V.O.X | Jung GeumMi | Secret Garden


➳ Ashley Jung // English name // Her friends back at Canada gave her this name because 'GeumMi' was hard to pronounce for them.

 Mimi/Geum/Gummy  //  Justc ute little nicknames that come from her name and are used by her brother and friends.
 Charlotte Usher // Okay, this is a self-proclaimed nickname. There's a book series named Ghostgirl, and the main character's name is Charlotte Usher. In the book, she dies form choking with a gummy bear. When GeumMi read this book, since her nickname was 'Gummy'.
 Ash Ketchum // Another weird nickname by her friends back at Canada. Since her English name was 'Ashley', everyone called her 'Ash', and that derived into Pokemon's anime main character Ash Ketchum. Also because she's a Pokémon freak.
 Pachirisu // Self-proclaimed nickname again, just because that' s her favorite Pokémon.
 Bogsung-a (복숭아)  // Bogsung-a means Peach in Korean. By JinYoung, just because of her love for peaches. 
 Ultimate Big Sister  // She older than most of her friends for some odd reason.

birthday — Novemebr 30, 1992
birth place — Cheongju, South Korea
hometown — Cheongju, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

 Korean  // Fluent // It's her native language and has spoken it during all her lifetime. She's obviously fluent on it.
 English // Conversational // She studied for two years in Canada. However, she isn't really that good with the language and her pronunciation isn't that good. At least, she can pronounce the 'r's and 'l's properly.

blood type — urineun b, b, b geup insaeng, a geudae dwaego sipeun. that's from dream high 2 okay bye.

jung geummi

by pokerfacedeer (rainy)

— i am beautiful, i will always be beautiful, even if it is only to myself.

face claim — Kim Soo Yeon;Mint (x)
back up — Soyu (x)

height — 165cm
weight — 50kg

Extra features — 


➳ She looks so perfect standing there //-click this shiz-GeumMi's body structure could eb compared to her cousin's. They're both walking raw spaghettis. Okay serious now, GeumMi is really skinny. She was a thin waist, small thigs and plain stomach. GeumMi, like most Korean girls, doesn't really have that much of a curvy body and her breats and lower part are considered small. However, for some reason, GeumMi manages to have a great presence. How? That's what everyone wonders. She manages to steal the spotlight without wanting to. She has the same charm that JinYoung has. She just attracts people to her.
➳ She's got the great, long curly hair  // GeumMi was born with brown, curly hair. She was mostly envied because of this, but GeumMi really hated ahving curly hair. At mornigns, it looked like a bird's nest and combing it was a torture. She often starightened her ahir, but it didn't last more than three hours and with the time it damaged her hair, so she stopped doing it. Her hair is really long since she doesn't like cutting it, because she thinks her curly hair looks even worse with short hair. For controlling her hair, she normally uses headbands and likes combing in pretty ways. You'll see her most of the time with an updo.
➳ I only think of your white face every single day  // Like most of the Asian people, GeumMi was born with a really pale skin that gained her a lot of compliments. But, again, she doesn't like that her skin is so pale, so at beach you'll often see her trying to get a tan. And also you'll often see her failing at that, because no matter how much she tries, she can't get tanned.
➳ I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth  // You're now on the section of GeumMi's appearance wehere we talk about those little things of her. Firstly, GeumMi has a scar on her knee that she got when she played basketball once with JinYoung and unfortunatelly for her and JinYoung's father-like self, GeumMi fell down. Passing the scar thing, GeumMi has a not-so-small obsession for cute tumblr-inspired tattoos. She has 6 tattoos, but all of them are small and you have to be very observative to get to see them. Her tattoos are the ones down here. The first one is on her right forearm, the second one is in her left wrist, the third one in her right wrist, the fourth one in the right side of her back, the fifht one is in one of the fingers of her left hand and the last one is in the back of her neck.

fashion style
— clothes on, clothes off. visable personality.


