Stress and Rants

I am currently trying to update my stories but I feel like I have so much othrr stuff to do and I feel like I'm sinking underneath a big sea of tests, quizzes, projects, etc.

For example, I have to finish up my sewing project for school and I swear I cannot sew a straight line with a machine that goes the speed of light... my teacher doesn't even teach us ANYTHING and she's too lazy to fix the 28/30 sewing machines available. So now I have to work on it at home and I DON'T LIKE WASTING MY TIME ON CRAP THAT-

Sorry. Got a little rage-y.

I think school REALLY starts after winter break, that's when BAM, all the tests come at you and you haven't evem habe time to study because you were on a vacation and they notify you the test day a day before the test oh and there's also going to be a project due next week as well and of course the test is on everything we've learned so far from the beginning of the school year to right now and it's not very hard.


So then the next day you're all ready to take the test because you actually studied your notes this time and you have a gut feeling that you're going to ace it until you see the first question on the test.

and you've forgotten what the crap you just studied.

And then you realize you don't understand a single thing on the test.

And then there's also that spanish and science project you have to present today along with a world cultures project due who knows when, your teacher doesn't really give two shots about project dates.

Whew. Yep, that's my liffe in a nutshell.

Oh and there's also a cello recital coming up next week. Just saying.

Signing off,

-A Very Angry and Pissed Colette


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Hi, you don't know me but I feel you so much. Since the end of christmas break, it's been hell weeks in my school. There cannot be a day where there isn't at least two quizzes. And projects are always due. Ugh, I get a lot of stress because of these things. T_T I sleep at most 3 am when I have to wake up at 5. Then when I take the test, I can't concentrate because I'm sleepy. Aish, it's been so frustrating in these weeks. I'm fighting for you though! Good luck! Just be sure to be surrounded by people who make you happy and are willing to help when you have a hard time on something. :)