Maxime High 「 Im Jooyeon 」





Joo ⋮ Simple shortened version of her name that most of her friends and family use to address her. 

« BIRTHDAY » June 26th
« AGE » 19
« BIRTHPLACE » Gwangju, SK
« HOMETOWN » Anyang, SK



Korean ⋮ Native Fluency
English ⋮ Intermediate / Semi-fluency due to studying it during many of her school years.


« FACE-CLAIM » Jiwon
« WEIGHT, HEIGHT » 60kg + 164cm

« FASHION STYLE » Jiwon doesn't have a certain definitive style, though it has a feminine, simple and fresh vibe to it. She likes neutral and pastel colours, especially baby blue. She tends not to ever wear anything too tight or fitted on her torso, leaning more towards oversized shirts and sweaters or a cute, unrevealing, not so clingy top. She almost always likes to have clothes that show off her killer long legs  since that's the part of her body she is most confident in. Most outfits will always be coupled with a pair of boots, too. Her hair is most always down though she is partial to a pair of cute braids every now and then. 
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« APPEARANCE » Jooyeon's skin is milky and delicate, showing next to no blemishes. Her hair is a light caramel that usually falls in soft, natural waves past her shoulders. Her lips are mostly always assentuated with a peach gloss or lip stain. Whilst she's not extraordinary tall, she has long legs for her frame and they seem to "go on forever". Her long legs add to the small and petite figure she has.



 (+) Intuitive, Compassionate, Empathetic, Imaginative
 (-) Overemotional, Touchy, Selfless, Overly Cautious

Sharp, perceptive and insightful, Im Jooyeon is wise beyond her years most of the time despite the fresh and youthful glow she usually exudes. She is impressively in tune with not only her own emotions but also the emotions of those around her. Jooyeon’s almost radar-like sensors for people’s feelings often causes any emotions of her own to be pushed to the back of her mind whilst she focuses all of her energy elsewhere. A terrible habit of hers is brushing off anything concerning herself and redirects the focus to someone or something else. Both a blessing and a curse, her ability to actively numb her own feelings can be useful but also get on top of her- sometimes leading to her bottled up emotions getting the best of her at the worst of times. Unfortunately, this can result in her becoming rather moody and overemotional, not to mention extremely touchy. Whilst normally she’s quite calm and breezy, she seems to flip entirely into the opposite becoming wound up, distressed and short tempered. It’s a rare occurance for Jooyeon to wind up in this state but often she tends to cling to the smallest things and find it difficult to let go and will be almost too sensitive to even reason with. Fortunately, after plenty of practice her nearest and dearest have just about perfected the art of dealing with Jooyeon when she ends up in that mess, and they’re thankful it doesn’t happen all too often.

Jooyeon’s imagination, though wild, is actually remarkable useful. Due to the fact she rarely has a straight forward thought process, her solutions to problems tend to be so unique or plain outrageous that they actually work. For the majority of the time, she barely even thinks about it before suggesting an idea, it’s more like a reflex and for problem solving and decision making it comes in handy. Despite her wildly imaginative and intelligent way of thinking, she likes to play it safe and is overly cautious by nature. She has a strong protective side to her that can bring out a more confrontational and concerned characteristic to rival her usual cheerful, down to earth and bright persona that she is known for. Having such strong emotions and being able to connect with people so well, Jooyeon is empathetic and very loving towards others and forgives painfully easy. Truthfully, she wants the best for those she loves and feels great stress if those she cares about are unhappy or in a crisis and it will affect her directly, too. Jooyeon will laugh when her friends laugh and cry when they cry, and not even for her own feelings. Despite being filled with such compassion and concern for others, she forgets to feel her own feelings or deal with her own problems which is without a doubt her biggest flaw.


Jooyeon has always considered herself to be very lucky. She has two parents who love her unconditionally, depsite them being a little cooky and very embarassing at times. They've always put her first and treated her like she's a princess; making sure she can take advantage of life and live it to it's fullest. The extra hardwork she put in after school seemed to pay off [the violin lessons, the extra english classes, the swimming lessons] as her acceptance to Maxime High made her parents so proud of her; and she was proud of herself. She's always been a reasonably good kid, stayed out of trouble and got good grades, and she never suspected anything could change that. Suddenly, to Jooyeon, her parents weren't her parents who had raised her and brought her up to be the young woman she was, they were liars.

