matters. This includes sitting their children down in front of the TV or Radio to watch or listen to recordings or orchestral performances. This continues even when his parents are gone, and they're left to the care of their babysitters. Jaehyung at this age is starting to be more strictly parented, and learns that his parents have many expectations for him in the future.


Jaehyung begins his Harp lessons. His parents had deliberated for some time over the instrument, but Jaehyung had eventually convinced them to allow him to learn the Harp instead of another instrument after seeing it on a cartoon. His Harp Teacher is middle-aged women with flowing hair, she's nice and gently guides Jaehyung through the basics. Jaehyung is already an extremely quick learner, and it dosen't take him long into his lessons to begin playing simple songs. 

Outside of lessons, his parents drill into him that he must practice a certain amount of time each day. He also begins learning the basics of music theory, and is occasionally tested by his mother with simple flash cards. Jaehyung , while skeptical, obeys his parents without too much complaint after he is introduced to the world of rewards. That being earning a gold star every time he completes a session. His parents tell him that the golden star demonstrating his efforts, especially after a competition, is a reward in itself. 

Jaehyung also begins his Taekwondo lessons at this time. His parents want him to be as well-rounded as possible -- to be their own "ideal" son, and have skills that they, themselves, were unable to do when they were young. They tell Jaehyung often about how more fortunate their lives our now (financially) and how Jaehyung should pour all of his efforts into all of the activities his parents throw him into. It's for his own good.

↳   2008 - 2014

Jaehyung has his first harp recital. Unlike some of the other children who seem to be very nervous or clinging to the skirts of their parents, Jaehyung is confident. It's almost a funny sight, seeing a small short children with slicked back black hair sitting next to a harp that towers over him. Much to his parents' glee, Jaehyung is praised for being one of the best performances, and has a pretty ribbon pinned to his little blazer. Jaehyung is just as proud of himself, and his parents let him have some ice cream as an extra reward. He is then told of how many more recitals, and later competitions, that will come.

He also begins moving further up in belts in Taekwondo. His body becomes more fluid and strong. Jaehyung , himself, is surprised by how limber his body has become. When he goes to competitions, he isn't as good as some of the other boys, but for his smaller size he does quite well. Every once in awhile he comes back home with a small bronze medal or certificate for doing well. His parents are, for the most part, elated at Jaehyung's progress. 

In school, Jaehyung quickly establishes himself as the person who always raises his arm in class, and rarely has time to hang out or play after school. He isn't exactly popular with his classmates. Some of them seem to genuinely enjoy his presence, others seem to resent him for being an overachiever, and the others have mixed reactions. It also doesn't help that Jaehyung isn't allowed to hang out with friends after school, as his parents enforce a strict practice schedule on him -- including Taekwondo lessons and practice, and tutoring so his grades don't slip whenever he does have to miss school for competitions. So, Jaehyung finds it difficult to relate to the other kids.

At this time, Jaehyung is almost constantly practicing the harp and by the time he is 12 has earned a black belt. He is a member of the junior youth orchestra in his district, and has begun assisting in his Taekwondo classes. He has won quite a good number of certificates or small trophies for his all of the competitions he's participated in. His relationship with his siblings have also grown more competitive over the years, especially as their parents have all of their awards slotted next together on a bookshelf for all to compare. But this competition is still quite pleasant, albeit distant as the children spend most of their time practicing their talents or doing homework in their separate rooms. Although, Jaehyung as the eldest has the responsibility of helping
Miyeon and Shinwoo with any of their work if they need it.

Not much as changed when he turns 12, except for the fact that Jaehyung is becoming more exposed to different things. The few close friends he has in school begin to introduce him to different types of music once they realize that all Jaehyung has in his playlist is classical etudes and sonatas. Jaehyung is unused to this, and finds it a little annoying and unsettling at first. However over time, He finds that he likes these new kinds of music. He brings this up to his siblings, and the three of them all enjoy it.

Jaehyung learns from his friend that a group called Big Bang was going to have a concert in Seoul. Interested by this, Jaehyung had daringly decided to ask his parents if they could get tickets, since Jaehyung was curious in this band's music. However, his parents had quickly shut down the idea -- they were actually quite unenthused by the fact that Jaehyung brought it up in the first place. Understanding his parents dislike for this "modern" music, Jaehyung didn't bring it up again in their home.

He still listens to the music at school though, when his friends play it during the breaks. His friend who was able to the concert regals him, and the rest of their group, about the "cool" and "awesome" performances that were there. Jaehyung becomes even more enthralled with the music when he watches KPop stages on the TV -- that is when his parents aren't at home and the babysitters let him and his siblings watch whatever on TV.

↳  2014 

Jaehyung's parents are slightly less strict with Jaehyung on his free time. Although they still expect him to spend time practicing and studying inside the safety of their home, they allow him to meet with friends for a couple hours a day after school. They trust they he'll behave himself, as he is now almost 13 years old and has shown diligence in his other responsibilities. Some being taking care of his younger siblings, doing chores around the house, and acting as a soloist in his youth orchestra.

At this time, Jaehyung has become more of a fan of Kpop, especially has his group of friends are music-enthusiasts themselves. Though, at this time none of them are considering to become idols. Rather, after some discussion, one of Jaehyung's friends convinces them all to explore the streets of Seoul and busking sites. Thus, for many weeks, Jaehyung and his group of friends spend their time munching on street food and walking around to listen to various performances happening in the evenings. It's fun, and Jaehyung finds that he especially loves watching the dance performances. Thus, during his private practicing sessions in his room, Jaehyung begins to arrange music, not classical, on his harp. He makes sure to do it when his parents aren't listening.

During a break in school, Jaehyung's friends come up with the idea of doing some busking themselves. Jaehyung , while reluctant at first, is eventually convinced to join. As long as their performances are before his curfew. Then, the group of five teenagers set up spots -- helped with the elder brother of one of his friends who has equipment and experience in busking. His friends ultimately decide that they want to do dance covers, and spend hours after school practicing. With Jaehyung's experience in Taekwondo, he finds some movements similar and easy to copy. And before long, he discovers that he actually quite enjoys dancing, and throws himself into the craft. They, overall, As they actually begin performing, become pretty popular in their area for being talented. Jaehyung does take care to hide obvious parts of his identity, just in case, with a mask and a hat.

