「 ashley — Jung Chan Hee 」

O N E [ + ] Change first three pictures to your face-claim.
T W O [ + ] Change last picture to your love interest.
T H R E E [ + ] Goodluck!



Jung Chan Hee was born in high-class family. She was born when their parents was on a month trip to L.A, California, thus she had an english name, Alice. Her mother used to be a teacher in a dance studio near her house, and her father was a really popular song producer.

Chan Hee really loved to follow her mother to the dance studio. She really admires dance, and her mother teach her alot. She wanted to be as skillful as her mother when she has grown up. She loves singing too, and gladly her father teach her a lot about it. Her family was pretty much lively, that is, until a terrible car accident happened.

She was ten year old when she first had a dance competition. She really wanted her family to come, unfortunately her father was out of town, therefore her mother purposely canceled that day's dance class to attend her daughter first dance competition. She even made a banner with "Jung Chan Hee, you can do it!" and a big heart beside it.

It happened really fast. the taxi her mother was in get involved with big car accident and her mother unfortunately didn't make it. When Chan Hee got called, it was right before her performance. It obviously made big impact to her, she rarely focused and fell alot during her performance. She didn't care though, the only thing she had in mind was to go to the hospital to see her mother.

She cried a lot in her mother funeral. Her father kept a stoic face but she know he hurt as much or even more than her. She blamed herself after that day. She always thought, "What if that day i didn't become a brat and force my mom to attend this competition, which i didn't even win at?" She grew distant too toward her father, and her father drown himself in work.

It had been five years since the accident happened. She was on the way to supermarket when she met a boy rapping his heart out on the road, ignoring his surrounding.

"Why are you doing things like this, when you know it's burdening others?" She do enjoy his performance, but the way the others threw a dirty glances at him made her realize that rap is not something everyone can enjoy. There was some silent before the boy answered her.

"I love rap. I won't give up on my passion, doing things I'm not even interested in. Even if the world comes to the end it won't change the fact that rap is my everything." She didn't understand at all.

"But the people around you didn't even enjoy it." She said once again. The boy in front of her only smile a little.

"It didn't matter. The only thing matter is there is one person who do support me, even when I'm not good enough. And I'm here to make him proud."

She suddenly remember her mother. How her mother smile when she dance, how her mother patiently teaching her even when she did a really bad job at it. The tears fall out without her knowing. The boy in front of her became stiff, and she heard him mumbling 'oh god don't cry i don't know what to do in this situation, so awkward' But she just cast a big smile toward his direction and ran off to her house direction.

The next day, she came to the supermarket, hoping to meet the boy again. Surprisingly the boy was there and he was smiling to her direction, like he know she would come that day.

"I'm Jooheon, 16 year old boy who dream of becoming an influental rapper one day." (Because i really have to, in any mean, including my bias who is a trainee in this story) The boy said. She smiled and shake his hand.

"I'm Chanhee, 15 year old. I dream to be a dancer and singer who bring the world more color than it already has." The two became best friend for life.

Since that day, her relationship with her father became better, although it never be as lively as before. When she was seventeen, she decided she wanted to become an idol. She wanted the world to see her, and fortunately her father agree to her decisions.

She auditioned in a company called Pledis. Surprisingly she passed and she can't be more happy than that. Her friend, Jooheon, too joined a company named Starship. Although she was a bit sad they won't be meeting as frequent as before, she was happy enough because her best friend can finally makes his dream real. (Is this too long I'm sorry /sobs/)


She was always the crazy one. She loves doing the unexpected and enjoy teasing the others. She is not that bad when she is little, but since she met Jooheon her personality became 80% more crazy.

She always be the mood-maker. Constantly throwing jokes, doing weird things. She has eye-smile and a small dimple, it makes her more cute in the others eyes.

She is not afraid of talking to stranger, and she loves getting the people around her laughing. Maybe that's why she had so many friends, but not many best friend. Once you become her best friend, she will constantly sacrifice herself for you.

although she is playful, she knows when to get serious. She is hard-working, she is perfectionist. when she is not satisfied with what she has, she would train much harder than it already is.