When Jooyeon discovered she was adopted she didn't tell anyone. At first, she was completely in denial and she continued throughout the rest of her spring vacation time at home like nothing had changed. But she felt betrayed, and eventually, she began to take it out on other people, especially her parents. She ignored their calls, their messages, claiming she was "busy" with school work. She was moodier, and a little more touchy, snapping at her friends for no reason. Her grades dropped, and her motivation to do well at school basically disappeared. She didn't care anymore, she began to feel lost, like she didn't even know who she was anymore. So currently she's struggling with her last year at school whilst keeping this secret from her friends and parents who haven't a clue what's wrong whilst she is still acting out, but acting like nothing is happening. The last thing she'd want is to bother her friends with this.


 Baby Blue ⋮ Without a doubt her favourite colour for all of her personal effects.
 Jewellery ⋮ Be it rings, necklaces, earrings, she loves accessorising and in particular owns way too many rings.
 Citrus Fruits ⋮ She prefers them over berries and likes sour tastes.
 Reeses ⋮ Her all time favourite chocolate that she seems to always have somewhere in her room.
 Hamtaro ⋮ She loves Bijoux and has a large Bijoux plushie from when she was a kid.
 Peach Lipstick ⋮ She has a lot of lipsticks all in a similar peach colour.
 Dior Perfume ⋮ Expensive, but worth it, she has one or two different perfumes from Dior
 Sunrises ⋮ There's something calm and relaxing about watching the sun come up.
 Pillows + Cushions ⋮ She cannot seep with just one pillow. Her bed is covered in various cushions and pillows.
 Documentaries⋮ her and Inna love finding a good documentary to waste an hour with.

 Cherry flavour ⋮ She has nothing against actual cherries, but the artificial cherry flavour to her is vile. 
 Spicy Food ⋮ She can't even eat kimchi if it's too hot, it turns her gums numb.
 Seafood ⋮ with no exception, she just hates it. It's mostly mental, but she won't eat it.
 Mess ⋮ She likes to be tidy and organised.
 Physics ⋮ She's good at it, but she hates it, it stresses her out.
 Total Silence ⋮ Even if she's alone she needs some kind of white noise else the silence begins to freak her out.
 Drinking without a straw⋮ It feels super unpleasant without one for some reason
 Competition ⋮ Mostly because it stresses her out and brings out an uglier, more competitive side of her that she hates.
 Pens that aren't black ⋮ She has to write with a black pen, it's weird if not.
 Gossip ⋮ Which is outrageous because it doesn't stop her from engaging in the act of gossiping if there's some around.


 Watery eyes ⋮ Her eyes water when she's afraid which often gets mistaken as her crying which really irritates her. Just thinking about something frightening causes her eyes to water.
 Avoids the dark ⋮ When Jooyeon is alone at night or she's feeling particularly jumpy she tends to turn all of the lights on and will even avoid looking at mirrors just in case something catches the corner of her eye, she can't be dealing with it.
 Eye masks ⋮ She has to wear an eye mask to bed, partly because she feels safer, but also because it really helps as she cannot sleep if the room is too light. 
 Changing the topic ⋮ She's a smooth operator when the conversation begins to change to a topic she either doesn't want to talk about, or feels uncomfortable with and is quite good in flipping it back around to avoid it.
 Correcting grammar ⋮ explanation
 Overuses the word "fine" ⋮ "I'm fine", "It's fine" even when she isn't, she'll even convince herself that it is fine.
 Cleaning ⋮ and picking up after other people, especially when she's flustered or can't sit still she'll start sorting and organizing other people's things and cleaning other people's messes. 
 Doodling ⋮ Jooyeon is a first class doodler. If she has a pen, she doesn't even think about it before she starts doodling all sorts of nonsense.
 Talking too much ⋮ Once she gets going, that is. She doesn't even stop to check if the coast is clear and for this reason she is terrible at keeping secrets or keeping things on the down low.


