Truths (stolen)

1. Name: Nelle
2. Nickname(s): None really
3. Birthday: 2-1-98
4. That makes you: 16, almost 17 
5. Where were you born: America
7. Shoe size: 7-8 1/2
8. How many piercings?: Just my ears                
9. Tattoos?: No.  
10. When you wake up you're: tired af
11. When your about to sleep you're: probably on my phone on tumblr
12. Zodiac sign: Aquarius
13. Chinese sign: Tiger
14. Righty or Lefty: ambitexterous 
15. Innie or Outie: Innie
16. School: High school

Section Two: Looks

17. Nationality: Japanese/Korean/Mongolian/Spanish/Mexican/Irish/German 
18. Hair color: Dark brown  
20. Weight: Last time I weighed myself I was 130lb but that was forever ago so idk 
21. Height: 166cm
22. Braces?: Nah
23. Glasses?: Used to have them. Just got contacts

Section Three: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: no
25. If so, who?: n/a 
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: Oh god yeah and it's awful. He gave me the best compliment ever today which was "lookin like a whole bunch of hell yes today"
27. Who has a crush on you?: hopefully my crush
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: Definitely not.
29. Who was your first kiss: Oh god this kid in the year above me who's a total self absorbed
30. Who was your last kiss: A different guy in the year above me who was actually quite nice but we haven't talked in a while
31. Are you a ?: yeah man
32. Ever had a before?: nah
33. If you could have with anyone, who would that be?: I dunno, y'know? I'll just know when it happens that I'm ready
34. Have you ever been in love?: unfortunately
35. Broken any hearts?: Yeah but I didn't mean it
36. Got your heart broken?: Also, unfortunately
37. Ever liked a friend?: First love was my best friend and he's acually still my best friend
38. What happened?: Well he was the first person I trusted in a long time and over time (like a year) that developed into me loving him because he's such a sweetheart and kept me alive but he turned me down and we became even closer as friends to the point where now everyone ships us (even my sister).

Section Four: Past Relationships

39. How many relationships have you been in: One that doesn't even really count
40. How many were serious enough to count: a big whopping zero
41. Who were those serious ones: none man. About the most serious was a guy I didn't even date 
42. Funniest hook-ups: my first kiss when I was talking about how I'm bad at packing because I hate planning because planning makes you stress and then you overthink things and that it's better to just dive in and he goes "I know what you mean" and kisses me. Oh my god it was so cheesey and he wasn't even a good kisser I got bored.
43. What made them different: idk
44. What happened: he never spoke to me again 
45. Best boy/girlfriend: none
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: none
47. Ever been kissed:yep
48. Who do you want back: no one really. it's their ing loss. I'm damn delightful
49. Who do you regret: This guy who I gave too much of my time for nothing
50. Why?: He took me out and it was fun and we talked often even when I was abroad with a 13 hour time difference. But then he decided that we "needed to talk about our intentions" and put it on me to end things even though he was the one who had the problem with our age difference (3 years) and not me. He also suggested friends with benefits would be better and I'm so done with being treated like a slab of meat so I told him the off.