➳ Fashion is the art, designers are the Gods // Talking about fashion style, GeumMi doesn't really have a defition for it nor is she aware of all the current fashion trends. She just buys what she thinks is pretty and comfortable. GeumMi is pretty open when it comes to clothes and wears clothes of all kinds. She doesn't limit herself. She specially likes denim shorts and any clouse with cute little texts. She gets a lot of outfts form Tumblr just because she loves Tumblr. And by the way, she loves dresses from the shop Cherrykoko because they're so cute and she loves floral patterns. For practice and dorm days, she usually uses sweaters, hoodies and shorts for training just because she feels more comfortable.
➳ Oh my pink shoes, oh my // Even when she doesn't like fashion that much, GeumMiloves shoes. Boots, Converse, Vans, Nike, Sneakers, High heels... You name it, she has it. GeumMi has around 78 pairs of shoes that don't even fit in the dorm, so she has to save them on a box. GeumMi is really obsessed with shoes and has to buy at least 2 pairs everytime she goes shopping. GeumMi really likes high heels cause she thinks they're classy, but she also loves sneakers with cool and unique designs.
➳ Break it up, back it up -this is a random song otl- // GeumMi has a lot of Pokémon goodies and often wears them when she's on the dorm. She has from an Ash Ketchum cap to the actual figurines (which she colects by the way) of Pokémons. She also likes wearing accesories and you'll often see her with a necklace, a bracelet or cute little earrings. She also likes headbands and using cute bows in her hair.
Casual (summer & spring):



Casual (fall & winter):





Dorm & Practice:





Shoes & Accesories:





(+)/positive traits  -dedicated, confident, optimistic, honest
(-)/negative traits  - impatient, short-tempered, supersticious, narcissistic


➳ Thunder only happens when it's raining // Everyone that knows GeumMi for the first time in their lives would think that she's a total sweetheart. GeumMi has the typical image of a really bright and lovely girl who's always willing you when you're having a bad time. That image that people has of her is not to far from the reality; seeing how she's a really cheerful and birght person, but the error that people normally have is thinking that GeumMi is perfect. GeumMi knows about this and totally dislikes it.
➳ With you, it's amazing //Jung GeumMi is really optimistic person who will try to search the good side of a bad situation. GeumMi is also  She's often the one to cheer other members and friends when they're having a bad time. GeumMi is that one girl who will always tell you the truth and despises telling lies to people. She's really honest, and even when this a pretty good quality, sometimes she'll be just too honest and hurt other people's feelings. 
➳ When your heart feels frustrated look towards the sky, yell as loud as you want to // Since she was little, GeumMi has been really dedicated regarding her studies and other stupid little things, such as learning everything she could about Pokémon and watch every single episode of Pokémon. But anyways, going back to the track; GeumMi is really passionate and dedicated to her career. She qould really do anything for being an idol because of how much she enjoys being over the spotlight, doing what she loves to do. It's also not a secret that GeumMi is confident. She really has condifence in herself and knows that she'll succeed in the industry. 
➳ Don't rain on my parade // GeumMi loves herself and that's really good, but she loves herself way too much. Yeah, that's it. GeumMi is practically in love with herself. This can make he rcome out as annoying, since sometimes she'll say things like: ''Oh, you're good at that... But I'm better''. However, she doesn't really mean it and often says that as a joke ot annoy her members who are already used to that. If we talk about another flaw, GeumMi is really naive and supersticious. She really believes in magic and big monsters. She dreams of becoming a Pokémon trainer and swears to God that her letter to Hogwarts is lost and that she'll receive it in any moment. Yes, even when she already graduated from high school.
➳ I'm wandering, looking for myself // GeumMi is a really impatien person. She seriously can't wait for someone or somtehing for more than 5 minutes. When that time is reached, she'll start sweating and tap her foot angrily against the floor while biting her nails. And if she has to wait for more than one hour, then 's going down. She'll start screaming the hell out of her lungs and demand for something to ing happen. She gets bored really easily also, so she often carries her iPhone to play Piano Tiles or her Nintendo to play her extensive collection of Pokémon games. 
➳ Nothing's over // Even though GeumMi is really sweet and all those fluffy things of her personality, she's just a ticking bomb waiting to explode. It's not really that easy to make GeumMi sad or angry, but when it happens, get ready for seeing the storm. Her usual cheery smile changes to a really deep frown and the twinkle of her eyes becomes a flame in the opnion of those who made her mad.

