〈 ★ rewriting girls' generation — i inhyeong

i inhyeong
ivy #B8D0EC
pw. inhyeong is a total babe imo, bomi is so cute just look at her. i feel like inhyeong is a nice contrast to the idea of an idol because she actually has a mean streak and flaws that can actually affect her relationship with people. her critical nature is great for creating friction within the group, and so is her wit. and her weird side i feel would be pretty fun to write just imagine the convo between her and siri when asked to recite shakespearian soliloquies.

full name. i inhyeong 이 인형
other name
bunny ivey : her english name, used while living in new zealand

+ lee inhyeong ; a mispronunciation of her name because i is a common variant of lee. i is a common variant of a lot of words actually, but as her surname, it is used to mean "strange"
+ strange doll ; used by fans, it is a direct translation of her name. stemming from i, which means strange, and inhyeong, which means doll
bun bun ; used by her parents and gongju because she's their bun bun
shade queen i ; used by fans because she's so sassy and the master at throwing shade
squishy tiger ; used by fans and emcees because she's so cute and squishy looking that you would never expect her to be as powerful and vicious as a tiger
female kim heechul ; used by netizens and some show hosts because inhyeong is surprisingly similar to kim heechul, and her antics are called "bunnyisms" like his are called "heechulisms"

date of birth. eighteen, february, ninteen nintey-six
age : 19 

place of birth,hometown
seoul south korea & wellington, new zealand
ethnicity. korean

+ korean ; fluent ; her adoptive parents helped her learn korean from a very young age
+ english ; fluent ; she grew up in an english-speaking country
french ; basic ; all she knows how to say is "omlette du fromage"

faceclaim. bang minah
back-up. park sojin

fashion style
+ beacuse airport fashion aesthetic is the most important : unlike her unnie, name brands and skirts, inhyeong dresses much more simply. a t-shirt or a sweater, some comfy jeans, and some flats. the combo is versatile and easy to pull off, and makes her beauty seem even more effortless than it already is.
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traits. witty, sassy, brainy, critical, bossy, 4d, nit-picky
breakdown. inhyeong can make quick observations that can turn mundane situations or events into a laugh factory of hilarity. quick-thinking, inhyeong delivers quips which are both clever and eye-opening, allowing others to experience a situation's meaning at a different level, often through the lense of irony. most people enjoy her quick wit, especially since she is usually the first to make a joke, or she adds to an existing joke by adding another layer of witty observation, carrying the humor further. her wit can be overt or dry, but it always has an ironic quality to it. with her quick wit, she can sometimes let get ahead of her good sense, offering humor when it isn't wanted or needed, or directing a joke toward a person, causing hurt feelings. she gets too enthralled with her own wittiness often veer into caustic wit and sarcasm, which can hurt or humiliate when directed personally. there is also the chance that a observation quip about a group or belief could touch on a sensitive subject unknowingly, causing offense to one of the listeners. other people may feel their jokes are one-upped all the time by her.

inhyeong practically lives by the saying "if you've got it, flaunt it". her head is always held high, she never slouches, she smirks, she talks loudly and concisely so no one can drowned her out, she really knows how to strut, and oh my god i inhyeong can make the most ridiculous tasks look flawless and sassy. inhyeong keeps connected to her mind, no filter. she isn't afraid to lash out at someone or call them fake or even get into a full-blown cat fight to be honest. its also physically impossible for inhyeong to keep her opinions to herself. "i think cl is overrated", "shindong is a disgusting, misogynistic douchebag", "if i had a dime for every inch of your boyfriends , i'd be in debt", "tell your girlfriend if she says she's got beef, that i'm a vegetarian and i ain't in scared of her". inhyeong is a bit of a gossip, but not an overtly obnoxious gossip. she won't spread rumors for the sake of spreading rumors, but she will gladly give her input on scandals and incidents. inhyeong would never willingly walk away from a fight, the last word always has to belong to her. if she feels backed into a corner, she'll drop a crazy awesome one-liner and just walk away.

