Deleted Comments = Hurt Feelings

Okay, so sit down in a nice comfy chair because what a story do I have to tell you. I'm lying this'll be super quick, super short.

So, I made a comment on this person's story saying something like, "I love this story but in this chapter I was a bit confused by your transitions and sometimes I didn't know who was saying what." 


I for one think this is pretty reasonable. It's not a malicious comment. I didn't call her story trash, simply pointed out the lack of construction and organization. And you know what this person does? I'm sure it's obvious, but let's give the viewers at home some time to take a guess. 

*live studio audience*






wooo!! did you guess correctly?

I don't understand, really. Like did it hurt their feelings? Did they not agree? I'm sure there could have been a better way to handle the constructive criticism I offered up. Maybe they don't agree with what I said and that's fine but like deleting my comment is so rude. I didn't say specifically which parts lacked the right detail but shouldn't writers be open to comments about their writing? I like to think of this as a community where we share our creativity and our knowledge about writing. Now, if you don't give a rat's about the comprehensibilty of your story then that's your deal. I really can't go up against that. 

I rarely make comments about the quality of writing unless it seriously impairs my ability to smoothly read all the way through the text. I'm not going to comment on the fact that you used the wrong there/they're/their once in your story. It doesn't really severly affect the reading experience for me to the point I dont want to read anymore. 

So I sent her a PM asking her politely about the deleted message. Stay tuned till next week, folks for her response!


What do you guys think? Tell me your opinion on all this.


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Honestly dear, same thing happened to me quite recently. I read a story and then in the throes of being so passionate I ranted about everything that I liked and disliked. It was like you said, constructive criticism because I was talking about the psychology of the characters. Needless to say, when I decided to look for my comment to do some damage control I couldn't find my comment anymore (translation deleted). Now, being an author myself I don't think it's rude to receive constructive criticism but we do have to consider that there are lots of different types of writers who have different writing goals and sometimes there are days where you just don't want to deal with the criticism. I have only deleted one comment ever because it just left a bad taste in my mouth (usage of an uncommon word, repeat one word, that did not even need to be pointed out, just came off as petty) but I try not to. All I'm trying to say is you shouldn't feel slighted, don't take it personal because it's your prerogative to provide constructive criticism but it's also the author's to accept or dismiss your opinion. I don't think it's fair to expect the author to accept or not delete your comment. Some of them don't have that mentality and when you find out, just move on to the next author, next story. Keep in mind too though that authors have different styles of writing too. Some authors just write to get to the point trusting their readers will choose for themselves what stories to read and what not to read. For example, I can't read stories without proper grammar. It's just my personal preference so when I do stubble upon one, I simply leave it.
That but from the other end of the perspective I can sometimes see their point. One of my friends who writes on here was never really good with that stuff and we talked about it. She alaways got unsolicited advice about her work all the time when all she wanted to do was have a space where she could get away and write. Now her work is better and improved but its something she had to do herself.

Unless its a persons own conscientious choice, it won't get fixed. Especially, if they get "constructive" criticism outside of this wonderful world we've built for ourselves here. Some of you guys nay call this person "stupid", "young", "rude", or even a "hater" but look at it from their point of view also. A stranger who read their story of their own volition, decided to what in that readers mind was helping when to them it could have been pointing out another flaw they already know of and don't really know how to or are ready to fix.

My word of advice is to not feel slighted by this in the least. A comment was deleted, no one got bashed or cursed out, don't stress over it
She might get lots of people hating on her writing and maybe she never got constructive criticism before? That is probably the case, and she probably assumed u were hating when in fact u were just trying to help. Tbh she sounds like a younger person, when you are younger sometimes you have not matured enough to deal with criticism, but as you grow older you learn nobody is perfect, everyone can improve, that kind of stuff. So don't take it harshly she is probably a kid who got the misfortune of meeting bad people on the internet/people who bash her writing.

I can't really comprehend it, but don't take it personally! Giving constructive criticism is a GREAT thing, so much better than "pls update" lol :)
Wow. That is really rude.
I mean, if mistakes aren't point out, then how can one improve? -_- *sighs*
Baebaegopa #5
I think honestly asking a person why they deleted your comment is futile. Haters gonna hate. Rude people are gonna do what they do. But honestly, don't waste your time with dumbness, if they don't like polite comments to direct them then they don't need people reaching out to find out why. Just let it go.
Lotuspassion #6
I wouldn't delete you're comment I would have asked, you opinion as to how can I make it better.