Gimme courages

Don't freakout, I want u guys to tell me how to have the courage to kill one's self .... U see I am experiencing sth serious n am so done with it n i dont think it'll ever get better ... I dont want to wake up from my sleep,am afraid to face the world I can't do this anymore. .... I wish it was sth to change but i strongly belive it wont. Minds do change but bodies dont.:-( .... I just want u guys to tell me how to earn that courage either to keep me alive or take my poor soul away. ... Sorry if this made u sick or stuff, i just need the help and Please do help!!


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ireallyrock #1
thanx onnie
clubcutness #3
look dont kill urself....the world have something to show u
Don't you dare think of ending your life. You are a living being and your life is precious, to your friends, family, relatives.
How will your parents feel if you kill yourself? Remember there is a difference between someone dying and someone commiting suicide. I beseech you sister, don't do this.
God created you for a reason and you have to fulfil it. Dear, strive on, make something good out of your life and you can look back and thank God for letting you listen to your friends and staying alive.
You told me you are a medical student, become a doctor, save lives but remember you can't save lives if you lose yours.
Go for counselling, therapy, psychiatric meet up, church, anything that can help.
Inform your parents and if it is something nasty involve the police.
You are precious, don't forget that.
Look life does get hard at times and this wont be the only time it does. You can't live thinking like this. I feel like this sometimes, but to know I will hurt the people I love because I was being selfish is even more painful then living another day. You have to stay strong for yourself.
eonni we know things are hard but think if thus as a life lesson which u have to learn from i have gone through a lot and im alive even if i wanted to end my self ur too important to be a past u are the present i hope i can be there for u in any way!
--daedreamer #7
Hey there, i have a friend who's suicidal. She's tried to kill herself more than once but it didn't happen because she'd messed something up, or she'd run out of time. But if that wasn't the case then she'd be dead right now. But she wants to live, i know she does, because every suggestion i give to help her she takes on eagerly. The thing is that she doesn't really want to die, she just wants to end her suffering. But, she does have the courage to kill herself. I don't think her situation is too different to yours. I think you mentioned something to me about bullying? My friend has some things going on in her life, but the reason for her being suicidal is mostly because she has severe depression. I took her to the doctor's the other day, he referred her to a psychiatrist urgently. I don't know if your case is psychiatric, since i don't know as much about you. But still, i suggest seeing a doctor as soon as possible. They'll be able to help, even if it's not psychiatric. I don't think you cut or do anything horrible (maybe I'm wrong, sorry if i am), and you don't have the courage to kill yourself, so i don't think it's likely that anything will happen for quite a while. So the sooner you see a doctor, i think, the easier it'll be for you. But it never is that easy, like you won't get better asap, but if you try, you can. Also, i think you mentioned once about having friends who were very supportive of you and tried to help you? Talk to them more, tell them more about your thoughts, consult your family. Take someone you're comfortable with to the doctor's with you if you need any extra support. Like my friend, i don't think it's that you want to die, you just want to end the pain. You can do that without ending your life. You're still young and you have so much going for you, please stay okay.
oppach #8
Talk to somebody, please. What you have is an illness. It's not your fault and it CAN get better--I speak from experience. I often remind myself that it's like having diabetes(or some other disease). I need to follow my treatments to deal with my symptoms. I don't look down on a diabetic or think they are weak because they have a disease--so I shouldn't think of myself that way, either!
GalaxyyExotic #9
Hello! Stay alive please