A new idea that is surely changing the way I think and see Fanfiction.

Okay so it's like this.

I've never been partically fond of stories that have genderbenders...because most of the time the stories turn into disasters and it just doesn't really sit well with me when a guy's guy (lets use Chanyeol as an example) is suddenly turned into a girl, because the writer has a thing about not writing things relatyed...does that make sense?

BUT! I am at a crossroad. I am thinking bout said genderbender story.

BUT my heart is telling me NO! because I know I can make the story work with keeping gender's not bended.

So now I just dunno what I wanna do. 

I mean this story I have brewing up in my head, is brillant and I wanna write it, but I dunno if I have the confidence to write it ya know

SO readers of all my stories and friends ;)


I would also really like it if you gave me some feed back.



OH yeeah before i forget. I am in search of a beta for my stories as well as someone who I can just bounce ideas off of. Because as of right now my coauthor to all my stories is currently MIA and I dunno where she is or if she's even alive...Okay thanks for reading. here's the poll.


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