
Author will be on hiatus and all stories are also on hiatus for the moment.
BWM is discontinued unless further stated. 

It will take a few days for me to get over the bashing and to get over the hate. 
-- I don't know why I'm crying so hard... /inserts pitiful laugh/ 
Geez, I'm a pabo. 
I keep wiping my tears but they just keep coming down... I think something is broken. not sure if its my heart or some tear sack or bag. /laughs/ 

I'll get over it, it just takes time. 

I'll get over the flames and I hope to come back. 
Sorry for writing disgusting and very inappropriate things but no, I will not die because you ask me to. 


Crying made me feel better.

I hope I'll be back after lunar new year which I'll be celebrating. 

And I hope you guys will continue to have a blast.



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Oh...*glomps author with hug*
I seriously don't understand why you receive hate...your stories seriously good! Like, really really good. It has really great plots, and really awesome emotion, and you need to write a book, because I totally love your writing style! ^-^
I think people are just really jealous of you, author. You're really talented at writing, and your writing style is so unique, and whenever you write a chapter, everything just flows really well! I think other people are jealous and decided to be bloody gits.
I always feel really happy to read your stories, because they are always the perfect balance of feels (help me, I'm feelingggg!!!!)
I am really sorry that there are people out there who decide to be effin trolls simply because they're jealous. I shall hunt them down and beat them with my slippers and a wooden spoon.
I know it hurts, and since it is apparently frowned upon in many countries to commit murder, I guess the only thing to do is rest, so I hope you feel better! ^-^
Ughhh.. I cant undestand why people enjoy bullying other online, like wtf! I happened to know another taoris writer who got hates despite her amazing talents. I guess people just damn jealous disgusting creature sometime. There's a saying in my homeland; empty barrel make the loudest sound. If you know what i mean,hehe. Stay strong author-nim. Dont let them haters get the satisfaction. Take your time to heal, read some funny fanfic or movies or whatever, and then come back stronger, honey! Them haters dont deserve your attention. They're not the one who feed you or give birth to you, so they can just bark their sorry asses but you keep rockin'
Wait why?
Why your stories are the best
Why read the stories if you don't,I me them haters?
You know what I will hunt them down and watch them burn in fire
innocent-bystander #4
your tear glands are just loose. dont worry we'll wait for you. i dont even know how people can hate such well written stories...
hyooohoon #5
oh okay..
just take your time okay..
I'll wait, we'll wait..
and happy new year for you and every one celebrating ㅋㅋㅋ
we'll miss you already!!
stormishawol #6
Enjoy the new year aweety and stay strong. We all love you.
Jxiong246 #7
You are awesome! And we all can wait... Especially me... Take as long as you need... :D
wishurmine #8
Take your time authornim! Dont mind the others! Theyre just jealous they cant create something great like you do :)
its okay, take your time. All of us still support you and I will wait till you come back. I hope you feel better once you take a break. Youre amazing and dong be down :)
yea u can take ur time i have a few stories that haven`t been updated for a few months to about a year
So yea Plz take care what u need to do and come back ok =^-^=
Why are you crying!? Nothing is your fault! Don't feel bad :( we understand. Take your time, okay? We'll wait for you
Its ok we understand. Take your time :) We'll always be here to support you <3 And this story!!
I'm so sorry author nim! You shouldn't have to deal with all those haters. Your story is wonderful, especially BWM! It's sad that ur on hiatus but we will wait. So I hope u feel better and remember we are here! And supporting you. Dony think about those people who told you to die. They have no right to judge who should and shouldn't die.
nonononononononononono but.... now what its mean u will cut down every fic ur writing