Over the next few months, Jaehyung's life is as busy and packed as ever with his practicing, studying, school, and competition schedule all piled on his back. But regardless, Jaehyung is able to find his passion in not only music, but dance as well. And soon enough, with a burst of courage and encouragement from his friends, at school they create their own dancing club. Jaehyung isn't able to go very often, but when he does he also tells his parents that he's tutoring some of his classmates instead. In this club, Jaehyung grows more in love with dancing by the day, and discovers just how easily dance can be used to express yourself in all different kinds of music. He even begins dabbling into original choreographies, and is helped by other classmates who have actually had formal training -- they are surprised by Jaehyung's very quick progress, but attribute this to his background in Taekwondo.

These are some of the happiest times in Jaehyung's life. Although, after one of these busking sessions Jaehyung gets a particularly bad cold and is kept locked up in his home for awhile until his parents let him go anywhere outside besides school and other obligatory things.

↳   2016 

This is the period where Jaehyung begins to express interest in becoming an idol -- he is mainly influenced by a couple of his friends who also begin talking about it, especially since they know that companies like SM do many audition sessions throughout the year. It also helps that at this point, their small school dancing club has begun attending small and local dance "competitions," but they're really more like meetings of young dancers all over the area to meet and have fun. Jaehyung still keeps this a secret from his parents, but he really loves it.

Jaehyung, at this time, is still doing a lot of recitals and competitions with his Harp -- although now he's also keeping notebooks filled with almost undecipherable jargon of potential dance moves and choreographies (they're all hidden under his bed). He finds that he loves making dance moves, incorporating different styles that he sees (youtube is a great resource). One time
Miyeon found one of his dance notebooks -- thankfully Jaehyung was able to snatch it back without too much struggle. Well, besides the fact that Miyeon would call him weird, huff, and walk away.

Later in the year, Jaehyung begins to really feel a sense of discontent. He's been trying to hint at his interests in becoming a different kind of musical artist, and even tries to tell his parents about his dance hobby, but every attempt he has seems to fail. His parents love him, he knows that, but they can't seem to understand why Jaehyung would want to do anything else besides being a classical musician like themselves. It's something he's been groomed to do since he was very young, and since he's considered one of the many child stars in the (korean) classical world, he has a job just waiting for him.

At the end of this year, things seem to boil. His parents finally discover about Jaehyung's busking performances, and the "secret" dance club Jaehyung helped to start from other parents. And there's even the fact that his grades have been declining slightly than normal. Thus, they feel betrayed that Jaehyung has been doing this for over a year without their knowledge -- and that he lied to them. However, what really tips them off is when they learn (from one of Jaehyung's parents) that his group of friends' parents are trying to plan to audition at Entertainment companies the next year. His parents are horrified, especially because they see "pop" and "idol" work as less "pure" than their own classical music. They devalue it.

Jaehyung was still debating over his involvement in these auditions at the time, but once he's confronted by his parents who scold him about the issue and indirectly insult his friends for their ambitions, he can't help but feel angry. So, in a way, it is the anger and desire to prove his parents wrong that fully convinces Jaehyung to go through with these idol auditions. He throws all of his worries away.

↳   2017 

Jaehyung has grown distant from his parents and Miyeon, who all disapprove of him wanting to become an idol. He normally spends his time locked up in his room and engaged in his own music, or out with his friends to hang out or dance because it helps relax his mind (who his parent's can't stop him from meeting up with, he's 16 years old now.) He still spends time with Shinwoo though, whose still a little confused on why his family members are fighting.

During this time, Jaehyung finds his solace in his Aunt, Raehee, who supports him entirely. He begins spending some nights at her home, and feels weights lift off of his chest when he shows her his music. The two of them often have talks like these, with Jaehyung finally listing out all of his worries and why he truly wants to go through with his decisions. She tells him that there's nothing wrong with feeling this way, and tells him that he should still try. He's still young after all.

Thus, with his musical and busking background under his belt, Jaehyung prepares himself ruthlessly for an audition at SM entertainment he has in April. Alongside some other friends, the group of them have scheduled auditions at a couple of other companies, but SM is the one all of them are aiming for.

The day auditions at SM come around, Jaehyung forces himself to stay calm as he walks into the room with group of people ready to interview him and judge his skills. From what Jaehyung already has and with his experience, he thinks that he impresses them. One of the men recognizes him as a classical musician, and is asked to demonstrate his theoretical knowledge, as well as play the piano for them (as they have it on hand.)

Afterwards, Jaehyung's sweating like crazy, and goes through a couple of more auditions after that. However, a little while later he's given that magical phone call that tells him that he could be a trainee at SM entertainment. A few more follow-up SM auditions occur, and before long he's accepted into SM's roster of trainees, along with one other friend (the one with a dancing background.) Jaehyung , extremely happy by this, quits his Youth Orchestra and promptly tells his parents that they may disapprove of his ambitions, but they can't stop him.

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 Classical Music. Jaehyung has a love and hate relationship with this -- on one hand he loves the music itself, and on the other he hates some of the memories that he associates with it. But, since becoming an adult he has been getting better at letting go of this grudge.

 Flowers. Jaehyung may not be much of a gardener, but he's always liked having a vase full of fresh flowers in his home where he can see them. They're beautiful, aren't they?

 Politics and The News. On the contrary to majority of his other members, Jaehyung finds the world of politics to be fascinating. Mind you there are a lot of things wrong with it, but he does find merit in knowing about what's going on.

 Singing and Dancing. These are both a creative and emotional outlet for Jaehyung, and it's not uncommon to see him writing down random dance moves for choreos throughout the day in his (overfilled) notebook when he's bored.

 Interacting with others. This is, Jaehyung finds, one of the perks of being an idol. He gets to meet all kinds of people whenever he's working. He's especially fond of meeting new Fans and interacting with them. It's fun. This was sort of a rarity for him (to meet people casually) when he was young, so he doesn't take it for granted.

 He likes listening to the Songs of his favorite Kpop artists. Some being: Oh My Girl, Monsta X, Winner, G-Dragon, IU, Chungha, and Twice.

