❝ SO.A ✧ Wu Xien

I am Wu Xien

Character Name— Wu Xien

Other Names

— Wu Marie [English Name]


— Xixi; Given to her by her brother who is fond of teasing her a lot since she gets mad easily.
— Mae; This is what her American friends call her since they think 'Marie' was too old-fashioned.
— Rie; Another nickname given to her by her friends who seem to uncomfortable with calling her by her real name.

Birthday— Feberuary 01, 1996

Age— 19 years of youth

Birthplace & Hometown— Vancouver, Canada

Ethnicity— Chinese

Blood Type— O

Height— 173 centimeters

Weight— 50 kilograms


— Chinese (Fluent) ;
— English (Fluent) ;
— Korean (Basic) ;
— Japanese (Beginner) ;


Face Claim— Eun Gyeong ( gallery )

Backup Face Claim— Soo Ah ( gallery )

casual: 1,2,3,4,5
formal: 1,2,3,4,5
dorm: 1,2,3
practice: 1,2,

Personality— She is very sweet and caring, almost like a mother. The only exception is whenever her brother, Wu Fan, teases her. She can be a little childish but only when it is in front of her brother. She loves being the 'mature' one in the group and feels the responsibility of taking care of the members whether they are older or younger. She is quite guillible as well and easily falls into the pranks of other people. She tends to be in daze for most of the time being since shed keeps having this fantasies of what could have happened if something else was done. She is really old fashioned and traditional. She believes in things such as marriage before , respecting your elders and not placing them in homes for the aged, and so on and so forth. She is the type who easily forgives even if she was really in pain. She is not sadistic nor masochistic, but a little like her brother, she is narcissistic. She knows her capabilities of a person and she knows when she is the best at it. She can almost be pictured as the perfect wife but she is not much of a fan of love after her paren't divorce. She does not like skinship with those of the opposite as well as long as they are not part of their family. She is usually calm and collected. She only talks when there is a need for it and usually, the things she says are full of wisdom.


— Baby Animals
— Sweets
— Popcorn
— Differently Shaped Bottles
— Men's Cologne (she prefers these over the scent females wear.)
— Aegyo
— Headbands with feathers dangling from them.
— Dairy



— Closed Spaces
— The Dark
— Bugs of any sort
— Being teased/bullied
— Heat
— Seafood


— Baking
— Cooking
— Playing The Drums


— her bottom lip when thinking
— Sighing whenever she feels like something is going wrong
— Nose scrunchingup whenever she is getting annoyed and embarrassed
— Using two of anything to play as drumsticks
— Pouting when looking around for something to eat



— She is allergic to seafood.
— She used to be in a band in her high school days (as the drummer) but left when her brother came to Korea.
— She has a pet dog named 'Pende' which is also Panda in her own weird language.
— She has never had a boyfriend and is afraid of the fact of having one.
— She was part of the swimming varsity in their school.
— She has dyed only the ends of her hair for an ombre effect.

BackgroundShe was born without having the chance to see her father. It was a cold day in Vancouver, Canada that time for their family but never had she felt like she was born into a broken family. Being the only daughter, her mother loved her too much-- spoiled her even yet she grew to love the simplicity in the things around her. Her brother, Wu Fan,was not jealous of her because to him, he was her most beloved sister. He does not like showing that though so he tends to bully her a lot to show affection. She knew of the fact that racism existed because she always received remarks from the kids in her school about how her eyes were so small, how her skin had a different shade to it and so on and so forth. There was never a day when she did not go home crying to her brother for being bullied. Kris would always go home with detention slips from his teachers because he actually fights the kids who bullies Xien. She was very thankful for having him as a brother that she promised herself that she would be there for him through thick and thin. She got into music when she was in grade school. She took a loving for drums and was soon asked to join in a band called LOCOMOTION, in which she met her best friend. Together they overcame the obstacles that middle school brought to them. Her brother on the other hand has been attending auditions for companies that were located in Korea. She thought it was foolish at first but when her brother got the job, she could not be more thrilled than anyone else. Before leaving for Seoul, she and Kris went to Los Angeles for another briefing from the staffs of SM Entertainment. She was wondering in the streets alone when she got into trouble with a few hobos. She was running for her life when she felt herself being pulled into a shop by a stranger. This was the time when she met Mark Tuan, her best friend from LA. They decided to keep in touch even when she went to Korea with her brother.  They stayed in a small apartment that was both near by SM Entertainment and the school that Kris made her enroll in. There was a struggle for the huge language barrier. She had to learn a new language and it was not easy for her. She was so happy when she heard that Mark has came to Korea as well for the same reason Kris did. She would spend most of her afternoons with him and they would help each other in learning Korean. As a joke, Mark told her that she should try out for JYP Entertainment too since her voice was very splendid and she had the talents that no other female could. She did it as a joke but surprisingly, she passed the auditions. Kris was not much thrilled of hearing that her sister was going to be a trainne for a different company so she told her that it was better if she worked with him in SM Entertainment. She was not so fond of the idea of having to perform on stage like how her brother did but she had no choice but to obey his command. She explained it to Mark who was upset at the thought of having her best friend work at a different company but it was her brother that made the decision. She passed the auditions but then she had certain illnesses from overfatigue and for having not too much time to rest. She was alaso given harder time training once the issue between his brother and the company came up.


