Ah! I am so excited!!! February 5th.... Jason Wu's line for target is coming out!! xD I am so getting my to the nearest Targets and getting his stuff. Finally.... My favorite designer + peices I can afford = me spazzing/ me saving moolah like a crazy girl/ me spazzing like a crazy girl. You know I'm kinda tempted to write a ff about him... Hmm... Should I? Oh speaking of which.... I finally bought a special notebook just for writing stories. So excited/happy! Now maybe I won't have to be on the computer for a Whole day as my mom is getting more and more mad at me... (I have to use her comp) And February 5th.... B2ST WORLD TOUR SEOUL!!! That poster... Mhmmm.... My boy are looking FINE!!! Whip~ (<--- okay autocorrect seriously DOES NOT know how to spell 'whoo'.... Not to mention it's dirty mind. -_- ) Maybe this year will be a good one... Though this month is already . -_-


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