Facts about me

1. Name: Minhyuk.
2. Nickname(s): King, Spade, Ace, Jojo, Joey, Min, and Munchkin.
3. Birthday: 11/11/97 (Side note; Jungkookie!!)
4. That makes you: Soon to be legal.
5. Where were you born: Calfornia.
6. Location right now: My room. 
7. Shoe size: 6 (Men's).
8. How many piercings?: One, only my ears are pierced, for now.
9. Tattoos?: Oh, if only. I'm going to get one in a year to see if I still enjoy the idea of having it.  
10. When you wake up you're: Tired as all hell. 
11. When your about to sleep you're: Tired as all hell. 
12. Zodiac sign: Scorpio (
13. Chinese sign: Ox.
14. Righty or Lefty: Right handed. 
15. Innie or Outie: 'Innie'.
16. School: I will graduate this year, in June.

Section II: Looks

17. Nationality: Chinese.
18. Hair color: Dark Brown. 
20. Weight: 110 lbs/49 kg. 
21. Height: 5"3 ft/160 cm 
22. Braces?: I've removed them. Hello, retainers.
23. Glasses?: No, but I'm told I look very professional in them. I look like a teacher?

Section III: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: Not at the moment, no.
25. If so, who?: My mirror, aha~
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: Several, actually.
27. Who has a crush on you?: One on my seniors confessed to me, but I didn't not feel the same so I kindly rejected him.
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: No.
29. Who was your first kiss: I've never had one.
30. Who was your last kiss: I don't recall..?
31. Are you a ?: Yes, though I do know a lot.
32. Ever had a before?: Gosh, I wish.
33. If you could have with anyone, who would that be?: Chanyeol or Suga.
34. Have you ever been in love?: I suppose.
35. Broken any hearts?: Several.
36. Got your heart broken?: No. 
37. Ever liked a friend?: I fancy my best mate.
38. What happened?: I haven't told them.

Section IV: Past Relationships

39. How many relationships have you been in?: Technically, none at all. 
40. How many were serious enough to count: None. 
41. Who were those serious ones: Uhh.
42. Funnest hook-ups: An underclassmen who tried to take off my clothes. Oh, that was fun. Not really a 'hookup' though. We just talked. He was interesting.
43. What made them different: Again, he was interesting.
44. What happened: He tried to strip me.
45. Best boy/girlfriend: Well, I can't give an answer.
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: I cannot answer this.
47. Ever been kissed: For real? No.  
48. Who do you want back: Close friends that I had lost due to a sudden turn of events.
49. Who do you regret: Meeting a boy named 'Ian'. 
50. Why?: He made me believe I was in love when I wasn't. I just really wanted to be loved, and he could not provide that to me, properly. But, we are still friends.