— likes

one — Pokémon // There's nothing she loves more than Pokémon except maybe music. She has almost all the games, collects figurines of the Pokémons and has watched every single season of the anime.
TWO — Shoes // Shoes are totally her bestfriends. Her love for them was already stated up there.
Hair accesories // Since she despises her curly hair, they help her to make it look all prety and thinks they're cute. She specially likes bows.
Reading // She's not that mcuh of a hardcore reader bcuz who needs books when you have Pokémon? But yeah, she likes it and finds reading entertaining.
Smoothies // She just really likes them.
SIX — Peaches // She loves those things with a passion. Totally her favorite fruit. 
SEVEN — Tumblr // She's addicted to it. I was already said that her fashion is inspired in Tumblr as well her tattoos.
EIGHT — Block B, BTS & Black Eyed Peas another one with 'B' groups obsession // Those are her favorite music groups and she really looks up to them. 
NINE — Composing & Writing // She has been wirting and composing her own songs since she was 12 due to JinYoung's influence.
NINE — Guys who can sing // Rather than liking a handsome boy, she finds it more more attractive when boys have good singing voices and totally swoons over that.
TEN — Selfies // It was already said that GeumMi was in love with herself and is really confident about her loooks, so she always takes selfies and uploads them to her social networks.

— dislikes

one —  Her hair // She really doesn't like her hair, again, because of how curly it is and how messy it looks when she ahsn't combed herself.
TWO — Vegetables //  She really despises the way they taste and the only way you can make her eat them is when you boil them with butter, pepepr and salt. And JinYoung is the only person who has been able to make her eat them to the day.
Babies // Okay, it's not that she dislikes them, but everytime she tries to hug a baby they start crying, so she´s rather scared of them.
Cinnamon // Just another food that she doesn't like. The smell makes her sneeze.
FIVE — Digimon // She likes the anime, but not the game. She played it once since it was given to her as a birthday present, but she really didn't like it. However, she watched the anime and actually likes it more than the Pokémon anime, but she still loves Pkémon more than her life.
SIX — People touching her hair // She really doesn't like when people touch her hair and would hit anyone who does it. It makes her anxious. She has to resist herself to not beat the hell out of the stylists.
SEVEN — People grabbing her Pokémon collection // That's it. Touch her babies and be ready to see GeumMi's bad side.
EIGHT — Public bathrooms // Okay, another random fact of GeumMi; she's not a clean-freak, but she really dislikes dirty places full of germs and all that jazz. And that's pretty much the definition of a public bathroom. You can't make her go into one of those. 
NINE — Getting drunk // GeumMi can't really help this because of her low alcohol resistance, but she really hates waking up with a killer headache and not remebering her embarrasing actions.
TEN — K-Dramas // Yes, she's Korean and all that jazz, but she doens't like K-Dramas because of the senseless storylines and awful representation of characters. She only likes the dramas where JinYoung or Baro act.

— habits

one — Sleeepy // She rolls her eyes and stiffens.
TWO — Bored or impatient // She blinks really constantly and starts tapping te floor repeteadly with her foot while mumbling the lyrics to a random song.
THREE — Drunk // When GeumMi is drunk, she becomes an embarrasing person to be with, and if she knows a lot about you, get ready for your secrets to be revealed for the world. And she also says stupid things along with cursing words.
FOUR — Nervous // She starts making weird noises, clicking her tongue or  
FIVE — Waking up // She loks at herself in the mirror right after waking up and  says ''Good morning, you hottie'' just to cheer herself up.

— hobbies

one — Writing lyrics & composing // She does it everytime she has free time and carries her composition notebok to everywhere she goes as well as her guitar.
TWO — Listening to music // Mainly listens to hip hop or Kpop.
THREE — Buying shoes and accesories // Her 2nd obsession after Pokémon.
FOUR — Taking selfies // GeumMi is a narcissistic little bish who is in love with herself.
FIVE — Playing Pokémon // Just because she loves the videogame with a passion and lives for it.