Section Five: Favourites

51. Song: Idk there's so many but right now I love Immortals by Fall Out Boy  
52. Movie: Probably The Breakfast Club or Big Hero 6  
53. Food: Mabo Tofu 
54. Drink: coffee
55. Store: H&M 
56. Television show: The 100 or Supernatural or Orange is the New Black or Criminal Minds
57. Holiday: idk man 
58. Book: North of Beautiful
59. Ice cream: Toffee or Coffee
60. Sweets: Coffee Beat  
61. Crisps: Pop Chips 
62. Type of music: Mostly Arctic Monkeys but I also enjoy different alt bands and pop music
63. Artist: Arctic Monkeys, Melanie Martinez
64. Word:
sphygmomanometer (it's like a blood pressure cuff thing)
65. Time of day: 3:00 PM (that's about when I get home)
66. Dressing: A mix of casual, fancy, boho, and grunge 
67. Alcoholic drink: plum wine
68. Colour(s): purple, green
69. Piece of clothing: high waisted shorts
70. Character: ugh that's hard. I've got to say either Tadashi Hamada, Draco Malfoy, Bellamy Blake, Steve Rodgers (Captain America), or Loki
71. Smell: Tom Ford's Noir. It's actually cologne but I didn't know that and I started wearing it as perfume and when I actually bought it I was like oh well it smells hot as
72. Shampoo: this stuff I used in Japan idk what it's called
73. Soap: Karma from Lush
74. Smiley: ^-^
75. Board game: Cards Against Humanity (does that count?)
76. Sports: I only like baseball, american football, and football so yeah  
77. Number: 13
78. Quote: "Because if you weren't strong, you wouldn't be alive." (my best friend said this and it basically saved my life)
79. Animal: Toss up between hedgehog and english bulldog
80. Actor: oh god the list is never ending 
82. Vegetable: watermelon
83. Fruit: mango
84. Place to be: Turkey is my favorite but the island of Mykonos in Greece is a close favorite
85. Thing in your room: everything
86. Gum: those 5 gum with dares on the wrapper 
87. Shape: dodecahedron 
88. Country: Turkey
89. Mall: whatevers closest
90. Car: aston martin vanquish
91. Boy's name: idk man 
92. Girl's name:  Mara
93. Family member: my sister 
94. Restaurant: this place called El Torro it's the only decent mexican place around me 
95. Movie place: this really cheap place they just built plus it's extra clean
96. Person to go to the movies with: My friend bella. We go all the time since she lives close and I can drive
97. Noise: music
98. Brand of shoe: steve madden or vince camuto 
99. Brand of clothing: don't really have a preference  
100. Body part of a chicken: idk?
101. Swear word: thundercunt, , or douchecanoe 
102. Month: August
103. Possession: probably my computer
104. Team: San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers (even though they and I hate our quarterback)
105. Season: Spring
106. Radio station: Hits 1 is what I listen to most
107. Magazine: Nylon
108. Favourite grade: this one (junior year)
109. Least favourite grade: 8th grade *shiver*
110. Teacher: Ms. June or Mrs. G-P. Both the greatest english teachers i've had
111. Least favourite teacher: Mr. Brad Smith. I've had him for two years now (once for US History and again for Economy) and he hates me so I try my hardest to be irritating
112. Subject: English
113. Subject to talk about: whatever vine is our favorite currently in our friend group

Section Six: Family

114. Who's your mum?: My mom
115. Who's your dad?: My dad 
116. Any step-parents?: Nah
117. Any brothers?: nope
118. Any Sisters?: one older
120. Coolest: my sister
121. Loudest: me probably
122. Best relative: my great grandmother (she's this tiny japanese woman who cares not at all that I don't speak Japanese
123. Worse relative: my one cousin and her mother
124. Do you get along with your parents?: Yes~ 
125. With your siblings?: Yep
126. Does anyone understand you?: my sister and my mum mostly
127. Do you have any pets?: a fish
128. If so, what kind and name?: my sister's fish named chocolondra that she left when she went to college 
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: I want a hedgehog or a cat
130. Can I be a part of your family?: Yes

Section Seven: School

131. Are you still in school? : unfortunately
132. Did you drop out?: nah son
133. Your current GPA: i don't even want to know
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: neither. I wait until I get home to eat
135. ABC's?: I've heard of them
136. Favorite class: English
137. Play any sports at school?: nah
138. Are you popular?: relatively so. I know a lot of people in a lot of different friend groups
139. Favourite memory: My first memory which is the only one I have of my deceased uncle
140. Most humiliating moment: I was six and at sea world in japan during a typhoon and the wind caught under my umbrella and I flew a good two meters 
141. Most funniest moment: idk man
142. Most scared moment: when I had my first surgery 