— Mother | Wu Jian | 32 | Busineswoman
— Brother | Wu Kris | 25 | Idol/Model


—Best Friend | Mark Tuan | 21 | Idol
—Best Friend (Bandmate) | Lalein Lee | 18 | Student
—Friend (Bandmate) | John Silver | 20 | Student


Rival— Lee Hyeri (Sistar's Dasom)

Age— 22

Group—Girl's Day

Personality— She is really sassy and arrogant when it comes to Xien. She likes rubbing it to her face that she is a better idol and that she is loved by most of the male audience. She also thinks that she can be forgien for horrible character on variety shows since she is beautiful and what not. She is a jealous prick who has a huge crush on Xien's brother, Wu Fan. She is very touchy to other males as well because as her words say " sells in this industry." She is crazy.

Interactions— Upon having to cross paths in a music show, Hyeri purposely bumps too hard on Xien making her lose her balance and spraining herself whilst having to perform with an injured ankle. She also bashes her on varety shows by saying that Xien did something to her when it is actually the other way around.

Why they are rivals— She purely hates her because of all the attention she receives from being Wu Fan's sister. It already pisses her off that she gets to spend more time with Kris but the fact that she is getting popular because of them being siblings was pushing all her buttons. Which Xien does not understand why since Kris is her brother and nothing more.

Love Interest— Kim Yugyeom ( Mark Tuan)

Age— 19

Group— GOT7 (GOT7)

Personality He is very playful being the maknae and all. He likes being sweet to Xien because it's just in his character to do so. He loves playing pranks on his older members and often gets picked on as well by them. He is very passionate when it comes to dancing and does his best to show everyone that he is not something to be looked down on just because he is the youngest. He is very shy when it comes to interacting with females though. He doesn't know why but he feels like it's wrong for him to be doing the flirting gestures his hyung often does. He tends to have himself babied a lot because people will often call him too mature for his age and he only shows that to the people he is closest with.

First Meeting— I shall lay this in your hands, author-nim.

Interactions— Just like how he is with any oter human of his opposite , they were both very awkward with each other. Yugyeom would keep his distance and Xien would do so as well. He was aware of the issue happening between her brother and SM Entertainment plus the fact that she was being bashed by Hyeri on the television, Yugyeom has portrayed her as someone who he would not want to be assosciated with. Until such circumstances in where he will be forced to pair up with her in a show in where he sees her true personality at first hand. He thought that it could be just a facade that she put up on for the sake of the show but he was not really sure about that as well. He started to watch more of the videos of so.a ee that what she showed in the variety show that they starred in was the same as from all the other ones were so.a ppeared in. He noticed how Xien would often visit Mark in JYP Entertainmeny saying that they were actually best friends, he started to get to know her more as well. Times past and the conversations between Xien, Mark and Yugyeom ended as conversations between just Yugyeom and Xien. Feelings started to arise between them but with both having no experience in love whatsoever, failed to have recognized the liking they had for another was already more than that.

Love Rival— Park Jinyoung (Oh Sehun)

Age— 21

Group— GOT7 (EXO)

Personality— He is motherly to s and very feminine while around them. Other than that, he is very manly when it comes to appearing on shows and commencing interviews. Him, alongside the other members tend to send flirty fan services to their fans. He is very hot-headed so it would be best if he was not annoyed in any way possible. He is the thinker of the group so whenever a situation arises that is not easily dealt with the members, he can be relied on to do so. He likes teasing Xien a lot seeing how she easily reacts to being bullied by him. He does not really care about the issue between her brother and the company as long as he gets to bully her. He also acts like the second leader of the group. He directs them on what to do and how to behave when communicating with others.