— other facts

one — instagram: gummy_bears // twitter: peachgeum21
TWO — She's cousins with B1A4's leader JinYoung.
THREE  GeumMi has aroung 5 notebooks, all of them with lyrics and compositions. Her current notebook is this one.
FOUR — GeumMi was supposed to be in Red Velvet, but Joy got the place instead.
FIVE  GeumMi knows how to play guitar, violin and keyboard. She has the habit of naming her instruments under Pokémons, so her guitar's name is Eevee, her keyboard's Celeby and her violin's Gloom but changed to Psyduck, this might or might not have been changed due to her admiration for Sandeul. 
SIX —  Tends to read B1A4 fanfics on Tumblr because yeah. Bulllying material.
SEVEN — Her favorite Pokémons are Pachirisu and Ponyta.
EIGHT — She often helps JinYoung to write his lyrics and composing.
NINE  GeumMi's favorite songs are B1A4's Amazing, Sanduel's Because It Hurts, BTS' Let Me Know, Look Here and all the Cyphers, Block B's NalinA, Mental Breaker and Nillili Mambo and Black Eyed Peas' Whenever, Fashion Beats and Where Is The Love.
TEN — She tried to go underground, but let's say being the girly girl she is, it was kinda difficult for her and she only did around 2 performances.
ELEVEN — She's good at freestyle rapping, but not at freestyle dancing. She learns choreographies quickly, but at freeastyle.
TWELVE — Her favorite movie is Miss Granny just because of JinYoung's acting.
THIRTEEN — She uploads at lest 5 selfies per week to her SNS and has around 126 selfies in her phone.
FOURTEEN — GeumMi enjoys coooking and is kin off good at it.
FIFTEEN — She has one hamster named Pikachu that she loves with her whole soul.
SIXTEEN — She ships JinChan because she can. Please do imagine JinYoung and GongChan's suffer. She also ships NamJin, TaeKook, YoonMin, BaDeuldepressed sandeul over here, TaePyo and ZiKyung.


— my background/past shaped me, it will always shape me. It created me.


➳ Ever since I was born // Jung GeumMi was born in a sunny day of November in the year of 1992 in a hospital of Chunjeong. The ones present one the hospital were her father, her uncle, her aunt, her cousin who was just 1 year old, and obviously her mother but her condiftion was different... Well, anyways, GeumMi came as a little ray of sunshine into her family's life. Since she was little, GeumMi had a really birght and outgoing personality, even more than JinYoung. Since her childhood she had loved herself and carried a mirror around everywhere.
➳ The hero you've dreamed of since you were young // GeumMi fell in love with Pokémon right after she was introduced to its fabulous fantasy world when she was around 8. That was when she spent most of her time watching her console until her eyes got red and saved all her money to buy Pokémon things. She truly got herself locked on her Pokémon fantasy for a long time. It was her only obsession for 4 years, but right after JinYoung introduced her to music, things changed completely. They both started listening to music together, and went to guitar classes also. GeumMi also took violin classes. They wrote a few sogns together and made some secret performances, with JinYoung's smooth singing and GeumMi's rapping. GeumMi was into rapping because she thought her voice was not strong enough, so she just stayed with the raps. They shared this 
➳ Cause when you're fifteen // When GeumMi was fifteen, her dad received a job offer at Canada. She didn't want to go, and even offered staying at JinYoung's house, but this idea was soon  rejected and in sooner than expected, she found herself sitting in a plane wih her headphones in her ears andtear stains in her face. She moved to Toronto, precissely. She had difficulties with the language, but people was nice enough and she had the fortune to find some Asian exchange students or just mixed ethnicities, like Annette. Like that, she had a good time at Canada, but she still missed her family. Two years after, she was on a plane back to Korea in the same condition that 2 yeas ago.
➳ How many times do I have to hurt to get an answer? // When she was 18, JinYoung offered her that they could go to Seoul together for making their dreams become true. She couldn't say no either. So they rented an apartment and lived there together. Their parents supported them on that, but they still did some part-time jobs. JinYoung entered WM Entertainment around 2 months after they arrived to Seoul, but GeumMi didn't. She just stayed doing more part-time jobs and became a trainee way later. She auditioned some months later to the same company that JinYoung auditioned to, and luckily got in due to her nique rapping style. She was one of the very few trainees of WM Entertainment. For B1A4's debut album, she helped to write the lyrics to 2 songs. She helped JinYoung with the lyrics for Bling Girl, and helped the rest of the music team with Remember. She trained in Wm for almost one year, but she decided to get out because, again, lack of trainees and she didn't really have much friends. Also, since JinYoung debuted and moved to the B1A4 dorm, she was feeling lonely. GeumMi auditioned to SM Entertainment some months after she was out from WM Entertainment. She atarted socializing more with the trainees and made more friends, the most remarkable ones being DoMin and some members form her actual girl group.  



— we will always be there, even if we are not there.

