Feeling so at home!

Hahahahahah! I'm currently sitting in a korean food court. And I was just in a korean supermarket. In the sm (lmaao! <3), at least two real koran walked passed me and was speaking korean and I felt so proud to be able to understand! I felt so happy that I started geeking! Hahaha! My dad kept saying "Dont you feel so at home?" I instantly said an exstatic, "YES!" Kekekeke! The only bad thing is that thwy dont have any kimbap! ): <33


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It's always nice to eavesdrop on people who speak in another language. You never know when they're actually talking about how cute you look ;P
And u didn't take me with you ?! :( haha jk. That's cool. Are u learning korean?
Awww, I'm kinda jealous~ ^w^/