 Violin ⋮ She's been playing the violin since she was around seven, and is actually pretty good at it now. 
 Volley Ball ⋮ Despite her petite appearance, Jooyeon is actually pretty violent when it comes to sports, especially volley ball. She's got a strong spike and is one of the best at the sport. 
 Reading ⋮ She loves mystery novels, even if they do give her the chills sometimes when reading them at night. She likes to try and solve the crime before it's revealed. 


 Phasmophobia — Jooyeon is completely and irrationally afraid of ghosts. Whilst she's a strong believer in science and logic and evolution, anything paranormal or unexplainable frightens her to the point of tears. Normal horror movies don't bother her and she can deal with murder and blood and jump scares, but if you even suggest she watches a movie about ghosts or spirits then it's a whole different story. She can't deal with ghost stories or dark, empty rooms. 


 Jooyeon is a really light sleeper ⋮ it doesn't matter how tired she is, if there's a noise nearby, she stirrs in her sleep. There's no creeping around her bedroom when she's sleeping, she will hear you.
 She bunks with Inna ⋮ they've shared rooms and a bunk ever since they were first at Maxime. Jooyeon always takes the top bunk with Inna on the bottom bunk. 
 She bruises terribly easily ⋮ with such milky skin it's no surprise that bruises show up so easily, but they always look worse than they actually are.
 Her extremities get cold very easily ⋮ Her hands and feet are almost always cold, even if the rest of her is warm. 




Father Im Yonggyu ⋮ 46 ⋮ Occupation ⋮ Jovial, Good Humoured, Gullible⋮ Full of terrible jokes and even more terrible body gags, Yonggyu's childish personality has always been ever present and is much more of a wimp than either his wife or daughter. If there's ever a bug in the house, it's Mikyung that has to deal with it, and he would never check for monsters under the bed, either. Vibrant, goofy and very embarassing, he's always been completely devoted to his family and would do anything to make them smile, even at his own expense. 


Mother  Kim Mikyung ⋮ 43 ⋮ Occupation ⋮Charming, Radiant, Theatrical ⋮ Overdramatic and over the top, Mikyung is loud, bubbly and full of love when it comes to her two favourite people. She can [and will] talk forever and tends to over exxaggurate with most everything. She's just as embarassing as her husband and very emotional, it doesn't take a lot for her to start welling up and Yonggyu and Jooyeon are more than used to it by now. 


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 Best Friend ⋮ Han Inna ⋮ 19 ⋮ Senior at Maxime High [Versutia]⋮ personality ⋮ Inna and Jooyeon have been best friends since their first year at Maxime. Being placed in the same house and mostly all the same classes, they latched on to each other and have pretty much been inseperable. They know each other more than they know themselves. 

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 Friend ⋮ Kim Sunggyu ⋮ 19 ⋮ Senior at Maxime High [Fortis] ⋮ Persistent, Lazy, Narrow Minded⋮ Sunggyu and Jooyeon bicker a lot, but it's always been the dynamic of their friendship. Their friendship grew strongest when Inna and Jay got together as she spent less time with Jooyeon. Although he was just a substitute at first, and he defintely has to listen to some girly things that he'd definitely rather not, they two of them actually formed a valuable friendship. It's dysfunctional, but they do care underneath the bickering and jokes. 

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 Friend ⋮ Park Sojin ⋮ 19 ⋮ Senior at Maxime High [Fortis] ⋮ Warmhearted, Reliable, Faithful  ⋮ Sojin and Jooyeon in a lot of ways are very similar. The two of them clicked pretty much right away even though they don't hang out all the time. She will always find time for Jooyeon despite them having slightly different circles of friends and the two have been lab partners for nearly 2 years. Jooyeon spent almost an entire semester of chemistry trying to convince Sojin that she and Sunggyu were just friends. 


« HOUSE » Versutia

 Science ⋮ is her strongest subject, though she still hates Physics
 Creativity ⋮ be it writing, or art, or anything that involves using her imagination since she's able to plan meticulously and carefully to small details it stands her in good stead. 
 Music ⋮ Playing the violin to an excellent standard was a big tick on her application for Maxime.
 Sport ⋮ She's not that fond of team sports [besides Volley Ball] but when she does take part, she doesn't hold back and she tends to put her all into the game.
 Stealth ⋮ If she needed to be, Jooyeon is sly and cunning, she knows how people think and can manipulate plans to that effect. Her ability to plan and change on the go is one of her strongest attributes. 

