anyone knows Lucky Blue Smith here ? (yes das da real name)

so my cousin found this model and posted a pic of him on instagram and i was like 'DAAAAMN' 

his name is Lucky Blue Smith (yes kinda weird, the whole family has unique names for example his sis: pyper whuuuuat haha)

So i showed some pics my friends and they're like 'omg NO HE LOOKS LIKE A GIRL' 

yeah i also think he looks way too girly but man...i like pretty boys lol i mean i also like luhan and he is pretty AS


i have some pics here, let me know what you guys think of him !


The girl next to him is his sis. his hair *.* i am a total er for his hair And yes i am a pedo, he is ONLY FREAKING 16 YEARS OLD WTF why do 16 year olds look like dis nowadays T_T P.S i think he looks like aido senpai of vampire knight manga in the 4th pic"


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OMGGGGGGGGG KSADHFJDSAH You know him too? XD LOL. *flies away*
OMG YASSSSS (I was looking for his fanfic n i saw this) THEIR FAMILY'S GENES IS SO ON POINT
WOAH WAIT WHAT?!?!? He is sixteen HOLY he could easily pass as twenty something
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
He is pretty handsome! Especially his eyes! And his sister is so pretty too OTL