She is sometimes ostentatious to those she is close to. she loves bluffing. Her friends who see it always thought it was funny, but to those who is stranger to her often mistaken her as arrogant. (many friends, many enemies)

She is dense. she often didn't know how to read situation, often hurting others with what she think a joke. She hates people getting cranky, though, so she tries her best to make the others happy again.


Jung chan hee

was born on September 15, 1996 from a Korean father and a korean mother in seoul,. Currently 20 years old, she/he grew up in seoul thus making her/him fluent in korean. Standing at 167cm for 51kg, character name is notably known for looking like YOON Bomi or even sometimes yoon bora.

social circle

» Father, Jung Dong Suk | 55 | Song producer | Quiet, warm hearted, caring, loyal | When his wife died, he became a bit distant with his daugther. He drown himself in work. But eventually he open his heart again when he realize how unfair he is toward his daugther.
» Mother, Pyo / Jung Son Hee | deceased | deceased | caring, funny, playful | Chan Hee and her mother was really close. She is a person who you would call 'baby face'  often mistaken as Chan Hee's older sister.


» Best friend, Jooheon | 21 | trainee at starship ent. | funny, goofy, playful, hard-working | He is Chan Hee's best friend of life or partner-in-crime. Even if their meeting time is not much, they love to call each other on their free time.

a jooheon gif for ya XD





» coffee (she loves sleeping and so she need coffee to keep her awake)
» meat (who doesn't)
» comedy and romantic movie. 
» ramen (the only edible food she can make).


» ghost stories (she is afraid of ghost)
» Left alone in a dark room / house (Should I say again she is afraid of ghost)
» Classical music (She is often found sleeping whenever watching / listening to classical music)


» sleep talking
» calling older boys "hyung"
» sleeping everywhere she can
» singing while showering

» dancing weirdly in front of mirror or whenever she hears a song she doessn't know
»  her lips and stuck her tongue out whenever she is nervous
» writing lyrics


» she is left-handed
» she is lazy when it came to cleaning her own room
» she never have a boyfriend
» she always has soft spot on dogs (esp. puppies)
» she is always in bad mood everytime she wakes up
» she really love penguin from madagascar especially the one named Kowalski. Since she started being a trainee she spent a quarter of her money to buy penguin figurine
» has twitter : @chanhehee, instagram : chanheeya and line : jchanhee


She wears anything she is comfortable with. She loves baggy pants and short pants, but she often seen wearing skirts and dresses. One thing for sure she hates wearing a long sleeve shirt but she reluctantly wears it when winter comes.



» bear | She sleeps like a bear.
» evil | she loves pranking person.
» Unexpected / 4D | She does what other didn't even think of.



» Korean, fluent | native
» English, conversational | she learn it to make her own lyrics.




Zico always had a cold aura around him, and his scary face always made people thought he was some sort of gangster or mafia. That's why there is not many people befriend with him. Behind his cold exterior, he is one of the dorkiest person you will ever meet.

Zico loves hello kitty. Yes, a freakin walking-with-two-legs white cat with ribbon on its ear and dress. He always said hello kitty is his wife. Plus he loves doing aegyo, making his voice an octave higher and doing some strange hand movement. He is not afraid of what others think of him and that's what Chan Hee loves from him. "YOLO", he said.

He is ignorant and uncaring to stranger. He hates getting involved with something complicated. He even didn't spare a glance when he saw someone's bag got stolen. "Why letting yourself getting involved with something dangerous when you can choose to not to? it's confusing and i hate complicated things."

But to those he cares to, he willingly do anything for them. He worships friendship more than anything.


Chan Hee and Zico was already in relationship for around two years (10 February 2013)

Zico had been in a group called BlockB since 2011. Despite their limit time to meet each other, they still love each other as strong as before. There is some fight here and there, but mostly it only last for a few days.

Zico really loves it when he saw Chan Hee dance. It's always beautiful and he won't grew tired watching it. Her expression came off naturally, almost like he is watching a movie.