in order to have all that sassy and wit, inhyeong needs brains, and that's exactly what she has. inhyeong really is brainy, she knows a whole bunch of stuff. she can recite the first 400 digits of pi, she solves problems using math formulas that aren't even in the textbooks, she reads classic prose and heavily analyzes everything down to the simplest themes. she solves chemical equations to start her day and the only way to turn off her alarm clock is to solve a problem using only long division. jade spends most of her time with her nose in an above-level textbook or some archaic piece of literature that not even the english teachers have heard about. she will discuss advance mathematics with small animals in iambic pentameter, inhyeong will sing about biochemistry in the shower, she'll ask siri to recite shakespearian soliloquies.

even though inhyeong isn't in a position of leadership, she loves bossing people around. she even bosses around the stylists. inhyeong can be demeaning, insulting, and degrading. her belief that she can do things better than anyone else often results in impatience, self-righteousness, and snobbery. she can often cause upset and hurt through her words and actions. people can feel as though their efforts are never good enough, or assume they are worthless in the eyes of i inhyeong. but she is also seen as a driving force in the group, and in dramas, because she'll push people until the results are perfect. if gongju keeps messing up a dance, inhyeong will stand over her and demand she do it again and again until she gets it right. her criticalness and bossiness is well-intended, she really wants girls generation to strive, to be literally the best, to be transcendent, uncomparable, untouchable, and in an attempt to do so she becomes a lil bit of a dictator.

despite her harshness and wit, inhyeong is just as weird as she is witty ( as you could probably see with her singing to her food ). and maybe her suave and witty side enhances her weirdness and makes her look even more 4d. she changes her autograph with her hairstyles. while heechul has the dumpling face, inhyeong has the peach face. seriously though. "because my face looks like a peach". she loves tea with all her heart, the actual drink not her sister ( but she loves her sister too ) and drinks so much tea that it probably replaces all the blood in her body.

i inhyeong is described by some as "ocd", mostly as a joke, but jokes on them because inhyeong actually does have ocd, less of the obsessive kind and more of the compulsive. she's not exactly a germaphobe, as one could tell by looking at her room, but she does have counting and checking compulsions. she is fixated on the number 8, and has to do virtually everything eight or multiple of eight ( up to sixty-four times ). she chews her food eight times, she makes myyn brush through her hair a minimal of eight times and a maximum of sixty four times, she writes eight words on one line, she has to take eight crayons, she has to sleep for eight hours, she has to go to bed at eight o'clock, when playing the ukulele she only uses eight chords, she has to zip something up eight times. inhyeong also has checking compulsions, which makes her seem kinda paranoid. she has to double check everything, that she brought her phone, locked the doors, locked the windows, turned the stove off, turned the washer off. if she doesn't check these things ( she ususally checks her stuff about eight times throughout the entire day ) she gets an unexplainable feeling of fear and anxiousness.

i inhyeong was born with ocd and was adopted by a lovely couple, the iveys, along with her older sister gongju. the pair were 3 and 6 months, respectively. they moved to their new home in new zealand and enjoyed a happy life with two other siblings. although her ocd wasn't really clear as a baby because you know, babies, as soon as she got a grasp on language, she would insist on doing everything eight times. it wasn't an easy choice deciding to let their daughters go off to korea to become trainees, but the iveys had more faith in their daughters than their daugters probably had in themselves. they arranged for inhyeong and gongju to stay with a long time family friend of the iveys.

its easy to say that inhyeong did not have much of a childhood, as girl's generation debuted when she was 11. she had to move to korea at an even earlier age in order to become a trainee, and essentially sold her soul. this is really part of the reason inhyeong's so hyper critical, especially when snsd first debuted because she felt like they had to succeed no matter what, otherwise everything would be for nothing. all the time spent away from her mom and siblings, all the time she felt useless and talentless, all the times she would see girls from school hanging out with friends or gossiping about boys. hitting international fame really made her cool down

the iveys still kept in touch with inhyeong and gongju, mainly via skype whenever they could, which wasn't really that often.


