[ Notes ]

Seong always dreamed of becoming an idol for as long as she could remember.
From a young age her and her friends would often make covers of songs and dances with Seong often taking on the role of rapper.
She often bugged her parents about letting her audition for companies.

Became a trainee at twelve 

replace with fc. 134x200

Park Seong

[ Name ] Park Seong


[ Nicknames ] 

Here / Her


[ Birthdate ] October 31st, 2000

[ Birthplace ] Mokpo, South Jeolla, South Korea

[ Hometown ] Mokpo, South Jeolla, South Korea

[ Nationality ] Korean

[ Ethnicity ] Korean

[ Languages ] 

Korean / Native / Born and raised in Korea.


[ Faceclaim ] StayC's Sumin

[ Backup ] N/A


[ Height ] 158 cm


[ Appearance ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.


[ Style ]

Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.


[ Other ]

Tattoos / Here



[ Personality traits ] ISFP / Here /  Selfless, observant, service-oriented, kind, sensitive, traditional, loyal, private, quiet, realistic, disciplined, loyal, empathetic, warm, organised, consistent, gentle, considerate, practical, affirming, responsible, deliberate, humorous


[ Personality ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.


[ Background ]



[ Likes ]

Here / Here


[ Dislikes ]

Here / Here


[ Habits ]

Here / Here


[ Hobbies ]

Here / Here


[ Special Talents ]

Here / Here
Here / Here


[ Trivia ]



[ Relationships ]


Relation / Name / Age / Occupation / Personality

Relationsip with character


[ Stage Name ] Seong / Here
[ Plotline ] Petal 05


[ Vocal Twin ] StayC's Sumin
[ Rap Twin ] StayC's Sumin
[ Dance Twin ] StayC's Sumin


[ Trainee Years ] Six years

[ Trainee Life ]


[ Pre-debut ]

Year / Activity


[ Headlines ]

Year / Scandal


Another Member?

[ Name ] Here

[ Backup ] Here


[ Personality ]

MBTI / Traits


[ Love Story ]



[ Status ] Here / Info

[ Ending Status ] Here / Info


[ Trivia ]

Relationship trivia here.


replace with fc. 134x200


[ Comments ] Here is my girl, Hyun!
[ Password ] In the cheatsheet!


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Did you accidentally place the fcs for Yuna and Seong in each others’ names?