My devil cat!


My cat has decided to be evil lol, last night it was so funny as she had managed to steal a small chunk of sausage from my cousins plate and was using it as if it were wool, she was jumping around and sliding herself across the floor haha oh just thinking about it makes me cry with laughter I wish I videoed it x

This morning I got a text from my mum saying 'HELP!' I was like why? She sent me a picture and I just couldn't stop laughing my cat had sat herself in front of my mums TV blocking the view hahah so I went in and was like what on earth are you doing she looked at me like ' I own this house' she had attacked my mum in the early hours by taping her paws on my mums face then scratching her just like she does to me heheh x

oh the joy of have a mad cat that can turn evil at any moment hahaha x

ahhh well I want to go out for a walk in the frost see you all, might even write another chapter for my fanfic hmmm let's see xx

bye bye have a great day x


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HAHAHAHA oh my god XD