He always loves when Chan Hee smile. Her small dimple and her cute eye smile will be shown and it can't get any cuter than that. "although it's not as beautiful as my hello kitty *ahem*"

Although Zico thought of Jooheon as his own little brother, he always get irked whenever Jooheon get too touchy with Chan Hee for his liking. He knows the two only thought each other as brother and sister but he can't help it. Zico gets jealous a little too easy.


It was two months after she met Jooheon when she first met Zico. Jooheon introduced him as his brother, even though they are not blood related. Actually Jooheon and Zico was both an orphan, and was adopted by an underground's owner. That's why they both love rapping.

When she first saw Zico, she always thought he was scary. His cold eyes always made her had a goosebump whenever their eyes met. But everything changed when she was forced by Jooheon to got a sleepover in their (zico & his) house. (like why the hell a girl have a sleepover in a boy house). But with a little aegyo and a lot of blackmailing, she actually agreed with it.

'His house was cozy,' that's what she first thought. It's neither big nor small, it's perfect. Jooheon was planning to watch a movie with three of them but he was in a middle of preparing the snacks, so he made Chan Hee to call Zico who is sleeping in his room.

She literally had a shock out of her life when she saw Zico's room. white with pastel pink as wallpaper and a huge hello kitty's doll was placed on a hot pink bed. There stood in the middle was a half awake half sleeping Zico, with a little hello kitty's doll in his arms. She always imagined his room with black wallpaper, ghost posters, skeletons and a load of guns or axes in it.

Zico didn't get affected at all. He lazily casted a look on her way and continue with god-knows-what he was doing. "J-J-Jooheon wants you t-to go to the main room." she stuttered. Zico only hummed in response. Chan Hee quickly dashed outside the room and sit on the main room's sofa.

"What the hell happened to you?" Jooheon asked. Chan Hee didn't answer anything. He frowned a little when suddenly he widened his eyes. "If it's about hyung's hello kitty, just ignore it. Hello Kitty basically is his wife."

"I-I-I thought he was some sort of gangster." Chan Hee said. Jooheon only laughed a little and continued putting the snacks on the table.

"Everyone always think so. He is actually a really cute person if you know him better."

Ever since that day, Chan Hee strengthened herself and bravely tried to have a convesation with Zico everytime they met. He actually is a really cute, aegyoful (?) and dorky person.


It was during the hard time of Block B (lawsuit against Stardom ent.) that Zico always found himself around Chan Hee. Whenever he is around her he always felt comforted. Being a leader was hard.

He was so frustated and stressed. He found himself rambling and he said anything that was buried inside his heart to Chan Hee. Chan Hee only hugged him and pat his back while Zico continued crying. She didn't mind though, she hoped she can help him in anyway.

"I don't know anymore, Chanhee-ah. It-it's really hard. Thinking about how everyone (his band-mate) was having a high expectation on me, how they thought I can solve everything. I-I myself didn't know what to do. The burden is too heavy to me, Chan. Sometimes I really wanted to give up and just watch anything go, b-but then I thought about my members, about how upset they will be." He sobbed. "I can't even confessed to you. I can't go to date, can't have fun with you. How the hell am I a leader? I'm too pathetic."

He was too frustated to realize he actually is confessing his love toward her. Chan Hee smiled and her hand found it way to erase the tears on Zico's face. She slowly caressed his cheeks and kissed him slowly.

Ever since that day they officialy became a couple and fortunately Block B finally ended the lawsuit issues and start a new beginning in Seven season entertainment.

+ hugeboi + Bells + #02 4D Kid

woo jiho / zico

Member of block b, he was born on September 14, 1992.


BACK-UP LOVE INT + Bobby, can I Bang Yongguk of B.A.P

BACK-UP LOVE INT + Jung Daehyun of B.A.P




LAST COMMENT + i actually want to have Bobby from iKON as my love interest, but then i realized they haven't debut yet omg /kills myself/ anyway good luck on this story! and if i didn't get choosen can you have my character as cameo pretty please



variety show (like running man, star king, etc)

rookie battle (like trainee battle between YG and JYP in WIN)

things like Big Bang TV, ta-dah it's B.A.P, or block b 5 minutes before chaos.




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