Schools, Issues + Procrastinating

Okay. So I'mma make this really quick 'cos I'm suuuuper tired right now.
I'm SO SO SO SO SO sorry that I haven't been updating often/replying wallposts,
but it's because of some huge issues in school, and a bunch of events that I have to be in and all,
and I'm not exactly coping easily right now. :3
the problem's not procrastinating, OTL.
it's because I have so much work and so little time,
and I'll have even less because I'm signing up for a competition with a group of my friends,
it's called Odyssey of the Mind, and it's gonna take up a LOT of my time soo. :3
I won't be updating. maybe oneshots <-- that i write in school in the library when I'm alone during recess.
(if I am.)
gosh I feel like such a loner.
pardon my y english and lack of interesting things to say because my brain is fried.

i love you all! *kisses* <3

PS: please forgive me D:


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It's fine :) Your school work and personal life should always come first, so I just do your best and that's enough. Good luck :D Don't stress yourself out, okay? Just take it easy.
Fighting <3
:O I have Odyssey of the Mind at my school too! Except no one joined >.>
jiayou for OM! heard it was very challenging and time-consuming! :O so i didn't bother to go audition for it. :/ xD
It's alright, Tammy. School is a toll on everyone