100 Kpop Questions Part 6


100 Kpop Questions: Section 6 - Least Favorites

Post one a day

86. Least favorite group & least favorite member?

: Unfortunately, it's either 2PM or Wonder Girls. Okay go kill me now. It's not that I hated them, but it's the least though. The member? Er, maybe Sohee. Aigo. Fans gonna kill me now T___T

87. Least favorite guy group & least favorite member?

: Er. Refer to the previous question?

88. Least favorite girl group & least favorite member?

: Still, refer back to question 86.

89. Least favorite member of your favorite group?

: In Super Junior, there's no one I think. Lol. I love them equally much. In SNSD, maybe it's Yoona. And again, it's not that I hate her okaaaay -___-" Just the least favorite, but nah, I still like her.

90. Least favorite song?

: For me, it's Nobody. I don't know. I'm kind of bored with the song because everyone seems like sooo in love with it. Well, everyone but me. I prefer Be My Babyyyy <3

91. Worst-looking?

: Er? Hmm, err. Idk O__o 

92. Who would you never want as an older brother?

: Donghae -_- Obviously because he's supposed to be my boyfriend or anything like that instead of a brother -_-

93. Who would you never want as an older sister?

: No one. 

94. Least favorite solo artist?

: Okay get more hate now. Maaaaybe it's IU. But seriously, I lover her songs. But there's some of my friends who kind of influenced me not to like her or anything. Err. Blame them -_-

95. Least favorite music video?

: MV? Er, I don't really spend time watching MVs lolol

96. Least favorite dance?

: Dr Feel Good's dance. Oh yes, that was like...hm. Okay 

P/s : I lied abt going to rest. Gonna post part 7 soon, and then off to do some writing


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So... You don't like WG but like Nobody and BMB?