
I'm so having a school problem. -______-

We have this one group project and I was assigned to do the lightings of the project. Since my dad kinda knows about this parallel or series circuits or whatever, I accepted it. But then when me and my dad were doing this, it got hard. When the deadline came, I was so scared my group mates might get mad at me because I wasnt able to do my task. But then the teacher gave the whole class another chance. So I told my dad that I might just ask the electric shop workers in the market to fix our project but my dad said, there's no need since he can still fix it.

Again, the deadline came... it was all a fail.

And now, I didn't came in the class. I haven't had any absent from the whole school year. 4 weeks remaining of having the "Perfect Attendance Award" but then it's all gone... because of one stupid project. 

I'm ashamed to go to the class empty handed. The teacher gave enough time but I failed! And that teacher I hate expects alot from our class. My group mates are running for honors and I'm scared I might be a reason why they can't reach their grade goal.

Not mentioning that we have 5 tests to take and I need to make those up! 

I dont know.

I should just take a half day class but I decided not to.

I got tired of being a good student.

I got tired of being a role model from the star section.

It's always like this... I'm already near but argh.

Like... I might be included in the honors list since I didn't expect my grade for the quarter to be high. Just another one more quarter and I suddenly decided to just get it over. Tired.

Ughhh what the hell I am ranting about.

Last night I was so happy about the KRISHAN Day and now

I  .



Sorry XDDD

Just a psycho lol 


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awww we all have those days, trust me i know what ur going thru cos i have and am still going thru this kind of crap atm but meh, life goes on doesnt it? No one's perfect so just chillax a bit, dont beat yourself up anything, sometimes things dont go as planned but theres a reason behind it, you just have to wait for the reason to show up and tell u why. :) *big hug* hope you have cheered up tho!~ Omg that KRISHAN MOMENT!~~ GAHHH MY FEELS EXPLODED I TELL YOU!~ fighting sweetie!~ ^^