50 Questions 090215

1. How many pets do you own? None. I once did, I don’t now.

2. What’s your least favorite season? Winter. *evil growl*


3. Do you prefer to text or call? Text.


4. Morning or night? Night. It’s my time of day.


5. Do you like tacos? Yup.


6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Can I be both? I mean, it depends. (Unnie makes me extroverted, {u know who u r :p} and Oppa makes me an introvert {Mann OuO}


7. What’s your favorite desert? Pie, pie, pie!


8. Do you enjoy walks? I think it’s relaxing and I have long legs so… yeah.


9. Are you a frequent user of Facebook? Nope.


10. Do you watch animated shows still? Yeah, I watch all of the old stuff {PPG, Spongebob, Loony Tunes, etc.}


11. Can you roll your tongue? Yassssss! I’m one of the few in my family.


12. What’s your “lucky” number? 13.


13. Are you scared of anything?  Heights over water, and losing the people I care about.



14. Big mac or big whopper? I’m not a burger person.


15. Do you like to play board games? Yup.


16. Are you fond of romantic novels? They make me cringe.


17. Fruitloops or cocopops? Neither. But if I had to choose it’d be fruit loops. I can’t stand chocolate, which is funny because my skin looks like a giant Hershey’s bar.


18. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars? That is not nearly enough money.


19. Are you a heavy drinker? Not old enough.


20. Would you forgive someone for cheating? the . You cheat, you die!


21. Are you superstitious? Not in the slightest. My lucky number’s thirteen, and I walk under ladders and spill salt on Friday the 13th.


22. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange? No, WTF is that?


23. Do you like to read? Would I be here if I didn’t? -_-


24. Are you easily distressed? Yup. Everybody’s a critic.


25. Do you believe in aliens? Choi Seunghyun, Park Bom; yes, living proof.


26. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to choose, who would it be? Taeyang. He may be 5’3” but he is y Incarnate.


27. Dogs or cats? UNICORNS!!!!


28. Are you a grumpy person? Yes and no. I am when someone causes me to be that way, and I tend to take it out on other people. But when I'm being a happy Angel, I can make you feel as if you're on a really good high.


29. What’s something you hate? People.


30. Are you a worry wart? Nah.


31. Do you like having your picture taken? No, I’m so hypo photogenic it’s not a funny thing.



32. Do you like cotton candy? Yeah.


33. Would you ever use a dating site? God, no.


34. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.


35. Rap or pop? R&B.


36. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried? Electric shock. It was sour apple ice cream, with pop rocks and other Fizzy candies. It was at Baskin Robbin’s.


37. Do you like math? I may be Asian, but that’s a hella stupid question.


38. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune? Ah, I do, but it makes me feel bad so I stop and make sure they’re okay.


39. Love or lust? Lust. No question. Love is a myth.


40. Do you remember lyrics easily? I’ll listen to any song twice and I have most of the song down packed.


41. What was/is your favorite school subject?  English and any music class.


42: Do you like tattoos? Yes. I’m planning on getting somewhere around ten of them.


43. Are you the type of person to lie? Yes.


44. Do you eat porridge for breakfast? Never had it.


45. What music are you listening to right now? G-Lizard– “Shake the World”


46. Are you allergic to anything? Pollen and Shea Butter.


47. Do you like Lady Gaga? Sometimes.


48. What about Nick Minaj? Yes.


49. Do you like rainy days? I feel best on this kind of day.


50. Last question, do you like pie? love me some pie.



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"Oppa makes me an introvert"

Gee, wonder who this unnie of yours is? Clockwork Orange is an awesome movie if you enjoy getting your head ed with. TOP is not an alien, although I'm not sure about Bom. I was wondering when the shirtless wonder was going to turn up. You actually called him Dragon, not lizard *falls over in shock* and the stupid penguin would love your answer to dogs or cats. She loves unicorns too.