FATHER (I SEARCHING FACECLAIMS FOR THESE SO YEA. SORRY<3) — Jung WooMin // 52 // University Teacher // Protective, Hard-working, Extrovert
GeumMi and her father are pretty close. GeumMi knows that she can trust in her father everytime she has a problem and knows that he'll always support her. Even though he worked a lot, he always had time for her baby girl. In short, GeumMi is daddy's little girl. GeumMi texts him every single day and he's GeumMi's everything. 
MOTHER — Lee JoHee // 51 // Works at her house // Strict, Short-tempered, Loud
Let's just say that GeumMi and her mother aren't that close, to be honest. It's not that they dislike each other, they just don't get along really well. They fight a lot and GeumMi just extss her when she thinks it's necessary and respectful. However, deep inside, very deep inside, they love each other but because of their oh-so similar and clashing personalities, they don't really show it. 

COUSINS/LONG LOST BROTHER — Jun JinYoung rainy's bae // 23 // Idol (B1A4) // Caring, Passionate, Hard-Working, Calm, Over-Protective, Strict, Naggy
Seeing each other since they were in diapers, GeumMi and JinYoung are extremely close. They are pretty much siblings, instead of cousins and they tend to do everything together. They are united by the hip. As little kids, they spent their time together all the time in Cheongju, between silly games and fights for who could run faster. They were ery competitive with each other, to be honest. They both gained interest in music at the same time and JinYoung introuced GeumMi to the world of writing and composing. They even went to Seoul together, and chased the same dream together. When they couldn't see each other, they text 24/7 and Skype if they can. Despite all their closeness, JinYoung is becoming an old naggy man which pisses GeumMi off. So yeah, that's the hateful part of their relationship. To end it already cause this is getting large, they love each other more than the whole world even when they fight and yell at each other's faces.

— we are a family, but we will never be your true family.

BESTIE BESTIE BESTIE — Cha ''Baro'' SunWoo // 22 // Idol (B1A4) // Bubbly, Funny, Bright, Out-Going, Cute, Optimistic
GeumMi met Baro through JinYoung, pretty much obviously. GeumMi in almost an unevitable way ended up being close friends with Baro just because of their brightness. Talking about their relationship, GeumMi relies on Baro a lot, and when she needs a break from her cousin's attitude, Baro's there for her. You usually see them running around and screaming abou random things. 
BESTIE BESTIE BESTIE — Ahn DoMin // 20 // Trainee (SM Entertainment) // Witty, Sassy, Loud, Adventurous, Bold, Straight-forward
DoMin is at the same level of closeness as Baro. GeumMi and DoMin are usually seen having a good time just by themselves. They used to go around the SM Entertainment yelling how awesome they were, because, DoMin is also a narcissistic little . DoMin knows how to lift GeumMi's mood and GeumMi knows how to make DoMin shut up. In short, they share everything with each other.
large.giftumblr_m69pluBoS61rzt4vno3_250.giftumblr_m90s9kud6I1rdixdeo4_400.giftumblr_m83brmheA31rsskhm.gifLOST SON/SPOILED CHILD — Gong ''Gongchan'' ChanSik // 21 // Idol (B1A4)  // Happy-go-lucky, Sweet, Kind, Adorable as hell
When GeumMi met Gongchan, it was motherly-love at first sight. GeumMi adores Gongchan like no one. She truly thinks that he's the cutest thing that has ever stepped on the world and has the urge to protect him. Since trainee days, she spoild Gongchan a lot and usually buys him anything he wants with just one pout or a pair of puppy eyes.

GOOD FRIEND AT CANADA — Annette Lee // 23 // University Student // Caring, Loving, Hard-working, Bubbly, Outgoing
Practically GeumMi's only friend who's older than her. Annette took a lot of care of her back at Canada and helped GeumMi with the language, since she's Korean-Canadian and knew the language because of her father. Annette is really like a mother to GeumMi. They still have a lot of contact and Skype oftenly.

— without us, who is there to do anything else?

