Craft # 7: Flower bracelets; and Happy Valentines Day!


This happens when Keeper is cooped up inside her room:


This is quite addicting. If you want to make your own flower loom band bracelet, visit YarnJourney's Youtube channel :3

But he hadn't stopped her as he'd laid there listening to the tale of Elenlote, a bright piece of star longing to touch the rich soil. It was a sad tale, where the star could no longer shine surrounded by the soil, but that the nourishing ground had so loved the star that a flower grew that rivaled the sun for brightness.
- from Stolen Heir, chapter 6: In which songs are sung and questions arise

I am currently working on another bracelet inspired from this passage, like the one you see above but the petals are yellow. Hmm... will find red bands tomorrow because I ran out xDDD

And then I have ten violet bells already for another bracelet :3


Happy Valentines Day!


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I like the 4th one hehehe You do good work, so pretty.
Belated Happy Valentines Day!
These are so pretty! At least you're making all these cute stuff when you're stuck in your room!!^^ happy valentine's day, keeper! ♡
Marianations #3
You have a wonderful camera.