First Meeting— In your hands~~

Interactions— He and Xien were introduced more better during a mini 'date' with Mark. Jinyoung was the only member who was not busy that time so he was asked by Mark if he wanted to hang out with him and Xien. It was not the first time they would be meeting but it was the first time he would be seeing who the true Xien was. Right from the start, he had already bullied her that is why Xien tends to keep her distance away froom him. Other than that, they became friends. (not good friends, just friends.) They were often shipped together by people in the industry since they were told to have fit together very well. (only i consideration of their looks and not their personalities.) Jinyoung started to develop feelings for her and so he started pursuing for her despite the fact that he was aware that Yugyeom has his eyes on her too.

Stage Name—Xi-N (It's still pronounces her name.)

Persona— The Marshmallow Bear (Marshmallow because she is sweet to whoever she meets even if they have not treated her well. Bear because she loves pulling people into hugs and treating them like her baby cubs ;;;)

Position— Main Vocalist ( Leader, Rapper, Vocalist )

Fanclub Name— Bear Cubs (It is in relation to her persona and how she always acts like a mother to whomever she meets.)

Fanclub Colour— Thistle #D8BFD8

Training Years

— JYP Entertainment (2012-2013)
— SM Entertainment (2013-Present)


Trainee Life— Her trainee life in JYP Entertainment was bearable since she did expect it to be challenging. Her SM Entertainment trainee life was more than difficult. She had experienced too much stress which caused her body to become weaker and less immune to illnesses. She was also upset by the fact that she had to deal with the racist remarks she was getting from the trainees. Not because she was the sister of an EXO member meant she would have special treatment after all. They made it much worse for her. She was treated like all the personal trainnes' assistant. She had no means to fight back so she just obliged to their form of bullying. She was also envied for because she had appeared in some dramas due to her brother's name. Her brother was not allowed to act but she was and SM Entertainment allowed it for some reason. She was not known to the public yet but they knew that it would mean more finances if they revealed that Wu Fan's sister was also in the same company. She did not like that kind of recognition because she also wanted to build up a name for herself.  There were times when she just wanted to quit this company and start begging JYP to take her back instead but it was actually Mark who supported her to get through the hardships. The only good thing in her trainee life is that she met one of the idols she loved the most in the company and those were her brother's co-members. They were all very kind and encouraging to her. It was only until the end of 2013 when they started to protect her from the other trainees after seeing that she had gathered some bruises. 2014 became hell for her once again when her brother did not even tell her that he has filed a lawsuit against the company. As it remained unsettled and with Kris leaving his sister behind in Korea to cool his mind oof, she felt betrayed and alone. She felt like she was abandoned by the only man she loved and looked up to.  She found her time to avoid training for a while to console with her best friend, Mark. When she came back to train again, she was treated more harshly being the sibling of a 'traitor' or how the other members and EXO saw it.

Pre-debut Experiences— has she acted in a drama? sung an OST? Maybe she has cameoed in an MV?

— She appeared in the drama 'Bridal Mask' as one of the girls in the circus.
— She also appeared in 'What happened to my family?' as one of the workers in the company.

— She appeared in the Infinite's Music Video 'Back' as the main female role.
— She was also in GOT7's Girls Girls Girls Music Video.
— She also stared in the drama Dream High Season 2 as Jinyoung's love interest
— She used to be a back-up dancer for Miss A
— She also used to be a back-up dancer for Girl's Generation


Comments/Suggestions— I AM SORRY THE CIRCULAR THINGIES ON THE PROFILE VANISHED ;; I DIDN'T KNOW WHY BUT IT WAS 4 IN THE MORNING AND IDK ;AAAAAAAAAA; I suggest Russian Roulette by Spica or Gun by Nine Muses? OR Lovey Dovery by T-ara.

Scene Requests

Soon in the story (if possible), she will be chosen for We Got Married and paired up with anyone of your choice.
— Them appearing on Let's Dance! and she continues to have NGs.
— Her dancing with a twisted ankle on their debut stage.
— Weekly Idol in where they have to dance boy group songs for the price of meat.
— Her having a duet with SHINee's Jonghyun / EXO's Chen / Super Junior's Kyuhun / TVXQ's Changmin
— Let's Go, Dream Team!



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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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