Now that I've kind of gotten your attention-- 

Hi! I'm Kyde and I'm here with some different content. I've finally got a laptop where I can now proceed with the many projects that I've wanted to do. Everything down to weekly, monthly, annually, and whatever. I'm now going through some personal problems still, but I'll be sure to not get those in the way so that we'll be able to communicate and do many wonderful things this year. I know I'm also a bit late on this as well. I definitely should have greeted you with New Years and now that Valentine's is just around the corner, I don't know what I'm really doing. 


As of right now, I'm working on a project called "Blood Week" and it's a new monthly series I'm doing every week to re-challenge myself and get back on the PS grind ever since I've been away from working on programs for Graphic Designing and stuff. In Blood Week, I'll be making Dark/Light Angst posters dedicated to Hallyu stars or anything within my options. I feel like this would be a fun thing for me to do, just for me to get back up on my feet like before. I'll be constantly updating on social media if you feel that I should communicate more. (This project was originally an idea from a Minecraft series called "How To Minecraft" and the name was basically derived for PeteZahHutt's [Brandon] few recent episodes where his "no-death's counter" is being threatened by CraftBattleDuty [Lachlan] the Assassinator and KenWorthGaming [Kenny])


Technically, I've over-mentioned my social networking sites, but I just thought that I'd need to preface this just in case you're looking into giving me feedback or want to talk about some personal stuff. It doesn't really matter. 

I'm more or less likely to be on Twitter (@nefariousky), but notifications go to my Tumblr (@blub-senpai) faster than my DM does on Twitter. It's really what you prefer to use, if you don't use any of those then I have my minus account (@beyondtheskies), but I only check that a few times a week just for inspiration or for projects. I'm also very sorry that all of my username's are very different from each other. I usually use @kydelee for most of my things though, if you want to search for me. Email is just the same, but in Gmail format. 

I won't be on for very long, but yeah AFF is optional to get a hold of me, just not that brightest idea just like Minus. 

<<< [ SIGNOFF ] >>>

That's it, actually. I'll be working on other things.

If you really liked my stories before, then I'm absolutely sorry because I'm not entirely sure if I'll continue anytime soon with writing. It was just a hot button issue at the time that really limited what I wanted since I always asked for opinions. I didn't like the feedback I was getting and I wasn't interested too much in the K-POP scene because I still prefer my OT12 and a lot has changed that from last year. I'll continue doing posters/graphics because I actually do aspire to be a Graphic Designer in the future and I hope you guys could accept that. 

I love you very much and thanks for the amount of support you've given me! Bye~ <3 

- Kyde


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s creams.
i haven't talked to you in ages.
and smh that poster is b-eau-ti-ful.
greet me rn
i kid i kid-