Ahn Min Yoo

Ahn Min Yoo
USERNAME » Wikares
NICKNAME » Carmen.
MinThe shortened version of her name.
BIRTHDAY » 08.26.95
BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN »  Seoul, South Korea
WEIGHT » 54kg
HEIGHT » 166 cm
Korean: Native
English: Conversational
Japanese: Basic
FACE-CLAIM » Mamamoo's HwaSa
FACE-CLAIM 2 » AOA's Chan Mi
Min Yoo is a medium-height, slim and light-skinned young girl. She's not extremely good-looking, but she has quite cute features that make her look sweet. She wears earrings, two in her left ear and one in the right one. Her smile is one of her best features, she has dimples, and every time she smiles, her face lights up. She would never have bangs, she thinks it's annoying.
Min Yoo loves comfortable clothing. She isn't fond of high heels, she prefers some flat shoes like ballerinas, she feels more "safe" with them. She usually wears dark colours such as black, whites and greys and is more into shorts and sweats rather than skirts and dresses. She also loves wearing and collecting snapbacks and beanies so whichever outfit she is wearing, there will usually almost always be a snapback or beanie to go with it. 
x || x || x || x || x

Responsabe, Ambitious, Optimistic and Observant.

FLAWS: Manipulative, Untruthful, Incapable of showing her true feelings, Perfectionist and Insecure.

[+] Responsible She didn’t choose this role, but she’ll play it and make it sincere.
"Min Hwa, don't eat to much candies or you'll get sick.", "Min Sun, you should do your homework everyday...", "Don't go to sleep after 2am, okay?". Being the older of three sisters makes you grow fast, especially when your parents don't have much time to rise them and they have to lean on you. Min Yoo is a young girl, extremely responsible and hard-working, who has got no fear towards duty.

[+]Observant - Every fire is a leason learned.
She's talkative, nervous and get's easely distracted, but her observance toward others can help her with her interpersonal intelligence toward others. Taking note of everything that's happening around her like a student taking notes at school, it really isn't much of a surprise when she knows a member's going to scream at the leader at 12:01 PM directly, or when the manager's going to scold them for something in their dance routine. Thaks to that she has learned to avoid lots of conflicts.

[+]Optimistic - Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
There are some people that always look on the bright side. Min Yoo is one of those people. No matter how dark is the path, ho difficult the situation and how complicated a problem is, she's always wearing a bright smile on her face. That's one of her best qualities.

[+]Ambitious - All the kingdom lights shined just for me.
Nothing is too big, nothing is too difficult to her.  She has big dreams and she's going to accomplish them all. No matter how hard it is, she will try her best and practice until her limits.

[-] Manipulative - Oh, I see, you are going to leave me hanging.
Min Yoo is really good at making other people do the tasks that she doesn't want to do. She's a likeable girl, who seems nice and sweet, and who hasn't lack in social abilities, so it isn't hard for her to convince people to do as he wishes. Even if she has to play the victim or if she causes "collateral damage" she doesn't minds, she'll be forgiven, because at the end, everybody is a puppet in her hands.

[-]Untruthful - I don’t love you, I’m just passing the time .

Min Yoo is not afraid of lying. She lies, her friends lie, her parents lie, the CEO of her company lies... Lies and wiles are part of everyone's life, and she know's it. Then, what's so wrong with them? Why everybody aboids them? Why do people brag about being honest? She knows that always saying the truth won't  get her far away, so she has decided to make an art from lying. She's good at it, she knows it and that's probably one of her worst traits.

[-] Incapable of showing her true feelings - There's a darkness which comes without a warning
One of Min Yoo's best features is her smile. She's a young girl, she's happy, and it's really easy to find her smiling. However, she is also human. Min Yoo has other emotions, bad ones: solitude, fear, nostalgia, melancholia... The trainee's life is hard. However, that won’t stop her from attempting to appear happy.  She will put on a smile and go on with her routine, even if she's dying on the inside. Whenever someone tries to talk about "deep stuff", she changes the subject of the conversation, or just leaves. That makes her quite unable of having close relationships with other persons.