 Drinking Tea. Jaehyung tends to prefer Cold Brews, and herbal blends because it helps him relax. He also likes coffee, but not as much as Tea.
 Action Adventure movies. Jaehyung , having discovered them in his mid-teens, fell in love with series like Star Wars, The Avengers, The Matrix, or Fast and Furious. He also really likes watching KDramas, which usually are of the Fantasy or Historical genre.

♛ Sweets. When you live with someone named Chae Saeran, who happens to be your best friend, you become a taste tester more than you realize. And for this reason, Jaehyung has developed a sweet tooth.


 Very long car rides. Jaehyung does have some car sickness, but it only gets bad during really long car rides.

 Horror movies. Jaehyung can enjoy a good horror movie every now and then if it has a great plot, but otherwise he tends to dislike them. It's really hard to make a good horror movie nowadays.

 Jaehyung dislikes poetry. Well, it more that he's fine with it unless he has to analyze a piece for school. If you turn poetry into a school assignment, Jaehyung will hate you forever. not really but you get the point

 Lying and Cheating. Those things are just bad, and you shouldn't do them. But you can make a case for white lies, sometimes.

 Alcohol. He had a taste when he first became an adult, and never wanted to go back. He absolutely abhors the taste, and has resigned himself to never having alcohol for the sake of his taste buds ever again -- unless he's going to a wedding.

 Getting Sick. Who dosen't dislike this? This is especially apparent for Jaehyung , because he ALWAYS without fails gets sick at least once a year.

 Being limited, restrained, and underestimated. If you want Jaehyung to cause a revolution, just do those things to him.

 Things not being planned or organized. Jaehyung can improv things if he needs to, but he prefers for things to be orderly.


 Scratching at the bottom of his ears whenever he feels anxious.

 Stretching out his fingers and pretending to type on a keyboard when he's trying to refocus.

 Tilting his head towards the right whenever he's lost in thought.

 Clasping his hands together and scratching/rubbing the top of his left thumb nail when he'ss thinking.

and gnawing at his lips when he's hungry.


 Jaehyung is a little bitter that this is a fear, but he is scared of insects. This is mainly because he is allergic to them and he can have anything from a mild to severe reaction. Thus, he usually runs away (silently) whenever he sees a bug near him. It's only after he runs away the first time that he gains the courage to go back and deal with them -- the fly swatter (he has invested in an electric one) or a shoe in hand.

 Not achieving his dreams or potential. Jaehyung has sacrificed quite a bit getting to where he is now, so he's determined to do whatever he can to be as successful as he can be. 

 Jaehyung is just a little bit afraid of Mandame Kang. But he won't admit that.

 Being abandoned or left behind by the others. Jaehyung knows that he'll probably find a way to catch up sooner or later, but it's still a rotten thought to have.

 Getting run over by a car, or falling off a cliff. Or just fatally falling in general.


 "I guess I'm a hopeless romantic in someways in my head, but no one every really believes me..." 

 "Unpredictable is my middle name... I see you laughing Sam, stop it."

 "Feelings are confusing. But that's what makes them more fun to decipher."

 "Apparently the hyungs think I was flirting with that person. I thought I was just offering them some water though?"

 "BEWARE PEASANTS..! BWAHAHAHA... Was that good?"

 "What's wrong?"


 "Shh, don't speak. Jaehyung's gotcha."

 "I'm going to do this pull up if it's the last thing I do -- HEY SAM, DON'T SHOW ME UP LIKE THAT. NO PEOPLE ARE ACTUALYL GOING TO EXPECT ME TO DO IT!"

 "What did they do this time." 

 "What did you do this time." 

 "I swear, I will slap you."

 "Yay!" [insert cute scene of Jaehyung and Saeran giving each other hi-fives]

 "No. No knives. Why are you touching a knife. Put that down before you take someone's eye out."

 "You're like school in july... You  have no class."

 "Ahhh... This is so embarrassing..."

 "Maa, well that's going to be a problem."

 "Is that voodoo you're doing? Because I don't remember buying you guys a magic permit."

 "Well curiosity killed the cat... Anyone want to go the pet store?"

 "Oh, do I admire your lifestyle."

 "I'm stressed out... Yes I'll keep doing it, who do you think I am?"

 "Listening to [member] and [member] is kind of like a living drug-infested-meme trip. It's a good thing I have netflix on my phone."

"You ever negotiate with yourself? Or is that just me."

 *smiles happily when getting teased and is a good sport*

 "That's dangerous."

 "Yes and No... What about Yes or Yes?" *wiggles eyebrows*

 "My Older Brother senses are tingling. Who's watching the younger kids."

 "I would quote an epic battle speech, like in the Percy Jackson series, but you guys would probably actually try and get weapons. So let's just go."

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 Jaehyung is good at sports, thanks to his background in Taekwondo (black belt). He prefers soccer the most though. He's also quite good at acrobatics, knowing how to do flips and tumbles with ease.

 His favorite colors are teal and purple.

 Whenever on a variety show, Jaehyung makes it a point to get close to all of the staff and MCs that he can, and advertise his group members as being "kind, great, talented" and so on.

A big pet peeve of his is bad writing (both the actual substenance and bad handwriting).

THE HARP: Jaehyung is Classically Trained. The Harp is Jaehyung's instrument. Despite the conflict with his parents, Jaehyung still is very fond of the harp, and playing it helps him relax and think. ink.  x | x | x | x | x | x

He has his personal harp at the dorms [in his room or carefully placed in his room]. It is not uncommon to see Jaehyung playing the harp at night for s, before they go to sleep. Absolutely no one is allowed to touch his harp without his direct supervision, and he always makes sure it's dutifully protected when he's not around.

He has a collection of many group's Lightsticks, and if he's allowed goes to as many concerts of other artists that he can. That means that he has every SM Artist's lightsticks, he has both Twice's lightsticks, both Seventeen's, and so on. He decorates all of them, and likes using fake flowers and jewels. [Jaehyung showing off his collection on a VLive and being so proud of himself.]

 He always has a large bottle of water with him at all times. Mostly because he's normally very thirsty.

 Despite the fact that he almost gets sick every year in the Winter, it is still his favorite season. Jaehyung loves playing in the snow and sledding down hills (of course, after being bundled up in a million layers). Also, his favorite holiday is Christmas!

 Wants to try doing movie stunts at least once.

 He's learning how to bake and cook from Saeran and Hua.

 He also has a great interest in becoming an MC for something like a Music Show.