Section V: Favourites

51. Song: Any Bangtan Sonyeondan song.
52. Movie: Maybe the movie, Cry Baby  
53. Food: Anything and everything.
54. Drink: Milk Matcha Green Tea.
55. Store: I don't believe I have one.
56. Television show: Futurama. 
57. Holiday: Veterans Day (11/11, because it's my birthday) 
58. Book: Falling Up by Shel Silverstein. 
59. Ice cream: Mint. 
60. Sweets: I prefer sours. 
61. Crisps: Hot Cheetos, anything hot really. 
62. Type of music: I delve more in hip hop and jazz, but I like anything. (Exception being country music).
63. Artist: Bangtan Sonyeondan.
64. Word: 
宝贝 (bǎobèi).
65. Time of day: 3:14 pm .
66. Dressing: Work casual/Light clothing.
67. Alcoholic drink: I'm not sure. I've only tasted beer and vodka, they were alright.
68. Colour(s): Blue, Green, Purple.
69. Piece of clothing: Long T-shirt, shorts, and knee socks.
70. Character: Tsuna Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) 
71. Smell: Flower petals and/or cologne.
72. Shampoo: I'm not sure, It's in Chinese.
73. Soap: Irish Spring.
74. Smiley: c:
75. Board game: I don't have one. 
76. Sports: Tennis & Swimming. 
77. Number: 16.
78. Quote: "Swag" - Min Yoongi
79. Animal: I don't have a favourite. 
80. Actor: I don't have a favourite.
82. Vegetable: Celery.
83. Fruit: Mangoes.
84. Place to be: Maybe a park. They're always so peaceful.
85. Thing in your room: My Hibari Kyouya figurine. Aha, I'm not very sentimental.
86. Gum: I don't have a preference. 
87. Shape: A spade (
88. Country: The United States.
89. Mall: I don't fancy going to them. There are always so many annoying people, all at once.
90. Car: I'm going to get a Scion. 
91. Boy's name: Minhyuk and/or Yoongi.
92. Girl's name: I don't have one. But maybe, Emerald?
93. Family member: None.
94. Restaurant: No preference, I love all food.
95. Movie place: At a plaza or in a mall.
96. Person to go to the movies with: My best friend 
97. Noise: Music. 
98. Brand of shoe: Converse or any kind or boots.
99. Brand of clothing: Brand name or die. Just kidding, maybe Forever 21?
100. Body part of a chicken: .
101. Swear word: Prat. 
102. Month: June.
103. Possession: I don't have one, I am not sentimental.
104. Team: None.
105. Season: Fall and Spring.
106. Radio station: 106.7 KROQ. 
107. Magazine: I don't look at magazines often, so none.
108. Favourite grade: None, they just get progressively more awful.
109. Least favourite grade: Grades 5-7 were god awful. Hm.
110. Teacher: A teacher i've had for two years now. My English teacher, Mr. V------
111. Least favourite teacher: My counselor. She's quite the charmer.
112. Subject: History and Literature. Historical Literature is nice as well, haha~
113. Subject to talk about: The subjects the people tend to avoid; feelings, , pain, mental capacity, etc. 

Section VI: Family

114. Who's your mum?: My mother? Do you mean name? 
115. Who's your dad?: My father? I don't understand the questions, pass. 
116. Any step-parents?: No.
117. Any brothers?: No, if only.
118. Any Sisters?: 3 older sisters.
120. Coolest: My second oldest Noona. 
121. Loudest: My oldest Noona is quite loud.

122. Best relative: My Ajeolssi. 
123. Worse relative: My cousins. The pestering runts.
124. Do you get along with your parents?: My mother and I get along whenever I'm answering her questions correctly. My father and I do not talk very often.
125. With your siblings?: No. My eldest Noona's personality clashes with mine often. My sencond eldest Noona and I get along alright but she pisses me off with the little things she says without realizing. Lastly, my third Noona and I are not on talking terms.
126. Does anyone understand you?: My best friend, maybe.
127. Do you have any pets?: No.  
128. If so, what kind and name?: I cannot answer this. 
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: I want a tiger. 
130. Can I be a part of your family?: No.

Section VII: School

131. Are you still in school? : Yes, high school. 
132. Did you drop out?: No, I am graduating soon. 
133. Your current GPA: I'm not sure, the second semester just started. I cannot access my grades, yet. 
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: No, the school gives lunch to the students.
135. ABC's?: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
136. Favorite class: English. 
137. Play any sports at school?: I play Badminton, in a class, not with the team.
138. Are you popular?: I suppose. Everyone knows me, but talking to others is a whole different question.
139. Favourite memory: Sophomore year, second semester, mental breakdown. cough sarcasm
140. Most humiliating moment: I don't get embarassed easily, so I'm not sure.
141. Most funniest moment: Ehh, can't think of one.
142. Most scared moment: I can't recall. 

Section VIII: What do you think of when you hear

145. Chicken: Onew and Kai. 
146. Dog: Siberian Huskies.
147. Christina Aguilera: Her song, "Fighter". 
148. Ricky Martin: Gay~
149. 50 cent: Fiddy. Makes me think of my best friend.
150. Poop: My Noona, aha~ 
151. Beach: The depths of the ocean. 
152. Desert: The Sahara.
153. Water: Relaxing.
154. Osama: Dead.
155. Love: Lust. 
156. Your little brother: My little cousin, Ethan. 
157. : Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. 
158. Clowns: Disgusting.
159. Wonder: Land; drugs.
160. Brown: Kai, actually. Oh my goodness, this is supposed to be a compliment. Because he reminds me of chocoLATE.
161. Banana: . 
162. : Pleasure.
163. Parents: Food.
164. Homouals: Yesss,s all the homo~ Hit me up~?
165. God: Is me. I am God. We are God.

