Phobia Test (stolen from ExoKai121)

Herro, so I saw dis post, and i was like SUPER bored. So, I thought I'd try it out.


If you get more than 30, I recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.



[ ] Black People
[x] The dark
[ ] Staying single forever
[ ] Being a parent
[ ] Being in front of others
[ ] Open spaces
[ ] Closed spaces
[ ]Heights
[ ] Dogs
[ ] Birds
[ ] Fish
[ ] Cats
[ ] Spiders
[ ] Flowers or other plants
[ ] Fire
[x] Deep water
[ ] Snakes
[ ] Silk
[ ] Ocean
[x] Failure
[ ] Thunder/lightning
[ ] Frogs/toads
[ ] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad
[ ] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom
[ ] Rats
[ ] Jumping from high places 
[ ] Rain
[ ] Wind
[ ] Crossing hang bridges
[x] Death( I think about it too much TT^TT)
[ ] Being robbed/mugged
[ ] Falling
[ ] Clowns(Well, it actually depends)

[ ] Dolls

[ ] Large crowds of people

[ ] Men
[ ] Women
[ ] Having great responsibilities
[ ] Doctors
[ ] Dentists
[ ] Tornadoes
[ ] Hurricanes
[x] Incurable diseases
[ ] Sharks
[ ] Friday The 13th
[ ] Ghosts
[ ] Poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] School
[ ] Trains
[ ] Odd numbers
[ ] Even numbers
[ ] Being alone
[ ] Becoming blind
[ ] Becoming deaf
[ ] Growing up, becoming old
[ ] Creepy noises in the night
[ ] Not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] Needles
[ ] Blood(I watch horror movies.)



I got 5 ^^ which is fearless. MUAHAHHA. lol jksjsk


You guys should totally try it out XP


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CheCheBingEr #1
Fearless~ Maybe cause I never think about it? Oh well~
Haha I guess I need help thenp