 Jaehyung is allergic to pollens and insect stings. For this reason, Jaehyung typically wears face masks (like most koreans) and long sleeves. 

 His favorite animals are Dogs and Dolphins. He has a cute, stuffed Dolphin that he keeps in his bed. His favorite number is 1. 

 Jaehyung is a light eater, and often eats in small portions with a couple of small snacks throughout the day. That being said, he still dosen't mind giving his food to the other members.

 Jaehyung wears prescription contacts and glasses. He normally only switches to his black-square glasses at night, but he may wear them during the day if his contacts are irritating his eyes.

 Jaehyung is not afraid of heights, and absolutely loves being high up. It makes him feel free. So yes, he would be the one to volunteer to go bungee jumping or hang gliding or jumping off a plane, etc.

 Jaehyung was a pretty average kid in school. He got pretty good grades and never got into trouble. His favorite were his music classes, but he also enjoyed English and Math.

Jaehyung does have his driver's license by the time MLSM debuts.

 He is touch starved. He wants cuddles but is too shy to actually initiate them.

 If he sees something embarrassing, Jaehyung cannot bring himself to look at it. No matter how hard he wills himself, he'll always en up closing his eyes or covering it with his hands.

 While Jaehyung respects age hierarchy, he will call out his elders if he feels like they are unjust. He is prepared to face the consequences.

 He is very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. Jaehyung considers himself biual.

 He always texts in proper grammar and puntuaction, and rarely uses gifs or emojis.

 Very supportive of Underground Artists, and will recommend various artists to their fans every now and then.

 If Jaehyung were not an idol, he probably would've become a professional classical musician.

 Jaehyung does get scared kind of easily. Although his scared usually equates to covering his head with a blanket, hood, or pillow, and curling himself into a tiny ball in the corner.

 Jaehyung will fight you, fists and all, if you touch any of his personal belongings without permission


 Greasy and y Dancing. He has the "amazing" ability of turning any dance, no matter how cute or cool, into something that instantly causes insane laughter or the covering of children's eyes. he also enjoys doing girl group dances. It's during these time when Jaehyung could be mistaken for one of the more energetic and memeish members.

Corrupting perfectly fine drawings. Yes, this is a talent -- Because no matter what Jaehyung does, he just always ruins makes a drawing better in one second. In reality, he can't draw to save his life, so you don't want him as your partner for pictionary. (sorry Ian)

 Arranging Music. While not on the level of creating his own original music, he knows how to transcribe music to make it suitable to play on the harp and to change things up a little for more interesting dance routines.

 He knows instantly and every single time if someone has been in his room or touched his Harp. It doesn't matter how hard you hide it, he will always know.

 Doing hair, like intricate braids and curls. He only knows how to do them since he's practices both on his sister's hair when they were younger, and his friends hair in school. he does it for the GJSN members sometimes.

 Snapping very quickly and making beats. It helps that he has very nimble fingers from playing instruments.

 Unconsciously flirts because he likes taking care of people. He would be the person who gets people's numbers without trying. 

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when the party's over  |  someone to stay  |  a thousand years  |  chasing cars

life of the party  |  little do you know  |  i have nothing  |  home  |  tired 

you & me  |  can't hold us  |  hotel ceiling  |  my my

just the way you are  |  love story  | moonlight | dinosaur

there's nothing holding me back |  something just like this

unlike  |  silent night  |  someone's someone  |  it's you  |  ophelia

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[ SM GENERAL TRAINING  |  June 2017 - March 2018 ]  

Training is difficult at first, but nothing that Jaehyung can't adapt to easily after a few days. He stays with his Aunt Raehee during this time, and commutes from her apartment. At the very least, this gives him a sense of reprieve and freedom from the judgmental stares of his parents. Anyways, from going to school and spending time training, Jaehyung finds that the fixed schedule is comforting to him -- in a way it mirrors the own rigorous schedule of his childhood, but at least this time he made the choice.

Jaehyung impresses his trainers with his already solid theoretical music knowledge, and skills in dance and his surprising potential for singing. As a result, he breezes through many of his lessons, and holds onto all of his trainers' critiques and advice with rapt attention. Though he hasn't even touched rapping, Jaehyung has proved himself to be a formidable trainee -- and eventually his trainer's catch onto Jaehyung's talent in choreography. It isn't long before his trainer's are requesting to see his choreo notebooks at the end of every week, and ask him to prepare original choreographies for evaluations when he is able.

He also stands out for being a trainee who takes charge, and despite his younger age, steps in to help older trainees when they need it. And, much to his delight, he's able to find companionship with the other trainees. It was difficult at first, mostly because Jaehyung acted quite standoffish the first few days of trainee because he was still adjusting to everything. Over time, he would slowly open up and allow the rest of his personality to be seen. The fact that the trainees all largely end up getting along is because they can relate to each other -- training is hard, and many have different situations for how they got here -- but nevertheless all of them try to support each other when they can.

During this time, Jaehyung is still very tense and distant from his parents and siblings, who he sees less and less of. He feels guilty for how everything went down, and wants to apologize for lying. However, he can still not stop himself from feeling angry and a little spiteful for how not understanding they were of his dreams and aspirations. Nevertheless, these inner conflicts and his heavy schedule prevent him from actually making any moves to confront his parents. 

He also starts to notice when trainees are beginning to disappear from the practice rooms -- specifically ones who have always stood in during training and were well known for their polished skills. Jaehyung wonders what's going on, but ultimately decides not to think about it, because it would probably stress him out. Some of his fellow trainees murmur how he might be taken out soon, but Jaehyung doesn't want to get his hopes up.

[ SLJK PROGRAM  |  March 2018 - Present ]  

When it happens, Jaehyung is almost done with his lunch break. He is sipping his cup of tea and walking leisurely back to his practice room. The day had been completely normal, so he wasn't expecting anything remotely interesting to happen. Which is why Jaehyung almost spit out his tea (thankfully he didn't), when he opens the practice room door to see one Kim Hyoyeon in the middle of saying his name. Jaehyung's eyes are wide, as the next thing he knows, Hyoyeon is suddenly walking towards him, and motioning for him to follow her.