[-]Perfectionist - There's no way I'm accepting that.
Min Yoo doesn't believe in imperfection and she doesn't think anyone else should either. She doesn't tolerate anything that she doesn't considers perfect. She manages to make everything fit in her (sometimes extremely) unrealistic expectations. Especially when it comes to new songs or choreographies, she has to practice them until everybody is perfectly on time, and even then, she will keep trying to find little mistakes. That makes some of her teammates get really annoyed and mad at her, but she doesn't care. She prefers perfection over making other people happy. When it comes to something she has made in her own, 

[-]Overprotective -  Stop that, you'll hurt yourself.
Min Yoo is one of the most overprotective persons in this world. Being the older of three sisters and one of the older members of the group  only makes it worst. She's always nagging at everybody for almost anything: runnig, crossig the street without looking, drinking too much... Someday she'll even scold the leader. She tries to protect everybody, physically and psicologically. She will walk with the other members to wherever they need to go, and won't leave them alone untill she is 100% sure that they are safe. And whenever the members are being scolded by someone that's not herself, she will jump and try to protect them, even if that means that she has to take all the blame. 


Ahn Min Yoo was born the 26th of August of 1995 in Seoul. The sun had not risen yet, when her mother gave her to birth. But her story doesn't starts there, you have to go a little bit backwards in time. Lee Sun Woo was a young university student when she met Ahn Tae Hyun. He was such a charming young man, who had already made his military training, and had just moved to her neighborhood. Slowly, the both fell in love. They started to go to dates, to the cinema, to have a walk... But all that lovely atmosphere didn't last long, because Sun Yoo became pregnant. What could do a 20-years.old girl and his almost-new boyfriend? They had three options: abortion, adoption or rising the child. Both families wanted to give the child in adoption: They were both too young to be good parents, they thought, they wouldn't be able to make it. But Sun Yoo loved that child. She wanted to raise it, even on her own. Tae Hyun supported her. Against their families wishes, they decided to move together and have that kid. They lost all contact with their parents, but they didn't mind.

When Min Yoo was born, they didn't have much time for her. Living in Seoul isn't cheap, they both had to work as hard as they could, so she was usually left with a nanny. Despite that, she didn't have a bad childhood. The nannies were good, and even she might had not have all that a kid would wish for, she had lots of love from both of her parents. Years passed by, and Min Yoo started school. She was such a clever girl, her marks were always on the TOP 5 of the class. When her parents raised enough money, she started to take guitar lessons, and she was quite good at it. She even started to write her own songs. But suddenly, when Min Yoo was eleven years old, everything changed. Sun Woo got pregnant again, but with twins. Ahn Min Hwa and Ahn Min Sun were born the 7th of September of 2006. After a few years of economical economic stability, they were back to red numbers. Min Yoo became jealous of her new sisters: they were doing fine until they came. She had to left the guitar lessons, but also, she started to take care of them. The jealousy didn't last long, she realized that that didn't make any sens, she had to take care of her sisters, regardless of whether she wanted or not.

Things changed when Min Yoo started high school. It wasn't that she was bad at it, it was that she wasn't interested. She thought that classes were boring and useless. To many hours spent in doing such things as biology, chemistry, syntax and too little to do things that she actually liked. Everybody expected that she would realize that education was the most important thing. But even still only a thirteen-years-old girl, she knew that that life wasn't for her. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life behind a desk, she wanted to rap. She discovered rap almost by accident. She was on her way back home when she bumped in a rap battle. Nothing too serious, just a bunch of teens dropping some rhymes, but she became really interested on that. She started doing her research, and slowly, she also began to rap.