+ baby ; lee yoori ; 46 ; editor of a fashion magazine ; inhyeong's relationship with her birth mother can be simmed up as " that " and "i don't with yoooou" and "where she at doe?". inhyeong uses some very colorful language to describe yoo ri.
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+ cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure ; i gongju ; 22 ; hopefully a member of gg ; inhyeong and gongju are like ride or dies, though everyone seems to think inhyeong is the older sister because she's sassier and... less like gongju. she loves teasing gongju, and throwing shade at her, which usually reacts to her being overdramatic and looking so distressed. despite that, gongju is an older sister inhyeong can rely on, and she's very thankful for her. she knows she can call gongju if she's scared walking through a dark alley or neighborhood, she has an arsenal of ugly pictures of both herself and gongju to send to her, and she loves keeping ugly pictures of gongju as blackmail. and even though they are now grown women, they have slap fights like they're still kids. gongju taught inhyeong how to sing into a hairbursh like a pop diva. sometimes, they like to get drunk together and watch grey's anatomy all night. inyeong is incredibly protective of her sister, so stay away icky boys. to inhyeong, gongju is like this cute and bright and ethereal princess that just makes everything better. she's too good for this world, too pure and inhyeong will literally cut any hoe who tries and hurts her sweet tea.
the only one i can boss around ; winn ivey ; 16 ; model and actress ; winn was the one inhyeong could baby and love. they were partners in crime and they would drag hoes together.
the one who beats everyone up for me ; theo ivey-takeuchi ; 24 ; singer in a jpop boy group ; they aren't as close as theo is with gongju, but they still care for each other dearly

friends. idol friends are welcomed, just make sure they make sense. copy paste for more. the limit is 5.
+ relation ; name ; age ; occupation ; relationship with character

persona. tough cutie
position. yuri
back-up position. sooyoung
fanclub name. cutie pies
fanclub color. #B8D0EC

singing twin. f(x)'s sulli
dancing twin. girls day's yura
rapping twin
talking twin. girls day's bomi
acting twin. snsd's yuri

+ jung eun in no breathing ; 2013
+ won most popular film actress for her role in no breathing at the 50th paeksang art awards ; 2014
+ choi anna in fashion king ; 2012
+ won most popular television actress for her role as choi anna at the 49th paeksang art awards ; 2013
+ composed xyz on the igab album ; 2014
+ choreographed the rap break in the boys ; 2011
+ choreographed and starred in halo's come on now mv ; 2014
+ choreographed boys republic's video game ; 2014
+ chanhyuk's girlfriend in akdong musician's 200% mv ; 2014
+ co-hosted incheon korean music wave with eun son ; 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013
+ mbc's variety show animals ; 2015
+ choreographed and composed orange caramel's lipstick ; 2012
+ helped choreograph tts's adrenaline ; 2014

love interest. oc : gradyen kim jonghyun ( fc bobby )
back-up. chanhyuk, v
personality. grayden kim is a mix of fearless warrior and undisciplined child. he's an easy guy to understand: very action oriented, wanting to be the boss, an extrovert, assertive, the hunter. he is arrogant—although he likes to state that he's just "very confident" thank you very much—and he has an instatiable ego the size of jupiter honestly. grayden is really fond of himself and in order to get on his good side, give him the praise he thinks he deserves. he has the fire and passion of the burning sun, the boldness of neon colors ( in a non-tacky way ), and the spontaneity of spontaneous combustion. he is masculine and virile—which is just a nice way of saying macho and —and is surpsingly in touch with his inner kid. grayden is also a wordsmith, very skilled at talking to people. he can manipulate them and make them swoon and hang off of his every word. and he's a total greasy playboy. he has girls hanging off his arm, grayden leads them on with his british-accented english and his sweet, empty words and with his general manliness.

he tends to be very silly and playful and fun-loving and adventurous, always wanting to go on trips and try new things when he isn't too busy. but on the other hand grayden is a total boy brat when he doesn't get his way ( and that's inhyeong being nice ). he literally sulks. inhyeong has never met a nineteen year old who literally sulks. and have you seen him when he loses a tournament? he cries more over that than gongju does about her fans and everything combined. he is very competetive and extremely jealous. like extremely. grayden kim jonghyun will fight anyone who tries to get too close to what is his. but unlike most competetive people, grayden has a strong sense of fair play. he wants to win for himself because he's great and a gift from the gods and he wants to prove that to literally everyone. grayden kim jonghyun hates being controlled, he loves doing his own thing and if someone tries to change that, he'll explode.

first meeting. how did they meet? where? when, what year? 
relationship. their interactions here.
trivia. any facts or trivia that i can add in to the story? if none, delete section please.
grayden is gongju's biggest fan ever.
outcome. any kind of outcome you want them to have?