Jaehyung sends a confused and almost awestruck look towards his trainer (who Hyoyeon was talking to). The trainer merely winks at him, before the door closes and Jaehyung hears Hyoyeon quip at him to follow before he gets lost or something. Shaking his head, Jaehyung forces all of his questions down his throat, tries not to sqeeze his cup, and briskly walks alongside Hyoyeon.

By the time they make it into the SLJK building, and a hallway down from the infamous practice room, Jaehyung keeps his eyes trained straight forward. He knows what's happening now. And he can't help but whistle appreciatively as he notices all of the state-of-the art appliances and beautiful walls nad floors of the new building. The company must really be investing a lot into... into whatever this was. But Jaehyung has an inkling that this is where he'll be practicing from now on -- probably.

They reach a practice room, and Jaehyung is guided inside by Hyoyeon. Inside are a group of trainees all sitting in a circle down ont he floor. There's a piece of paper in between them, with scrawl that Jaehyung recognizes as drawn out choreography steps. The trainees all turn to stare at them, and Jaehyung can't help but let his eyes sparkle in excitement when he realizes they're trying to make an original choreography. Hyoyeon notices this and laughs.

Though, interrupting that laugh, is a clear "ahem" from the side of the room. As if hidden by the shadows, a woman -- Madame Kang, Jaehyung's mind supplies him -- walks towards them. Her eyebrow is raised, and the edge of her lip twitches knowingly. This must happen often, Jaehyung thinks to himself.

"Another audition so soon, Hyoyeon?" Madame Kang smoothly states, "Just a few days ago you brought in [insert name]."

Jaehyung looks back and forth between Madame Kang and Hyoyeon as they speak. He very nearly tunes out what they're saying, when his eyes trail off to stare at the trainees (who have now scattered to the edge of the room in almost military like discipline. He again sees the piece of paper of choreographer scribbles in the hands of one of the trainees. Jaehyung isn't stupid -- he knows these are some of the most talented trainees that the company has to offer, which is why he's so eager to take a closer look at the piece of paper if he can.

"Alright, now it's your time to shine." Hyoyeon suddenly claps him on the back of his shoulder, "I talked you up, so do me proud! We'll start with free style."

Jaehyung just blinks owlishly at her, before nodding in determination. This is an audition -- and unexpected one, but an audition none the less. He could do this with his eyes closed.

Then, Jaehyung strides to the middle of the room, makes eye contact with Madame Kang (it sends chills down his spine), and waits for the music to start.

[ freestyle ]  when the song comes on, Jaehyung immediately begins dancing -- and with the music, chooses to go down a more comedic yet technical direction. He showcases his understanding of the performance, and even involves one ofthe trainees standing to the side.

At the end of the perfromance, many of the trainees are smiling, trying to hide giggles. Hyoyeon is smiling as well, but Madame Kang still has her signature stone face. She says nothing, and Hyoyeon states that Jaehyung can showcase one of his own personal choreographies now. When Madame Kang hears that Jaehyung creates his own choreos, her eyebrows raises slightly, and Hyoyeon stares back with satisfaction on her face. Jaehyung tries not to think about it as he stands in the center of the room again.

[ idontwannabeyouanymore ] This piece is Jaehyung's first contemporary choreography that he feels proud of. He flies across the room in his dance, and when he's finished, quickly goes back to the center of the room to bow.

There are claps when he finished, and Jaehyung is pretty sure he can see Madame Kang now staring at him with a different light. The room goes silent as Madame Kang crosses her arms and opens . 

"I see that you have strength in dance. Yes. But we have many other very talented dancers on this team. What else do you have to offer." Her eyes glint calculatingly.

And Jaehyung, though he feels another chill up his spine, is not one to back down from a challenge.

"I can sing. Well." Jaehyung responds simply, his eyes taking her challenge.

She stares at him for amoment longer before nodding. At that, Jaehyung is suddenly being handed a mic, and telling Hyoyeon the song that he intends to sing. [Can't Take My Eyes Off You.]

By the time Jaehyung finishes singing, Madame Kang has moved from her position, and his nodding her head.

"Congradulations. You're in." She states, still in her characteristic stone-faced voice, before turning to Hyoyeon, "He'll need to get all of the paper work ready." and then back to Jaehyung, "You start tomorrow. Don't be late."

And with that, Jaehyung finds himself being led out of the room by Hyoyeon (to get everything signed and sorted). Hyoyeon pats him on his shoulder, "I knew you could do it."

Jaehyung hates to wait until he gets home before he squeals out loud in happiness for his accomplishment. Right after though, he had to tell Aunt Raehee that everything was alright and nobody got hurt. 

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   POSITION    lead vocal + lead dance / #mlsm #hail


talent twin(s)

  DANCE    Seventeen's The8 [ ex ]  [ ex ]

Jaehyung found his passion for dance a little later than many of the other SLJK members, but it nevertheless encapsulates a large chunk of his being. With a background in Taekwondo, Jaehyung's dance is sharp, fluid, and powerful, with great consistency and a strong sense of balance and rhythm. His strengths lie in his power-based dancing and quick memorization. Furthermore, he has a strong foundation of acrobatics and upperbody strength, including flipping and tumbling, which lends itself to Jaehyung being able to learn how to b-boy with relative ease. Dancing is how Jaehyung feels free, and it opens up a whole new world for him, and for this reason he wants to try as many dance styles as he can -- this especially includes contemporary, which he has no prior experience in but has been taking classes to learn so he can incorporate it into his choreographies.


  VOCAL (RAP)    Day6's Jae  [ ex ]  [ ex ]

Jaehyung is a very stylistic singer with a melodic tone. His voice is very light, versatile,  bright, and smooth, and he's able to navigate through his range with ease. After many lessons, and learning how to manage his singing while dancing, Jaehyung has developed good breath control and agility. Furthermore, due to his background in classical music, he has a great ear for pitch. He also tends to sing in a more breathy style, which does mean that he isn't the most powerful singer -- though he is able to hit high notes and belts if he needs to. He does struggle with his belts and high notes though because he lacks in power -- which is why he prefers falsetto and his middle register (and mixed). Thankfully that job is left to the main vocalists. His strength is that he has an amazing tone, and works very well with more western-oriented music.

