Phobia test (stolen from Min-Yung)


If you get more than 30, I recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.



[ ] Black People
[x] The dark
[ ] Staying single forever
[ ] Being a parent
[ ] Being in front of others
[ ] Open spaces
[x] Closed spaces(i have asthma and i'll litterally stop breathing)
[x]Heights(thats why i have never been on a rollercoaster)
[x] Dogs
[x] Birds(im scared to touch them only)
[ ] Fish
[ ] Cats
[ ] Flowers or other plants
[x] Fire(hell)
[x] Deep water
[x] Snakes
[ ] Silk
[ ] Ocean
[x] Failure
[x] Thunder/lightning
[x] Frogs/toads
[ ] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad
[ ] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom
[x] Rats
[x] Jumping from high places (i'm terrified of heights nevermind jumping off them)
[ ] Rain( i love rain *looks around and giggles to see if anyone understood*)
[ ] Wind
[x] Crossing hang bridges
[x] Death(i feel like im a sinner)
[ ] Being robbed/mugged
[ ] Falling
[x] Clowns(the're just CREEPY as hell!)

[ ] Dolls

[ ] Large crowds of people

[ ] Men
[ ] Women
[x] Having great responsibilities
[ ] Doctors
[ ] Dentists
[x] Tornadoes
[x] Hurricanes
[x] Incurable diseases
[x] Sharks
[ ] Friday The 13th
[ ] Ghosts
[ ] Poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] School
[ ] Trains
[ ] Odd numbers
[ ] Even numbers
[ ] Being alone
[x] Becoming blind
[x] Becoming deaf
[x] Growing up, becoming old
[x] Creepy noises in the night
[x] Not accomplishing my dreams/goals(i'm scared of letting myself down and everything i've done and am doing will go to waste)
[ ] Needles
[x] Blood(only if there is a lot of blood. Mani!)



I GOT 28! i guess i'm paranoid! what are you? Try it out!




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Wow, didn't think you'd get that much!
SHINee456 #2
I'm fearless!!!!
No worries. I got 24. I hate spiders, needles, and blood, well except my own. Ghost and clowns are scary, you're true. Having too much responsibility to bear, being poor, old, and thinking too much about the future sometimes make me want to drown myself.

There is always a thin line between sanity and insanity.