Captain's soul

You came into my life when my life wasn’t that sure enough

I was a bit happy and sad

Why? For once I did feel alive again but it all ended one day

When I suddenly realize that this thing will never proceed

People always think the this thing is fine but the truth it will never be

We all sing one song as the lyrics go beyond

I simply can’t tell anyone what I feel inside this beating heart of mine

X marks it as it is an x part of my life that once again was opened

As I raise my head to see the ray of light blinding me

I suddenly realize that this ray of light can blind me anytime just the way my heart was blinded

I don’t know if this is right or wrong but what I feel never doubt it even a seconds of a time

Then I don’t know what to say, it simply makes me a coward one day after another

Only then I realize if I still am after time goes by it will be my fault if I never feel happy once more

So right now I was hoping that one day this coward soul would held this soul in the future although there is a small chance that would happen

Still I won’t give up as I wouldn’t let this time pass by without any fight.


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