  CHOREOGRAPHY / FREESTYLE    Winner's Seunghoon  [ ex ]  [ ex ]
bk. hoshi, kino, etc

Jaehyung found himself naturally falling into a choreographer's role once he began dancing. As he got more comfortable, he would choreograph many of the dances his friends and himself would do for busking performances, and this later translates to Jaehyung becoming one of the choreographers for his team. As of right now, he excels the best at making choreographies for 5-person groups (he is one of Hail's choreographers after all). He often incorporates many various styles into his work -- alternating between more power based to more interesting fluid based ones. He is also quite good at making cuter choreographers, but has also gotten into more sensual ones as well. He takes a lot of inspiration from just freestyling, and letting the music take over (for which he already has a great understanding of.)

  VARIETY    Cravity's Minhee  [ ex ]  [ ex ]

He does his best to act cool and mature, but everyone knows that once you throw him in a variety situation with games and competitions, he becomes like a little kid who just got their Christmas present. He is especially playful with the other younger members, and enjoys teasing the hyungs in a very casual manner. But, he is generally one of the more relaxed and serious members when it comes to variety -- until he just decides to throw his pride away to be funny for the views.


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   NICKNAMES    Jaehyung, like many of the other SLJK kids, has garned plenty of nicknames over the pre-debut period. Jaybird and Bluejay are pretty common, and he's the most well known as Harp BoyClassical Music Advocate, and Ling Ling (40 Hours) (that one was courtesy of Charlie and other english-speaking fans who know TwoSet.) At some point he earns the nickname Art Destroyer after he accidently spills paint over one of Ian's drawings (thankfully the other boy actually thought the whole situation was hilarious). Then there's the Pomeranian nickname, which seems to stem from Jaehyung's fluffy hair, and the fact that he can be really loud and complains a lot. And then because majority of SLJK ends up getting some kind of Disney nickname at some point, Jaehyung secures himself the nickname Edna Mode, for the sole reason that he has a pair of really round black glasses, and while he isn't so much a stickler for fashion, he is about hair, and their personalities can be startling similar sometimes. He's also known as the Lightstick Collector or Collector in general, because he likes hsowing off his many collections to the fans during vlogs and such.

   --- LINE    Jaehyung is a regular fixture on the dance line, and regularly joins in on their antics. Although sometimes it's more like him trying to stop the dance line from getting into chaotic dealings, but that doesn't always work. Jaehyung also sometimes finds himself in the vocal line, lending his voice whenever they ask for it. But most of the time, he ends up clinging to Saeran and Charlie to either "supervise" them, or the three end up falling alseep in a large bundle. Due to his age, he is also apart of the Baby Maknae line, and likes to think of himself as the leader of it, or at least the most responsible one with the most brain cells. He is also a fixture on the Tall Boys Line, being over 6ft, and happily towering over his other shorter hyungs and dongsaengs.

  DANCE & CHOREOGRAPHY    Jaehyung is largely a dance-focused trainee. If he isn't doing something else, his days are largely spent coming up with dances, perfecting old ones, teaching other trainees, or looking up inspirations for new choreos. He throws himself into his work, yes, but he doesn't forget to take care of himself (most of the time, and the other MLSM members watch out for each other so it's all good.)

  VOCAL    Jaehyung, himself, was surprised when he realized how he was actually better at singing than he thought. Of course, he always enjoyed singing, but he enver thought his skill could be elevated to the point where it is now. Once the trainers learned of his potential, he instantly became (secondarily) vocal-focused. Jaehyung does like dancing more, but he still takes a lot of pleasure in signing, and is more than happy to join in on vocal line activities when he's able.

  TEAM    Jaehyung was one of the few trainees who were switched back and forth bwteen Thunder and Hail more often than the others. He fit both teams well, and Jaehyung personally didn't have too much of a preference. Eventually, they decided to finalize Jaehyung being on the Hail team because 1) his age and his youthful vibes, 2) his soft and more angelic-like voice, 3) the Hail team needed a more firm and extroverted personality on the team, and 4) Jaehyung realized that he preferred being on Hail -- especially because his fellow maknae, Saeran, was on the team. He didn't want to be the maknae of Thunder -- no offense, but they be more chaotic than the Hail boys.

  LULLABIES    The Harp is a wonderful instrument to play whenever you want to make people fall asleep. The gentle strums and whimsical tones are something that become characteristic of the nights whenever people in the MLSM dorms (or sljk in general) have trouble sleeping -- and Jaehyung is always happy to oblige. He also happens to be the person who is most often in charge of walking people up.

  HAIR STYLIST    Jaehyung is really good at doing hair -- maybe he was a professional hair stylist in his past life. Either way, when partnered with Charlie (who has mad make-up skills), the SLJK dorms practically have their own stylist team on stand by at all times. The two of them take their craft very seriously.

  THE PUBLIC    Is Jaehyung the Marketing boy? He is the marketing boy (he asks Ian to make the posters and banners, but that's besides the point.) As someone who is greate at organizing things and wants to get his group as much exposure as possible, Jaehyung is the one who avidly advocates for public performances or going out to do those public challenges so they can interact more with the fans.

  JAPANESE    Due to Jaehyung's proficient Japanese skills, he is ablet o communicate with the Japanese trainees with ease -- especially the ones who struggle with Korean. For thsi reason, he is pretty close with the other Japanese trainees. He, and some of the other trainees who are good at japanese, helpo act as translators or take over speaking for the grood when they are in Japan.

  V-LIVE / VLOGS / DIARIES    Something characteristic to Jaehyung, is that pre-debut he starts his own personal series of vlogs or dairies documenting his days and feelings. He dopes this all on his own accord, and was approved by the SM staff. Sometimes he just talks about random thing about his day -- to which the vlogs would evolve into something like Jaehyung's Tea Time -- or just plays music on his harp, freestyle dances, or ends up holding mini seminars on how to start choreographing or how ot learn music theory. Every one and a while he's joined by another SLJK person, but most of the time he does these solo.


birds of a feather flocking together



Parents : Doh Myungjun & Jeon Sowon  Jaehyung and his parents have a rollercoaster of a relationship. As a child, Jaehyung always did everything his parents told him, and was the perfect and obedient eldest child. He was, as you would say, their little trophy child -- to whom they did praise more than their other children as he was able to win more than them, this did contribute to Jaehyung and Miyeon's rivalry. As stated earlier, Jaehyung grew discontent, disillusioned, and later rebellious towards his parents aren't he realized their somewhat prejudiced way of thinking and how they didn't support his aspirations outside of classical music. Which is one reason why Jaehyung is wary of tradition amd the old-ways ot thinking.

