Craft #6: Kiddie Time Out

aka Keeper's first tries and fails...


Amralime wire art 

Amralime means "my love"; amral - love, im - of, e - mine/my. This is what Kili says to Tauriel :3

I'm not giving up on my Amralime bracelet! While the faux leather (craft foam, ehehe) mystery braid Amralime bracelet is still waiting to be finished, I decided to give wire jewelry a try. And this happened xD



It was supposed to be dainty and elegant but it turned out whimsical. It reminds me so much of kids writing cursive for the first time. But despite how childish it looks, my fingers still ached. I didn't want to buy a flimsy wire, so I asked for a thicker one. I never asked the wire gauge, because they wouldn't know anyway, what with everything re=packaged >_< I also didn't want to buy the ones in the hardware store because those ain't shiny >_> Though I could always repaint them. I saw a can of metallic silver spray paint in the storage room, hoho.

(looky, it glowed like starlight when I took a picture; just the flash, haha; and you can see the forest outside my window!)



After the third try, I believe that I am getting there...


Guess I'll add more wire to it to form a bracelet. I'll definitely try again for a more elegant Amralime bracelet to make the Dwarves proud. (I can do this!) 


Sticker in a Pink Hot Glue Drop Charm



This... is a failed hot glue charm that turned out cute. A tutorial appeared in my feed while browsing for paper clay art (go figure what this Keeper is up to next) and I decided to try out myself. I collect stickers, and the one in the charm is a foam sticker. Cuteee.

Anyway, the hot glue drop was a perfect circle, even with the sticker on. However, as this Keeper was inserting the eyepin (made from a safety pin), instead of poking through the charm, it merely formed a dent. And now I have a heart shaped charm, haha!



The glue is transparent so I painted the back with 3D fabric paint and it took hours to dry. I had the patience of a three year old last night and it reflected on the botched job I did with the pink frosting. I am owning my mistake with a signature lol


I'll try to heat up the end of my eyepin and re-insert it later. Such a shame for this cute charm to go to waste.


I really thought I would never fall for it. But I did. They're for children! Guess, I am one too xD I found them while I was looking for tiny silicone molds and cutters for my polymer clay.



So colorful. And since they were a little more than a dollar, I bought the tiny pack. It has a plastic hook and a fork? (two -pegged tool?)



And it's good for four to five bracelets.

Lo and behold, the instructions were in Hangul.



Rubber Band Bracelets

Good thing there were photos. I figured out the basics, but my oh my, I couldn't connect to the internet! Restless and persistent, I stubbornly made myself bracelets with simple patterns I experimented on. 



The first one is just a modified version of the basic pattern as shown below.



The second is a braid, if you can't tell. Haha. A variation of the first one. The third is what I call the bunny chain! The ears are in blue and yellow/yellow green and the head is in green and they are linked with a white chain.

As I was doing this, I realized that the bunny ears looked like hearts. I think. So I made the fourth one (first bracelet in the image below).



I made another one (the third/last chain shown above) which is a combination of the bunny ears/heart chain (first chain) and the braid (second chain).


The Egg Nest Pendant.

This last DIY is the best in this set, in my humble opinion. Three pearls wrapped in silver wire :3 



I made this first and I'm so happy with it. But every craft I tried to make after this seemed to pale in comparison =_=

And that's it! ^-^



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Great job!! Love the wire art! The glowy pic you took with the forest as the background is so cool!!! Man, I need to find something cool and fulfilling to do like this...instead of being a couch potato lol.
The bands are really popular over at my side, but my students have warned me against wearing them (though they love to gift me with it lol) as they 'release toxins' in your skin or something like that. I really like them still, so colourful and intricate. ^^
I made glasses from wires once it was fun ^^
and be careful not to put the loom bracelets under a lamp, they melt.
Rubber band bracelets were a huge trend here in Malaysia, but it overtaken by the ice watch trend now XD
I got wire, but I intended to use it for my beads. I never tried using it for wire art (name)
the pink charm looks so cute
I only watch when they do the rubber band bracelets lol
and yeah, the three pearl pendant looks so nice, I likieee