Fill In the Blanks (credits to owner)


1. name:  Elizabeth
2. birthday:  Nov. 28
3. favorite color: Purple and teel
4. lucky number: 5
5. height:
61 inches  (5'1)


1. last dream you remember: Getting a new phone
2. can you juggle: no
3. art/sports/both: both!
4. do you like writing: Of course i do! eue
5. do you like dancing: sometimes
6. do you like singing: Yerp


1. dream vacation:...IDK
2. dream date: IDK
3. dream guy/gal/enby: Girl: cute and good personality.....Guy: good personality
4. dream wedding: No clue

5. dream pet: A panda or monkey XD
6. dream job:
Something in le technology field or computer programmer


1. favorite song: Keep myself alive by Get Scared and Not too late by Three Days Grace
2. favorite album:  no idea
3. favorite artist: no clue
4. last song you heard on the radio: Can't remember OTL
5. least favorite song: umm idk but i hate songs about the birds and bees
6. least favorite album: don't have one
7. least favorite artist: Don't have one


1. guys/girls/enbies: Okay with either one tbh
2. hair color: no preference with that
3. eye color: no preference
4. humorous/serious: humourous sometimes serious
5. taller/shorter: Either one
6. biggest turn-off: being bored
7. biggest turn-on:




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Can I copy this dear?
Huh. I didn't think you swung in both directions. Guess I learned something new today. ^_^
Lol whats an enbie?