
Again the day that I fear had come

The day that I would be a disgrace,

The day that they will see my true me,

The day that I always pray to come short,

The day that I might lose everything,

This day is just the day that my world might go upside down

It’s like my worst nightmare

I haven’t prepared for it

It’s like a Déjà vu,

I was born to be someone, but I never thought and they never thought

I just flashed my chance in drain.

That this is going to be different, I can’t be what they want

What they foresee, what they think all of this is just a shadow

That they themselves cast but me

I was not under it I was over it.

This is the truth this is what I wanted but not really wanting

But maybe I’m seeking for something that I haven’t had before, now and forever.

This must be the beginning or the end for my longing.


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suejue #1
It was beautiful from the wonderful writer..
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
nice words you got there!! it was beautiful..