No one tried to understand her

For she was always in another world

She was always alone, that girl

Until she met that chirping bird



He was friendly and cheerful

And was the only one who understood

But being an outcast made her careful

And to think she was a fool



Years passed and their friendship bloomed

Although eyes turned to them

And many said that he was doomed

She never failed to make him laugh

Just like how he never failed to be her eyes





Just posting this for fun...:p

Cus I'm so stupid!!! Dx

I wanted to let my teacher edit it before submitting it to a poem competition but i missed a rule >.<

I thought it was free topic lol.

But it's about spaces and places in Singapore:p

But then my teacher said it's okay and didn't need to edit it, so.. yea. 

So imma just post this ~

Inspired by my own story I Can See Your Heart XD

Entering in Impress Poem Contest


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wonremoo #1
It's okaaay xD and it really is a nice poem:)