Random blogpost...

1: When was the last time you ran?

+ Hmm...probably...I forgot ^^'''
2: Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes on then?

+ Nope, it's too revealing to me

3: What are you dreading right now? 
+ How to tell my mom to stop getting help from my crush's mom
4: Do you sing in shower?
+ No

5: Do you get 8 hours full sleep every night? 
+ Rarely, only few occasion I do like yesterday I haven't slept at all so I slept a full 8 hours :)

6: If anyone of your friends come to your house randomly one day, what would you say? 
+ As long I'm in a fine mood, I'll just let them in. If not, 'What the are you guys doing here!?' .
7: Who last grabbed your ?

+ Whattheheck!? No one

 8: Have you ever been on your school's track team?
+ I wish I won't
9: Do you own pair of converse?
+ Yes.
10: Did you copy paste this survey?
+ Yes.../guilty. 
11: Do you eat raw of cookie dough?
+ It's yummy :P

12: Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
+ No, I only see those machines in hospitals...
13: Don't you hate it when radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?

+ I don't depends. Like the lazy song from Bruno Mars maybe, that could have ruined it for me.

14: Do you watch top gear?

+ Yes I do.
15: How do you eat oreos? 
+ I chew them down! /evil laugh/ /clears throat/ many ways...

16: Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? 

+ If Whatsapp considered online, yes. Others, not that long.

17: Are you cocky? 

+ Till now, I couldn't understand the meaning, but no I guess...
18: Could you live without computer? 
+ Yes? If I have a phone that could listen to music and go online, I would be fine.
19: Do you wear shoes in the house? 
+ Nope.
20: Who or what sleeps with you?
+ With my teddy bear Dairy and my laptop+mobile. And ofcourse my bed, pillows and blankets.
21: At what age did you find out Santa wasn't real?
+ Since Day 1.
22: How many phones or mobiles are in your house?  
+ 7 mobile phones, 3 house phones.
23: What do you do when you're sad?
+ Think about bangtan. I know it's ridiculous, but I do. Think about how they're feeling rn, not abe to see their family, work all night, being controlled by the company, how fans expect more from them. To me, that's even more sadder than I am.
24: Who would you call first when you won a lottery? 
+ I don't play lottery, but I'll tell my friend first.
25: When was the last time you saw your best friend?
+ My male bestfriend was like...5 months ago? He moved out of country but we call each other everyday.
26: Are you in high school? 
+ Here, middle and high school considered as one, only lower and upper secondary school. So no I'm in upper secondary and next year I'll probably graduate.
27: What jewelry are you wearing?  
+ Earrings. I usually have bracelet but it's in my bag rn. I'm also wearing a watch.
28: Is anyone beside you right now?
+ Does my teddy bear counts?

29: What's the first thing you do when you get online?
+ Youtube and watch videos until I finish watching my subscription box.
30: Do you watch grey's anatomy?
+ I watch when I pass through the channels.
31: How do most people spell your name? 
+ Dini. Sometimes Diny, Tini, Dani.
32: Would you wear your wear a boy / girlfriend's clothes? 
+ Maybe
33: Where do you work?
+ Shh...it's a secret ^_~
34: What are you doing tomorrow?
+ (Now it's 6:21am, I'll count today as tomorrow) I think I'm going to Berakas. Also doing my stack of homeworks.
35: Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?  
+ I don't care actually, if he is, Idc.

 36: Favorite name for a girl? 

+ Cindy and Sophia.
37: Favorite name for a boy?
+ Afiq
Any name that would sound nice.
38: Will you keep your last name when you get married? 
+ I always keep it till I die anyway, if I'm married the boy that has the same race as me.
39: When was the last time you left your house? 

+ Yesterday morning, Going to school.
40: Do you return your cart? 

+ Depends if the place is near or not.

 41: Do you have a dishwasher? 
+ No, not much people use that. 
42: What noise do you hear? 
+ The aircon noisy sound and Flower's 'Sun and Sunflower' playing on my laptop right now

43: Would you survive in prison? 
+ I don't know how prison looks like. Hopefully I do.
44: Who is the youngest in the family?
+ My fat(in a kind way) brother. he's only 2 years younger than me.
45: If all of your friends were going to a road trip, who would likely mostly pack? 

+ If you mean friends=classmate, maybe the chinese students.
46: Do you know any same name as you? 
+ One senior who is in the same band with me. I ocassionaly see my names on students list...and all of them are boys.
47: What's the last thing you purchased? 

+ Food in the canteen?

48: Do your siblings ever pay for you? 
+ Yeah, everyone in the family do.
49: What brand are your pants now? 
+ My school brand. I'm wearing my school sport pants.

50: Ever been to Georgia (state)? 
+ I haven't went pass Asia.
51: What irritates you most on the internet? 

+ The pop-up ads. Also those who broke the rules even when warned.

52: What brand is your digital camera? 

 + Sanyo and Cannon
53: Do you watch movies with your parents? 
+Only with my siblings 

54: What song best describes your life right now? 
+ Not sure exactly, maybe BTS-Tomorrow or Song Jieun-The Person I Miss. The mixture of both.
55: Do you own expensive cologne / perfume? 
+ No.

56: Are you suppose to be asleep now?
+ Everyone is still asleep cause it's Sunday, but I usually wake up at 3, so no.

 57: Do you like sushi?

+ YESSS, it's like a reward everytime I eat it cause I rarely eat it.
58: Do you cut your hair every month? 

+ I rarely cut. Coincidencely I just cut it yesterday

 59: Are you online everyday? 
+ Yes, in Youtube and ABF and then random website to play games
60: What kind of phone do you have?

+ Alcatel Onetouch Pop c5


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