Ranting #2

Let me just let it out in a proper way now. Yes I'm mad at MBC. But I'm not mad at their pairings. I'm mad at WGM for making my bias and my bias list wreckers to be on WGM. First it started with Teuksora.There goes my Taeteuk heart. And then the Fighting Junior blind dates?! Oh my god. So cool, there goes my whole heart. And then they're going to replace the current couple. And oh yes, the latest, Teuksora moved in together. hahahahahha fml fml fml -__-

Don't take my husbands away. let them be with their girls. wgm, don't use the boys for your own rating. and boys, don't do this. sobs. why are you so mean wgm? as if there's only SJ in kpop world. where are all of the kpop idols? whereeee?! can't you find others now? enough with this, one is enough -___-


urgh. i'm so mad but trying the hardest to control my mood. it just went real down. i better go wrap up my Taxation text book, and get ready for college. And please pray that i'll be okay cause who knows i might just drive like mad later and hit others or even kill others on the road later -______________-" 


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sungginseng #1
I hope you the best unnie~
Lets continue to rant later!