ULTIMATE IDOL CRUSH — Nam WooHyun // 23 // Idol (INFINITE) // Greasy, Loud, Funny, Passionate, Cocky, Extrovert
So, GeumMi has a little too unhealthy crush on INFINITE's WooHyun who makes her friends tired because of her endless fangirling over him. Seriously, GeumMi watches WooHyuns dramas just because of him. She had every single solo of Nam WooHyun in her cellphone from 2010 to the present. She's truly in love with his voice and has dreamed uncountable times of meeting him and hell, even make a collaboraton cause he's a vocal, she's a rapper... Things could happen. So yeah, that's pretty much it with GeumMi's idol crush.

romeo & juliet
— i woke up like this, seriously

stage name — Gummy
persona — The Electric Peach  (Since Pachirisu is an electric Pokémon and she loves peaches)

fanclub Name — Peaches/Gummy Bears (i can't decide otl /shot)
fanclub color —  Soft orange, #FAC093

SINGING TWIN — Girld's Day's SoJin
DANCING TWIN — Apink's NaEun
RAPPING TWIN — 4minute's JiYoon

AUDITIONING — Self-written rap LOVE SONG
TRAINEE YEARS — 4 years ( almost 1 year in WM Entertainment and 3 in SM Entertainment)
➳ WM Entertainment (December 2010-November 2011) // GeumMi's trainee life at WM consisted of practically eating ramen in the dance rooms after practicing, spending time with JinYoung's group and rapping around randomly. WM Entertainment wasn't that harsh on her, but she got really bored. GeumMi realized she wasn't really getting anywhere while being on WM, so she just decided to get out. 
➳ SM Entertainment (January 2012-Debut) // Her trainee life at SM was a whole different thing compared to how it was at WM. She trained until her body felt numb and usually ended up sleeping at the practice rooms. Yeah, she did cry a lot due to despetep closer to her dream, so there she was. Dancing he rlegs out and rapping until she had a sore throath. GeumMi enjoyed being a trainee and was really special. She wasn't that popular among the trainees, but she was really social and knew a lot of people.

 Lead female role in B1A4's Beautiful Target & SHINEE's Dazzling Girl.
 Back-up dance in TTS' Holler and SNSD's My Oh My.
 She helped with the lyrics of B1A4's Bling Girl (along with JinYoung),  Remember, How Many Times and Who Am I,
 MC in Music Bank.
 Since GeumMi doesn't really excell in anything that isn't writing lyrics or composing, I think she would only write few songs for V.O.X in the future.

➳ June 27, 2015 my birthday ;u; // V.OX' Gummy and B1A4's JinYoung are dating? // This was when GeumMi and JinYoung were caught together in a coffee shop when both of them had a free day and since it wasn't known that she was cousins with him, people instantly thought they were dating. SM Entertainment cleared the rumors, and GeumMi uploaded a photo to Instagram that showed her and JinYoung together when they were both little kids. // False
➳ After V.O.X wins their first award  // V.O.X' Gummy was caught in B1A4's dorm // GeumMi went to B1A4's dorm to celebrate with her cousin that Fairy Tale won their first award. She thought it would be okay to go to B1A4's dorm, but netizens made a big fuss out of it and heck, some even called GeumMi a . This fact made her a little upset. She apologized at her Instagram and Twitter and in Fairy Tale's fanmeeting or schowcase.  // True
➳ Whenever you feel it's right  // V.O.X' GeumMi gets caught drunk // One day when she was out with the group or some friends to a bar, let's just say GeumMi got a little bit tipsier than planned, so she was doing stupid things. And one of those stupid things was talking about how drunk she was with a lot of curses to a camera that she saw. The camera ended up being the camera of a Dispatch reporter. This was a really huge scandal that brought her a lot of problems. If she was upset with the past scandal, now she was depressed, since because of her, the group lost a lot of fans. SM realeased an official statement where they said that everything was true, and that GeumMi is truly sorry of her actions. GeumMi apologized to her fans again, also in a concert. In fact, she kept apologizing in around 15 concerts and fanmeetings after that. // True


Okay serious now. I'm not usually the type to apply twice, but... I JUST LOVE THE DARK SIDE AND THE COOKIES SO FRIGGIN MUCH AND YEAH. I WANT MORE COOKIES PLS. I hope you know B1A4 btw lol. I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS APPLYFIC LIKE I KENNOT.
Anyways, hope you like my little freak GeumMi and sorry for all the typos<3 I'm a lazy lazy girl cue troye sivan's voice.

scene requests —
// GeumMi loosing her temper to JinYoung.
// V.O.X goes to Weekly Idol or ASC.