Section XL: Do you believe in

166. God: I'm inbetween wanting proof and blindling following a light in the dark. Hahaha, get it~? 
167. Heaven: Oh, I suppose it's a fun thought. 
168. Devil: Yeah, she's my best friend. 
169. Hell: Mm, yes, I know it well. Quite hot, down there.
170: Boogy man: J-Hope!
171. Closet Monsters: The ones that take mY SOCKS!??!? HELL YEAH.
172. Fortune tellings: They're fun~
173. Magic: Illusions at best. Very entertaining. 
174. Love at first sight: I'm inbetween, I guess~
175. Ghosts: Yes. Message me if you want to know stories~
176. Voo-doo dolls: Ah, what a pain. *Chuckles*
177. Reincarnation: Let's give it a try, but, that's right you're not supposed to remember your past lives. I was actually Cleopatra in my past life. *Gasp!*
178. Yourself: Nah, do you?

Section X: Do you..?

179. Smoke: Mn, yes. Nicotine smells heavenly.
180. Do drugs: Yes. Occasionally.
181. Drink alcohol: No, no, no. 
182. Cuss: Everyday. It's a nasty habit. 
183. Sing in the shower: Of course.
184. Like school: No. Not at all.
185. Want to get married: It's a dream.
186. Type with all of your fingers: Yes, of course??? It's how I was taught.
187. Think you're attractive: Of course~
188. Drink and drive: No, of course not. My life in precious. I'm offended.
189. Snore: No, but I moan and my lips, according to my best friend.
190. Sleep walk: God no. I would end upp making food and killing myself with a knife or something.
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: I want to, the last time I did was about 5 years ago. 

Section XI: Have you ever..?

192. Flashed someone: Not yet, huehue. 
193. Gotten so drunk 'till you threw up everywhere: #Goals. Gotta try everything once~
194. Told that person how you felt: Yes, I am very straightforward.
195. Been arrested: If only~
196. Gone to jail or juvie: No.
197. Skateboarded: Yes, I've tried. I'm trying to perfect it.
198. Skinny dipped: Ahh~, I wish. 
199. Rock climbed: I want to.
200. Killed someone: Mm, no.
201. Watched : Yes, of course.
202. Gone on a road trip: Yes.
203. Went out of the country: No, I went to a differnet state though. It was very humid.
204. Talked back to an adult: Yes. 
205. Broken a law: Legally, no. 
206. Got pulled over: Nope.
208: Cried to get out of trouble: Yes.
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes.
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No.
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No.
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: No.
213. Moon someone: No.
214. Shop-lifted: Once, I almost did.
215. Worked at McDonald's: No 
216. Eaten a dog: No, I hope not?
217. Give money to a homeless person: Yes.
218. Glued your hand to yourself: Of course! 
219. Kissed someone of the same : No. 
220. Had a one night stand: No, not yet~ 
221. Smoked: Yes.
222. Done drugs: Yes.
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: No.
224. Slap someone for being stupid: No.
225. Had cyber : Yeah, it was a bit different from what I expected.
226. Wish you were the opposite : Yes~
227. Caught someone doing something: Yes, many times.
228. Played a game that removes clothing: No, but I want to. I don't think they exist anymore?
229. Cried during a movie: Nope
230. Cried over someone: Ah.
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Hnng, god yes.
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Almost.
233. Ran away from home: No, but I want to~
234. Cheated on a test: Yes, a few times.

Section XII: Would you..?

235. Bungee jump: I will in a few years, I am underweight. 
236. Sky dive: I want to try it~!!
237. Swim with dolphins: I can't swim, haHAHAHAHA.
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: No, that's a bit odd.
239. Try to be the opposite : Yes, many times.
240. Lie to the police: Nope. 
241. Run from the police: Nope.
242. Lie to your parents: All the time. 
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: No, I don't think so.
244. Be an exotic dancer: Yessss. Why not? There is no shame in feeding off of the body's natural lust and curiosity.


Side note; Excuse any and all grammar and/or spelling mistakes.


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So many sections XD So many questions @_@
Follow up question: if you could be any mystical being, what would you be?
You're doing this too~
What does prat mean?