Girl Groups vs. Boy Groups

People talking about girl groups: They ed up once!! Can’t support that !! Sorry!!

People talking about boy bands: So what if they keep ing up!! Who cares?!! It’s not that serious!! They’re young and will learn!!



Girl groups often get a lot more hate in general. Simply for doing the same things that would glorify the boy groups in the Kpop world.

New girl groups often get into a lot more heat than new boy groups do. For doing the exact same things as well.

The girl groups ALWAYS get the shorter end of the stick.

I hope that girl groups in general will get more appreciation and respect in 2015. They deserve it just as much as the boy groups do really.





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Only thing that needs to be corrected in this: it's entire women population that has this problem, so it's only obvious girlgroups have it too lol
so ture! thanks for this.