7 years almost gone


hi all,

I just need to vent. My gf of 7 years and a half said she didn't feel anything when we kissed last night. I'm heartbroken. I feel devastated, but I know this was coming. Our relationship was getting flat and I tried saving it a couple of times but I guess it just doesn't work out anymore. We decided to not live together for the next three months and see if we can fix whatever left. I talked to my friends, they were also not surprised. We cried together and tried to cheer each other up, but as I saw her drying her hair after a shower, my old tshirt and my sleeping shorts on her, i can't help but cry harder. My gf is falling out of love and I can't do nothing to make her love me back again.





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tae1810 #1
this is sad..
be strong author (:
Go on a trip together and see if that's what you guys need. This valentines day, show her that your still there. Take a break out of the city *if you guys live in one* Take her to a place where she can feel calm or if she wants take her to a place where she'll never forget.