☾ 별빛 아래에서 당신과 함께☽ Sapphire Montri ⋆Orion



☷ KIM 





☷ oh so bright

NAME  Nin Montri
NICKNAME  Sapphire ► Foreign friends; Since she was barely at home, she spends more time with the people she meets at random places. Most of them were for different countries and were having a hard time sayng her name so she told them to call her Sapphire since that was the english meaning of her name.
BIRTHDAY + AGE  1996.02.01 + 19 years old
LOCATION  Bangkok, Thailand
LANGUAGE  Thai + Fluent; English + Basic


☷ Like a diamond

FACE CLAIM  Hasna Arnita + gallery
BACK UP FACE CLAIM  Wang Yiyi + gallery

APPEARANCE She is quite tall for her age. She stands at 170 centimeters and she weighs at 50 kilograms. She has one bleached part of her hair which she dyes on a monthly basis (except for the color pink and orange). She he has this birthmark just below her collarbone which takes the shape of what seems to be an arrow. She has four piercings, two on each side of her ears (Two silver spikes and two black spades). She always has her hair flow straight down her back. She dislikes combing it so she lets it remain unkempt. She has never dyed any other parts of her hair but that streak of which she already has. Her skin tone is actually a tone darker compared to which are in the picture.. e


☷ in the sky

PERSONALITY  She often comes off as too strong or somewhat close to a tomboy with the way she acts and talks. She is really rough when dealing with people since she has this perspective that no one would change if they weren't driven enough by anything (may it be fear.) She is very outspoke and sassy because of her different views on serious topics such as politics and religion. She is short-tempered. Annoying her would probably be a death wish since she gets a little violent whenver she is annoyed. She is social despite that. She loves talking to people and have a glimpse of how others see the world. She is very responsible and independent since she lived like she was taking care of herself alone. She is very dettached from people so she has a lot of friends but only a few could be classified under her category of 'best friend''. She also has a god complex which makes people get easily annoyed with her. She is always inclined to devote herself to her own opinion despite it being unusually abnormal compared to other opinions. She is very numb when it comes to insults since time has already gave her enough problems for her to not care anymore. She is also very careless when it comes to the minor details. She is an abstract thinker whom always looks outside of the box. She is law abiding despite having a strong sense of originality in her. She is also a justice seeker. She does not stop until she sees the person in need getting the justice they deserve. She is blunt as well. If she has to knock you out of your own delusional fantasies, she would not waste another second to do so. She is a neutral when it comes to lying. She believes that it is good to always tell the truth but if it comes to save her from getting in trouble, then she would lie just to save her life. She always sees the flaw in a situation. She is often called a pessimist because of that but she does not care. She only points out the flaws so that the scenario will be easier to withstand.

LIVING  She lives with her barely sober father on weekends but she usually lives with a friend who goes by the name of Isra. They share in the payment of rent for the apartment they are staying at. (which is nearby their school). She just drops off her house when she needs to buy groceries for the drunk man.

SCHOOL  She is in the first year of college. She is taking up a degree in the bachelor of arts majoring in communication arts. She is a scholar since she does not really have the financial ability to pay for her own tuition. She keeps her grades above average and she also works as a part-time help at the school's library. She treasures her scholarship so much that she prefers to study more than to go out and hang with her friends.


☷ pulling me in

BACKGROUND  She refers to herself as an accident child since she was born to a teenage couple who were aged 16 and 18 at that time. Her mother was not so thrilled with the idea of raising a child at a young age and so she was abandoned to her father who was no better. Her father was guided to raise her by his parents until they passed away from a fatal car crash. It was a good and bad thing for them. Bad because of the emotional trauma that it caused her father to have so she had to start working part time to take care of herself since he wastes hisn money on alcohol and gambles with the neighborhood's men. It was a good thing because she then had the liberty to leave the house without being scolded by her grandparents.  She then reverted to taking any part time job she would see so that she could get through to the rst of her education.  She met a girl named Isra in seventh grade and wasn't she thrilled. She was then welcomed into Isra's family like it was of her own and so she would usually run away to them when her father would go home drunk with a different y woman helping him to his room. There was almost a time when her father opted her to go into the escorting business which would have completely destroyed the only remains of her love for this man. Her father was the reason why she never became too attached to anyone (with Isra as the exception).
FAMILY  Father  | Dao Montri | 33 years old | 2 | Waiter at a Beef Restaurant | Complacent; Loves to Gamble; Selfish and insensitive to the filiial needs h
OTHER CHARACTERS  Best Friend l Isra Dunawhei l 20 years old l 5 l Student; Part time bartender l Wild and Outgoing.

  1. She hates all types of chocolates.
  2. She loves the cold weather and dreads the hot weathers (which is an everyday weather in Thailand, tbh.)
  3. She has a fear of closed spaces and porcelain dolls.
  4. She loves instant food.
  5. She has a soft spots for babies and baby animals.
  6. She was given a title of being a heartbreaker at her school since she has rejected a lot of guys.


BACK UP   Perseus 


☷ is your light

"When did you first feel drawn to the stars?"  I have always feel drawn to the stars when I was about six years old. It was a rough time for me and my father then. We always had strange arguments for a child and an adult and the only way I could feel better was if I looked out of my window and gaze up above the stars.
"Why do you think you are drawn to them?"  It is the only pleasant escape I have from everyone. It almost feels like they are the only ones who are not judging me for being myself. It feels like I am somehow connected to it. Do you know that red string people talk about? Where the strings are connected to their soulmates? It feels that way with the stars..
"Where were you when you first saw them?"  Lumpimi Park. If I could recall well, I was ten. I just ran away from home crying after my father told me that he would earn from having me perform services to other men. It was a cold night and I needed to think. I ended up here...and there it was.
"How do you feel when you look at the stars and can't look away?"  At ease. I feel..at home. It feels like I have a family there who is just waiting for me to reconnect with them and to separate from the beast I live with right now. At the same time, I feel hurt. Why? Knowing that I have to go back to reality once I look away...
"Do you wish to be unattached to the stars?"  No! I am normally dettached from everything but I don't want to lose this feeling. It's the only thing that gives me euphoria....or will the world just take it away from me again?


☷ to guide me

COMMENTS  Wow. This is really an interesting plot. I don't know what to expect and that makes me excited.
SCENE REQUESTS   I want her to pick up something from the streets that is related to the archer. It's as if by coincidence-- and it creeps her out. XD



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