WTF o.O Me? Rude?

Idk guys.

This person messaged me(not going to name names) saying that I was being rude.

She was talking about the review rant that I just did.

Are my rants that mean?

I thought it would be fine as long as what I said is the truth.

I was actually going to do more rants since you guys enjoy reading them.

Well I wouldn't say enjoy, but just read them.

Oh well.

I would keep writing rants, but I really don't want to be categorized as a rude .

So uhh, sorry.

I'll try to stop being mean to others.



I just have to say though. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

I may seem rude to you, but not to other people.

Got that bishh?



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Ok I didn't. -sighs of relief-
Did I say that? I can't remember >.< *goes and check*
but it's a rant
you MAY be rude
it's called a rant for a reason
rant- looks like rage
so psh yeah
Lol you're nice. xD
curlyfriesLOL #5
LOLOLOL, you're not rude. JUST TO ME BISHH! :3

Ahahah but yeah. You should keep writing rants. I enjoy them. :)

Write a rant about me. I'd love to read that, and I'm sure you have a LOT to say. XD
wtfffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuh?!?! it's a freakin rant (lol, if i wrote a rant, i think i'd intend for it to be rude)
and to be honest, it's your own opinion, so talk however you'd like :D