 Restraint + Caution ⋮ Despite it being a good thing, sometimes she's too cautious and it can cause her to delay a little too long or hold her back.
 History ⋮ It's not that she's bad at it, she just hates it to the point it bores her to death. She prefers to focus on the present and the future, not the past.
 Selflessness ⋮ It's good to be selfless, but never putting yourself first doesn't shout "winner". 
 Overemotional ⋮ If Jooyeon is having a bad day it shows in her grades or her score or whatever she's been trying to concentrate on. It leaves her to be a liability as she's easily thrown off her game if you know how to get to her.
 Lying ⋮ shutting out your own emotions is one thing, but actually lying or being deceitful is something Jooyeon terribly at. If you answer her a direct question, it's very difficult for her to lie or give a dishonest answer and actually get away with it

« REMORA »  It didn't directly involve her- she was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time by way of a domino affect. She was trying to stop someone who was trying to stop someone and in the end, all of them became "guilty" by association.

lee howon

« AGE » 19 



At first you'd think Hoya to be a nice, quiet and reserved boy with little to say, more to been and not heard. He's adventurous, energetic and a keen player of most sports, excelling in mostly all of them and known to be very competitive. Whenever he puts his effort into somehing he does it with confidence, despite the fact he can be quite shy and unsure about himself especially if he's out of his comfort zone. Though he's cunning and calculating, he's dynamic and courageous, and likes to be a gentleman with some chivalry. Though he is on the quiet side mostly, when he's around his friends he's quick witted and has a fluency in sarcasm. He's impulsive, and sometimes impatient, never one to wait around for long and doesn't like to sit still or do nothing. He's active and believes that you will never get anyway by standing still. 

« ANY LAST COMMENT » I hope you all enjoy reading my example app for Jooyeon! I'm sorry it took so long, it literally took forever for me to do. 





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Their relationship, as far as Jooyeon is concerned, is just a friendship. That being said, with all that Jooyeon has going on, the last thing she's thinking about is her own love life. She's always too busy stressing and worrying about everyone else's problems, and the fact she's keeping her newest discovery about her parents to herself that she never has time to think about herself, let along her romantic issues. Anyone else can see that lately, especially during the stress of being kept behind for Remora, Hoya leaves subtle hints that she should just calm herself and focus more on whats important and put herself and her feelings first for once. At first, Hoya felt a little threatened by Sunggyu's role in Jooyeon's life but once he realised that it was competely platonic, it was easier for him to accept it and attempt to be there more for her, especially since he could sense how stressed she was becoming. And clearly, since her best friend clearly had her own issues to deal with, he wanted Jooyeon to be able to relax and deal with her own issues. If nothing else, Hoya just wants the best for Jooyeon, his growing feelings aside, and to help her feel like a normal teenage girl for once. The stress of everything gets to her, and dealing with everyone's problems as well as her own is too much and eventually she is able to be selfish and ask herself what she wants, and he helps her get to that point. 


Despite the fact that Jooyeon and Hoya have known each other all throughout school, they've never really been that close. Sure, they're friends, but not close enough to talk that often or go out of their way to see one another. But, being in the same house and the same grade the two of them do see a lot of one another and get on reasonably well. There have been times they've been partners in class, or studied together in a group, spending some lunches in the same company, but never much time alone for the two of them to really get to know each other. But when Jooyeon is with Inna, she rarely socialises with other people that much. But if anybody is aware of how attractive Jooyeon thinks Hoya is, it's her best friend. But as usual, Jooyeon is in denial of her own emotions and swears down that she doesn't have any feelings for him... Even though she gets a little more flustered and a little more shy and out of character when he's around and being extra friendly, she still insists that she was caught off guard. 

« OTHER » 

 Hoya is also in Versutia.
 He excells mostly in all sports, can sing and dance well, and academically does the best with Japanese, Maths, and History.
 His weakest subjects are English, Art or anyting with creativity, and he's also not very confident with Science, especially Chemistry. 
 He had nothing to do with the building burning down but was overly concerned with the sudden disappearance of Jooyeon and her best friend that night leading him to getting put into that category of "possibly guilty" students, too. 
 He's the captain of the school's Soccer team. 



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