❀ ⋮japanese delinquents. its her favorite character type ever she loves banchos and aneechans
❀ ⋮girls. girls are so pretty and cute and perfect and she will cut your hands off if you put them on a girl without her consent
❀ ⋮old school anime. like neon genesis evangelion and creamy mami and sailor moon, they're just the best
❀ ⋮anime. pfft she's not a weeaboo!! she only likes shoujo and magical girl anime!! ... and reverse harem anime... and free!... and meganebu
❀ ⋮succulents. they are inhyeongs's absolute favorite type of plant!! she would rather get a bunch of potted succulents than a boquet of flowers< br /> ❀ ⋮cleaning her room. she can find everything and still walk through her room so um
❀ ⋮people who complain about her room being messy. is she holding a gun to your head and forcing you to look at her room? then shut the hell up
❀ ⋮eggs. eggs are disgusting and if you eat eggs, congrats your disgusting too no exceptions
❀ ⋮taking pics of the members making dumb and ugly faces. its much easier to see an idol as human this way!!
❀ ⋮sobbing over anime boys. weeps s-souske's arm!! makoto and haru's fight!! all that character development sent down the drain due to season 2 thanks kyoani sOBS
❀ ⋮cuz i wouldn't have nothing if i didn't have you. she always talks to her succulents and she always says encouraging things to them!! "hello my baby, you're looking so pretty today! i love you, so continue to grow big and strong!!"
❀ ⋮pet names are totally in. she gives all her succulents pet names.
❀ ⋮not your submissive lil asian flower. many western people call her rude and disrespectful, and she usually gets a lot of backlash from international fans because of her "y" ( aka strong ) personality, because obviously some 12 year old white girl knows more about korean culture than the actual korean girl. inhyeong always responds to it by saying "why you mad? because my pops severely, and yours don't?" and usually a sarcastic, "wow who knew asian girls could be something other than cute and quiet and submissive!!! what a concept!"
❀ ⋮that stupid lock and key metaphor. if she hears another man use that stupid lock and key metaphor in order to try and surpress female uality, she's gonna punch someone in the throat. her usual response for the lock and key metaphor is "a pencil that is sharpened by too many sharpeners has to be thrown away, while a sharpener that sharpens many pencils is just doing their job. sit your misogynistic/punk down"
❀ ⋮short girls are totally cute. inhyeong and gongju are both 150cm
❀ ⋮unnie you have to maintain your hair!. she does gongju's hair for her
❀ ⋮everyone, i'm proud of you!. she's a lot less critical now then she was when snsd were rookies. hitting international fame really made her cool down
❀ ⋮my princes. desperately wants to work with shinee

❀ ⋮why can't i get a boyfriend : says the reason she's single is because she's too cute and can't attract men, and the men she does attract get scared off by her harshness
❀ ⋮don't ask me how : one time she got a chestnut stuck in her nose and it wouldn't come out and she had to go to the hospital and while the doctor was examening it, she sneezed and it landed on his shoes
❀ ⋮lmao why you mad?. her favorite thing to do is to read hate mail and tweets directed at her because the amount of people who just don't love themselves is staggering
❀ ⋮no pda!. she really detests pda and seeing happy couples or reading shoujo manga
social media. do they have any social media?
+ name of social media ; username

current lifestyle. how do they live now? do they still live in the dorm or did they move out? their dorm is in hongdae, by the way. and also...it's an actual house that the maknae's parents got for them. more on that later.
+ describe lifestyle here.

education. what university are they studying in now currently? what major? what high school? if none, put n/a. 

scene request(s).
+ i don't even like flowers, inhyeong gets sent some cryhsanthemums, which are flowers of death, by an anti. she takes a pic and posts it on her twitter with the caption "whoever sent this thank you for the lovely flowers!! but i like succulents more, do better next time"
+ i don't even like flowers, copy paste for more.
+ i don't even like flowers, copy paste for more.
+ i don't even like flowers, copy paste for more.

comment & suggestion. insert here.
Hey.. I don’t want to lose you. Until the day comes when the light shines through the gaps in the clouds. I won’t say goodbye When various paths open up to me, at that time I’ll surely remember this wish. The journey we both walked together/ We’ll make that our proof, forever...we are always one. What will we say we’re capable of once we stand before the waves that give their loud roars? We’ll meet this distress, with a gentle intimacy. I believe, We can be divine. Our feelings are one. We can be divine~


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