Jaehyung , however, was able to repair some of his relationship with his parents during his break from training. This was the time where he was able to sit down and really talk about why he was doing what he was doing, and why their support would mean so much to them. Jaehyung was unhappy that his parents refused to fully support him, but the little support they gave was enough for him at that point. However, Jaehyung realized not too long after that his parents still wished for him to eventually quit trainee life for good.

When Jaehyung debuts, he's finally ready to prove to his parents once and for all that this is what he wants to do with his life. That being said, even after his debut, his parents can't help but subtly tell him again and again that they want him to quit. They still want him to go back to how he was before his "rebellious" phase.

Younger Siblings: Doh Miyeon, Moonhee, Shinwoo  When they were children, Jaehyung was incredibly close to his siblings. He helped to take care of them, although from the beginning they were heavily compared to each other by their parents in terms of their musical accomplishments. Of course, this competition stayed playful until Miyeon and Jaehyung reached their teenage years. In the coming years, Jaehyung's relationship with Miyeon would become especially strained. These two grew to have almost completely polar opposite personalities, and soon began to clash at every turn. Shinwoo was the poor soul left in the very middle, and attempting to be the shy but determined mediator for his family. Following Jaehyung's sort of estrangement from his family when he was 15 to 17, Jaehyung and Miyeon had an even more rocky relationship, to the point where they refused to speak to each other because of their differing values. Whereas Jaehyung remained fairly close to Shinwoo -- although he believes this sibling strain at one point caused Shinwoo to undergo multiple mental breakdowns. He feels very guilty about it. He is the closest with Monhee, who is the most understanding and easygoing of his siblings.

aehyung has also been able to reconcile with Miyeon to an extent, however the two of them are still very awkward around each other. Especially since Miyeon has fully followed in their parents footsteps to become a professional violinist, and isn't particularly impressed with Jaehyung being an idol, especially as they all know how competitive the industry is. Granted, Miyeon isn't as well versed in the idol industry (especially SM) as Jaehyung, Moonhee, and Shinwoo are.




LIAM KIM  As the Leader of MLSM, Jaehyung looks up to Liam ot help keep everyone together. Though the team technically has 4 leaders, Jaehyung tends to view Liam as the person who has the "final say" for what happens on the team -- and the person who everyone normally makes speak for them. The two of them do have clashing personalities, but they seem to have settled into a sort of moody older brother and annoying little brother who gives him headaches because he runs into situations impulsively. It works, and it's pretty endearing. Especially when you remember that Jaehyung sometimes likes to "challenge" Liam (and the other captain's) authority (not really but like toeing the line). Liam knows that Jaehyung is doing it for fun, and because it's just the younger boy's personality. That being said, if Jaehyung does need to be scolded, Liam is usually one of the main hyungs who does it. It is also noted that Jaehyung tends to be a lot more mellow when he's around Liam -- the other boy just gives off that kind of aura. Unless you're Ian, then the opposite happens. Which Jaehyung thinks is hilarious.

CAMERON LEE  Cameron is really cool -- the two of them get along more personality wise, because they have somewhat similar ways of looking at things. However, because they do have quite a handful of similar personality traits, it means that they clash quite a bit. So if anything, they're relationship can be better described as two boys (one senior and one dongsaeng) on a field, and the two of them trying to one-up each other. It is also a fact that Jaehyung could learn how to be a lot more easy going from Cameron -- how to not take things as seriously and to go with the flow. In terms of the rivalry that Liam and Cameron have, Jaehyung doesn't want any part of it -- tense relationships are something he wants nothing to do with because it reminds him of his own. It doesn't affect how he interacts with either of the two boys, but Jaehyung does kepe it in mind whenever he sees the two boys in the same room. Jaehyung would like to see the two of them make up, because they're two of his hyungs, but it's not always that easy.

MIZUNO KAZUKI  Kazuki and Jaehyung almost operate on two different worlds, and the two of them may have their own bouts of miscommunication. However, the two of them have their failsafe -- dance. Whenever the two of them aren't able to see eye to eye -- which can be often -- they resort to dance to really understand what the other is thinking. Their dance battles can be pretty intense, especially because they end up doing more unconventional moves that end up more funny than anything. That all goes to say, the two of them are friends. It also helps that they have Saeran and other friends there to help them understand each other and "soften" all the edges. In any case, Kazuki is one of Jaehyung's favorite conversation partners, because Kazuki's mind just goes off to different dimensions that are so fascinating, and then Jaehyung is there to bring him back down to earth. 

KANG HANA  If Kazuki and Jaehyung are already quite different, Jaehyung and Hana are literal opposites. The two of them operate on two different universes, not just worlds. But nevertheless, the two of them can have a lot of fun together -- it just takes compromise. Jaehyung is someone who is more prone to arguing for fun, or even being quite overbearing because of how seriously he can take things, whereas Hana is more whimsical and almost fies from place to place. It takes a lot of understanding and patient from both of them to really feel comfortable around each other. That being said, they still are friends, and are both willing to work through any miscommunication they have. They are both, after all, direct and forward people who will not let things that bother them simmer and wait. They also like getting bubble tea together, so that's a good bonding experience. Though, Jaehyung always finds himself a bit worried about both Hana and Saeran (sometimes even Kazuki) because those guy's are very often the ones who end up in chaotic trouble. 

MIYAZAKI KEIKO  Jaehyung really admires Keiko for her optimism and bright outlook on life. She is like a bright shining star -- who might accidently bump into another star on accident. Jaehyung is sometimes frustrated with Keiko's more oblivious and tactless straits, but it's nothing he can't work around (as quite a few of the sljk kids are similar). So instead of letting his frustration out negatively, Jaehyung instead focuses on trying to help his Noona learn how to go about social situations. Jaehyung, after all, enjoys teaching -- and already has some experience trying to watch out for Saeran and Charlie. Nevertheless, Jaehyung does enjoy Keiko's presence, and she's always an interesting conversational partner -- just give him a few moments to adjust to her brightness.


BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes  BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes  BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes  BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes


Jaehyung does find Madame Kang intimidating, with her fierce stare kind of reminding him of the iron grip his parents had over him. However, he realizes that this is very much a professional relationship, and she is his boss. It's kind of her job to be extremely critical of all of them. And for that reason, he does respect her, but she does her job very well. It should also be noted that in the recent months he has finally began asking Madame Kang, every once in awhile, advice. On the other hand, Jaehyung finds himself more comfortable interacting with Hyoyeon, who he admires and isn't afraid to talk to. It helps that she is an amazing dancer and is able to interact with the trainees in a more casual way from time to time. She is also the person he often goes to evaluate his own choreographies, so he really takes her opinion into account. 

Heechul is fun, and Jaehyung sees him as a really high standard for variety and how to just capture everyone's attention. Sometimes he thinks Heechul is a bit... frivolous, but for the most part Jaehyung finds interacting with Heechul enjoyable most of the time -- assuming there's no nefarious plots a foot, and he knows that Heechul likes to join in on those things. Takashi is interesting, and Jaehyung finds that he enjoys the way the man goes about interacting with the trainees and leading the program. Jaehyung finds that he interacts with Takashi quite a bit because of Jaehyung's japanese fluency, and the fact that Jaehyung wants to learn more about Japanese culture.



CHAE SAERAN Saeran and Jaehyung are essentially what you would consider best friends, and they are very close. Just like Minjae and Huijun, the two of them get along very well despite their different personalities. They both just have a subtle understanding of each other, and respect each other's boundaries. Of course they fight sometimes - but they always make up very quickly once they realize they were both being ridiculous. The two of them do a lot of things together -- from eating, to practicing, to playing video games, to watching movies and anime, and so on.  [Probably also roommates?] It also helps that the two of them are closer in age, which makes it easier for them to relate to each other.

[yes this is an excuse to use minijeu pics. also taking advantage of minjae and huijun being group twins for the plots]

CHARLIE MAE Jaehyung and Charlie clash, and their fights are so explosive you have to wear sunglasses when it happens. But all the same, the two of them get along very well -- you may think that because they fight they dislike each other, but it's rather the opposite, because  the two of them greatly enjoy engaging in verbal spars with each other. It's intellectually stimulating, and a way for both of them to blow up steam. And both of them know that the other won't get offended, so none of the other older SLJK trainees interfere because they know this is normal. The two of them are also quite close, bantering and teasing each other snarkily often. They also share a number of interests -- bonding especially over being SLJK's duo stylists. Jaehyung(alongside Saeran), have taken the jobs of trying to help Charlie get better of dancing -- it's certainly a process, but it's something.

[see romance section]

name tba soon


  BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes  

name as many as you'd like but emphasis on the most important relationships




love interest

Name  Charlie Mae
(Cloud's bub!)

Backup  Free Reign!

Status  Close Friends



i hope it's cute

will come back to this soon!!


love story 

give me the feels

* feel free to add couple trivia and etc


Having already sat through a handful of his other member's interviews, Jaehyung elegantly settles down in his seat with confidence. His eyes are trained directly onto the camera, and he gives a charming smile, "Hello, I'm MLSM and Hail's Jamie! I am in charge of choreography, dance, and vocals." 

Jaehyung than smiles mischievously, his eyes darting to glance off to the side, "I'm also basically Hail's main visual, and Hail's Leader in training. [Hail Captain] and [Hail Co-Cap] won't know what hit 'em." he cackles to himself as there's sounds of protests in the background.


why did you pick the number you chose?

Jaehyung smiles a little shyly at the question, rubbing the back of his neck, "Ah well... Saeran chose 21, so I just chose 22." Then, silently cringing, he continues to explain with a light voice and a smile, "Best Friend goals is always a reasonable explanation, yeah?"


Jaehyung dosen't hesitate to answer, "I see myself standing on stage with my members as artists. We'll have been all around the world, we would've touched millions of people's hearts, and I'd be able to take a relaxing vacation on an island somewhere and drink out of a coconut."

He chuckles, "I still see myself still dancing, still singing, still making music. Maybe I'll return to doing some more classical music. Maybe at some point I get to join in with an Orchestra as a special guest? Like Henry did that one time. I do hope by then I'd also be able to branch into some solo activities -- I love working in a group, but there are just some things you can only achieve alone you know?"

Jaehyung hums lightly to himself, "Maa, 10 years is pretty far away you know. Anything can happen. I'd rather focus on the here and now. Why think about a successful ending, if we haven't started our successful beginning?"

which seniors do you look up to?

"Well, I respect all of my seniors of course, because they paved the way for the new generation." Jaehyung begins with politeness, "But if I had to chose one, I would choose Super Junior's Shindong! Despite not fitting conventional standards, he has created his own space in the industry and is looked up to by many people. He's also an amazing dancer -- did you know that many of us, the trainees, learn from watching his dance practice videos? It's amazing!" Jaehyung struggles not to gush, but his eyes are sparkling in pure respect.


Jaehyung leans back in his chair slightly, wearing a broad smile now, "Fun! I enjoyed the brisk nature of training, and just the atmosphere in the room when you're with so many talented individuals is absolutely amazing! By the time my first day was over, I couldn't wait for the second." he winks at the camera.

the sky's the limit

last words 
I finished in time!! This is a revamp of my old bub (time is hard lol) but I hope you like him! The only thing left unfinished is the LI section, but I'll be plotting with Cloud soon ^^ I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything else?

scene requestS

→ As of right now, I can only think og wanting a ton of angst, conflict, and so on with all of the trainees! Something heart wrenching -- maybe a scandal or two thrown in there -- and them all growing stronger and closer because of it? I'm definetely thinking conflicts with Jaehyung's parents could be something that hits deep for him.

→ Cute Maknae Moments! Squad moments with Jaehyung/Saeran/Charlie/etc.

→ tba


[ Driving | Wing | Sleep ] -- solo songs
jaehyung testing out new and different styles

Filter  ] -- a solo song that Jaehyung releases as a b-side. It focuses on how there are so many "sides" that he has to take on, whetheri t be his personal life or his life as an idol.

My I  ] -- a dance-centric duet with another mlsm member

idontwannabeyouanymore  ] -- An original choreography video. This is one of the first choreography videos that Jaehyung releases, before it eventually turns into a little video series.

Hand Clap  ] -- Dance and Vocal cover with Saeran

[ This Love ] -- Vocal Cover




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