That brought many problems into the Ahn's house. Min Yoo's parents wanted her to be a doctor or a engineer, not a rapper. But, eventually, they made a deal. If Min Yoo started to do better at school, she could attend to an audition. Since then, Min Yoo put more effort in studies. Her marks weren't the best, but at least she was passing all her classes. So, finally, when she was 17, she made the audition for J.Tune. And she made it. She has never been happier than in that moment. But she understood that being into the company didn't mean that she would debut. She would have to work extremely hard. And she was willing to do it. For two years and a half, she worked harder than she has though that she could. Her rapping was good, but she eeded to improve, as well as her dancing skills. But, no long ago, she recived good news: she was going to be part of a survival show to create a new girl group. Now, the only thing she has to do is win.


LIKES (5 min)
 -Ruining her image; it's fun to see people with shocked expressions.
 -Disney movies. She loves them.
 -Cooking. She's quite good at it, and she enjoys practicing.
 -Red lipstick.
 -Star Trek
 -Writing lyrics 
 -Long trips

DISLIKES (5 min)
 -Thinking that she could have done something better than she did  
 -The Big Bang Theory
 -Lemmon pie
 -Losing stuff
 -Waking up late
 -Star Wars
 - Losing

HOBBIES (3 min)
- Cooking
- Writing lyrics
- Drawing, but she isn't good at it
- Photography
- Watching bad zombie movies

HABITS (3 min)
 - Making doodles in the margin of the pages 
- Closing the door after she enters on a room  
- Bitting her nails  
- Singing in the shower
- She gets a coffee every morning

TRIVIA (10 min. But go crazy)
- She writes lyrics everytime she wants to say something but doesn't kno how; but she also writes stupid songs.
- She is allergic to hazelnuts  
- She loves her nose  
​- She loves cooking, but she isn't good at it 
- She loves telling fairy-tales  
​- She is left-handed  
- When she concentrates, she her lips 
​- When she gets narvous, she starts humming  
- She once wrote a rap called "Sometimes I want to be a potatoe" that was five miutes long and talked about how tired she was
- She is afraid of thunders 
- She is really lazy when she becomes sick 
- She hums while brushing her teeth
- She used to play World of Warcraft
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LOVE INTEREST »Winner's Seung Hoon 
 Out-going, funny, sweet, reckless, stubborn.
Lee Seung Hoon is one of those guys that makes a good first impression. Kind, sweet and good with people, it's quite hard to not like him. It's someone easy to talk to, who won't ask much questions. If you ned someone to relay into, he's there, with his charming smile. Seung Hoon  is one of the most hard-working persons in the world, he has a really clar objectives and he will do anythig to archive them.  He is really stubborn, and it's almost impossible that anybody can make his opinions change. 
RELATIONSHIP » Ahn Min Yoo has a really big crush on Lee Seung Hoon  and she can't help it. She met him on her guitar lessons, but she didn't talk to him at the beginnig. For Min Yoo, Seung Hoon  was just another student, three years older than herself. But in the momet that she learnt that he also composed songs, she went to talk to him to asking for advice. SInce then, the've been close friends, always giving eachother advice on music and also their problems.
OUTCOME » As you wish~ I'm happy with any outcome ^^
SCENE REQUESTS » The girls moving into a dorm and cooking or doing girl stuf idk friendship is beautiful (?
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS » I'm really sorry if my english sound weird and forced or if i've missed or misunderstood anything. English is not my first language, my grammatic and my orthography kinda of , so sorry if i've made any foolish mistake. This is the third aplication i've ever made, so i still don't do it as good as i would like to. Well, if there's anything i can improve or any mistake, please, tell me and i'll do my best! Have a lovely week!
PASSOWRD » I'll Be There - Spica  (Suhyun's rap parts 0:42-0:55 and 1:48-2:01 Lyrics:
Being weak, being weak
Is sometimes okay – just don’t give up, no
You believe, believe me, feelin on the beat
Forget all the things of the past – skip
Spread out your shoulders and look up in the sky
Don’t sigh – come out and let it fly
Don’t Worry,Worry, Don’t Worry,Worry,Worry
Place your worries far behind you and give it distance
You Belive, Belive Me, Feelin’ On The Beat
Skip over all the hard memories
Spread out your shoulders and look up in the sky
Don’t sigh – come out and let it fly



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