Get to know my MOM

Oh well, she just ruined my day even more. Okay, not really. First of all, I'm actually very close to my mom okay. So we don't really have some issue or anything. Plus I'm her only child, she gotta love me lol. So apparently, I told mom about EVERYTHING! Like really. Everything. Okay, there are some tiny lil secret though, but she knows everything about me, about 99%? Hm. 

So I was ranting at her, telling her how heartbroken I am right now. I'm sad that KyuMinEunHae will be the next WGM couple and all. And she playfully breaks my heart -___-" 

I was washing the dishes when she suddenly said "Leeteuk came". I was like, wth? I asked her, what's with Leeteuk came to meet me all of the sudden. She said it's nothing. So I told her, it's supposed to be Hae who'll be looking for me to meet me -__-

And guess what she just said? THIS ;

" Only Leeteuk came because Donghae can't come and meet you. He's busy with his new girl" 

OH FML TO THE MAX. Dies -___-" Thanks mom, you're such a 'great' mom. Do expect me to bang someone's car with your car later :) Ily 


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HyukFanyizLuv #2
Donghae why???? wat bout tiffany?? ok if ur w/ another gurl tiffany will move with hyukkiee but still *crying*