I think I might like him???

Okay, I moved schools ages ago and this allowed me to aDMIRE MY OLDER SIBLING'S FRIENDS FROM AFAR. He made a lot of cute friends. (*´・v・)

So, there's this guy who I've taken a really good liking to. If I were to describe him, I think I would say that he is the quiet type. I did interact with him a couple of times, and those were the times when he came over to my house because of a group project or study session with my sibling, wHICH I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR. His existence serves some kind of purpose LOL. ⊙ω⊙

I don't know, I might be going through some phase again because sometimes I like this other guy who my sibling is friend's with, but maybe not as much as the guy I really like. Let's call him 'Miki'. That sounds like a really girly nickname I have for him but I can't help it lol. A cute nickname for a cute person tbh.

I don't know when I started liking him. I suppose it was one time when he came over or something. I don't remember feeling all tingly inside when I visited the library with my sibling to have a study session. I was only there because they needed one more person so they'd be able to book a study room, so I was only asked to come along for that. After that, I started being all self-conscious and aCTING STRANGELY. Note this also, my sibling's friends are older than me, so yep, they're not the same grade as me hawhawhawhaw.

It might've been before or after this event, but something happened on the train before. It wasn't something really big, but for me it was.

This was on a Thursday and I walked into the train and took a seat with a friend. After a few more stops, I was surprised to find my sibling, his friend who I like to call 'Pirate', and 'Miki'. They JUST had to sit behind me and my friend that day. There was a lot of vacant seats BUT THEY JUST HAD TO SIT BEHIND US.

When Miki's stop came and the train was slowing down, I bid goodbye to my friend and sat there until the train stopped. That was when Miki stood up to get off, and he tapped me so quickly and waved goodbye to me and smiled that his eyes looked like cresents. It might be me but it seemed like he was embarrassed to be waving goodbye to me. We aren't so close haha.


After that, I try to catch a glimpse of him in the mornings and afternoons when I'm walking to and from school.



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Haha! I totally feel you.

There was also this guy in my college who I frequently see walking along our building's hallway two years or so ago and was someone who I would never even give a second glance to. But then suddenly, when I got to see a movie project of my batch mates where he played one of the characters just last year, I felt something weird. Lol. Since then, I got a little crush on him. That is, until we became good friends. We were in the same circle of friends and sometimes, he would even sleep on my dorm (with other guys) and me too at his house (again, with other guys). So things got a little serious for me. I know I'm screwed. lol. And well, I still am. 'Cause I seriously think that he only sees me as a friend and nothing more. Huhu.

Just sharing. Haha. Just wanted to let you know that I can totally relate. Especially when they do those little things that actually means a lot to us. And which they are unaware of. xD