password — 
SPICA's Tonight & FIESTAR's Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

lee ''sandeul'' junghwna
— cha ''baro'' sunwoo


personality — 
➳ Just another boy // Sandeul is pretty much described by the B1A4 members and majority of BANAs as that one guy to be the innocent and cute one. Sandeul is a really bright person; pretty much like GeumMi. Sandeul gives an energetic feel and he's really cheery for that matter. Sandeul is really lively also. This guy has a lot of enthusisams and you'll always see him showing a smile to everyone. Sandeul can be seen as childish because of his hyper attitude and he's an adorable little platypus in geummi's opinion because yeah. He's also a really passionate person as well as hardworking; which you can notice through all his improvement in B1A4's almost 4 years of career. 
➳ Sometimes, my heart ached // Firstly, let's say that Lady Luck isn't really fond of him. Sandeul often has his unlucky moments in variety shows and s enjoy teasing him a little bit too much. Sandeul can also be very, very awkward when he's around some certain people couch cough a.k.a GeumMi cough cough.  Sandeul may seem as a little ball of sunshine who's always happy and willing to think positive, but Sandeul's self-confidence is not really high as much think. Sandeul often gets his pride and little fragile heart hurt because of all the jokes and GeumMi's obliviousness, and he's also a person who receives a lot of mean comments form anti-fans that normally make him feel like he's useless and worthless. 

relationship — 
➳ But what do I do? I like you so much // After they both apologized for their incident, GeumMi and Sandeul started making a good pair of friends. Obviously she isn't as close as she is with JinYoung or Baro just because of how awkward Sandeul can be. But anyways, Sandeul has been crushing on GeumMi practically since they met. At first it was just thoughts like: ''Oh my God she's so cute'' and cheesy things like that. And with the time, it happened. He was head over heels for JinYoung's cousin. He doesn't really know when this happened, he just knew it and there was no going back. Yes, Sandeul knows about GeumMi's love for herself. Yes, Sandeul knows that Jinyoung will kill him for seeing his little baby cousin with lustful eyes obviously exagerating, but he can't help it.
➳ Be happy, that's all I need // No that we ended with Sandeul's feelings, let's go with GeumMi's and their overall interactions: firstly, GeumMi principally has a not-so secret admiration for Sandeul. However, she doesn't think it's in a romatic way. Why does she admire him, you may ask? It was already said that GeumMi kinda has a thing for guys who are good at sining; and hell Sandeul is good at singing. She always praises Sandeul on how good he is at singing, and her reply is a pair of pink cheeks and a stuttered ''Thank you''. GeumMi isn't awkward around Sandeul, but Sanduel is awkward around GeumMi just becuase of the nervousness when he sees the only months younger's face. They are good friends and GeumMi likes gossiping around with Sandeul as they both complain about JinYoung and Baro.

history —
➳ The moment my eyes looked at you // To put it shortly, Sandeul and GeumMi were hate at first sight. The first day of her trainee life at WM Entertainment she was walking through the halls a little bit too excited, which made ehr walk faster and faster. And like that, she crashed into a guy. However, GeumMi being the ticking bomb she is, she exploded at Sandeul and insulted him for not seeing where he was going. Sandeul just stood there speechless because the oh-so cute girl was shouting profanities at him. Afyer that, GeumMi stormed out of the scene saying more curses under her breath. They thought they'd never see each other faces aain, but one month later, JinYoung introduced GeumMi to his new band members. The surprise was big when she saw ''the idiot of the halls'' as she liked to call him for the moment. Sandeul apologized to her when he realised who she was. GeumMi accepted the apology and also apologized herself for overreacting. After that, their cliché, one-sided love story began.

other — 
ONE — He might or might not been creating ship names of him and GeumMi (he still can't choose between SanMi, DeulMi, HwanGeum or 2Jung).
TWO — The only people aware of his crush in GeumMi are Baro and CNU, just because he told Baro persoanlly and CNU is an intelligent little .
THREE  Sandeul gets called Psyduck by GeumMi and she's the only one allowed to call him that.
FOUR — He has really bad eyesight. In fact, he used to wear glasses but now he uses contacts.
FIVE  Sandeul has a really good voice that often gets him praises from GeumMi and won various singing competitions in his pre-debut days. He's really emotional when singing, by the way. cough cough i'm a candle in front of you at inmortal songs 2 anyone cough cough? he almost ing cried god damnit




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