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

145. Chicken: fried chicken
146. Dog: my old dog Montana
147. Christina Aguilera: The Voice
148. Ricky Martin: livin' la vida loca~
149. 50 cent: the difference between "fiddy cent" and "fifty cent" as explained by 50 cent
150. Poop: ???
151. Beach: The crystal clear waters of the beach at Mykonos
152. Desert: sand
153. Water: ocean, new
154. Osama: bin Laden
155. Love: Gus
156. Your little brother: don't have one
157. : my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun
158. Clowns: terrifying
159. Wonder: C. S. Lewis. Whose full name is, in fact, Clive Staples Lewis
160. Brown: chocolate lab
161. Banana: ew
162. : hot
163. Parents: nice
164. Homouals: Sarah (my friend)
165. God: I hope he's listening 

Section Nine: Do you believe in

166. God: I'm struggling with that currently
167. Heaven: not really
168. Devil: eh
169. Hell: definitely not.
170: Boogy man: no
171. Closet Monsters: nah
172. Fortune tellings: yes. I do tarot occasionally and it's quite fun and informative. you just have to remember that it's not telling you exactly what will happen, but more giving you a guideline so you can adjust accordingly/ know what to expect
173. Magic: no. just fun illusions
174. Love at first sight: eh kinda
175. Ghosts: no
176. Voo-doo dolls: nah
177. Reincarnation: eh kinda
178. Yourself: hell ye-yeah

Section Ten: Do you

179. Smoke: nah i've got bad lungs
180. Do drugs: nah
181. Drink alcohol: sometimes
182. Cuss: like a ing sailor
183. Sing in the shower: of course
184. Like school: hahahahahahahahaha no. I'm currently watching the state of the union for the next three hours because of it
185. Want to get married: one day
186. Type with all of your fingers: yes??? is there another way to type??? that's so slow like why wouldn't you
187. Think you're attractive: definitely
188. Drink and drive: no that's ing selfish never do that
189. Snore: used to really badly but now it's not so bad
190. Sleep walk: sometimes
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: love it

Section Eleven: Have you ever

192. Flashed someone: lol no 
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: nah i hold my alcohol
194. Told that person how you felt: all the time
195. Been arrested: No
196. Gone to jail or juve: No
197. Skateboarded: I'm terrible at it
198. Skinny dipped: Nah 
199. Rock climbed: on a plastic wall but technically yes
200. Killed someone: thought about it lol
201. Watched : is it bad if I say yes?
202. Gone on a road trip: Yes
203. Went out of the country: all the time
204. Talked back to an adult: every day at school man
205. Broken a law: underage drinking?
206. Got pulled over: nah man i'm a hella good driver
208: Cried to get out of trouble: yeah
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: mhm
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: nah
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: nah
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: i probably ate it
213. Moon someone: hell nah
214. Shop-lifted: No
215. Worked at McDonald's: No 
216. Eaten a dog: no

217. Give money to a homeless person: my dad never let me
218. Glued your hand to yourself: no????
219. Kissed someone of the same : nah
221. Smoked: No
222. Done drugs: No
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: No
224. Slap someone for being stupid: Yes
225. Had cyber : nah
226. Wish you were the opposite : on my period, yes. but i'd rather have a
227. Caught someone doing something: Yes
228. Played a game that removes clothing: nah
229. Cried during a movie: twice. During Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Fault in Our Stars
230. Cried over someone: hell yeah
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: hehehhehehehehe
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: eh kinda. I met him but barely knew him
233. Ran away from home: no
234. Cheated on a test: of course man

Section Twelve: Would you

235. Bungee jump: love to
236. Sky dive: god no I'm a wuss
237. Swim with dolphins: I'd absolutely loveto
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: oh god no
239. Try to be the opposite : I have too big of s to bind so probably couldn't
240. Lie to the police: nah
241. Run from the police: nah
242. Lie to your parents: yeah
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: hell no
244. Be an exotic dancer: I have legitimately considered this like being a stripper to pay off collegewould work so well like people are literally paying to see me and I have power over my own body and it pays hella.


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